19 Vist

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The hospital

(Tommy pov)

No one told me if Tubbo had or would make it out or not. I just sat next to him on his hospital bed. I held his hand. Wilbur was playing his guitar while Sally cried on his shoulder. Phil and Kristina where talking outside the room. Techno; I had never seen him so sad. He sat on a chair, his head in his hands. He kept crying, I could hear it. I had never seen him cry.
What pained me the most was that everyone other than me knew if Tubbo was okay.
I was the only one who didn't know.

I felt movement on the bed. I looked over at Tubbo. He gripped my hand tighter and turned his head to look at me. He had his eyes open. He smiled.
"Tubbo?" I asked, a huge smile on my face. Everyone in the room looked around.
"Hey Tommy..." Tubbo manged to say.
"TUBBO!" I sat on the bed. He sat up and we hugged.
"Ow!" Tubbo let go.
"Sorry! What hurts?" I asked.
"Everything." Tubbo laughed. I laughed with him.
Techno came and hugged him.
"I'm so sorry." Techno started to cry again. "I'm so sorry."
"Te- Techno, it's n- not your f- fault." Tubbo said.
"It is. I brought you guys to help. If you were at home you would be okay." Techno said.
Phil and Kristin came in the room.
"Mate! Your awake!" Phil walked over.
"Hi..." Tubbo smiled.
"Come on Techno, let go." Wilbur laughed.
"No!" Tubbo grabbed Techno's hand. Techno smiled at Tubbo.
"The doctor said you have to stay over night but can go home tomorrow." Kristin said.
"TUBBOOOOOO!" Sapnap, Dream and George ran in.
"Guys?" Tubbo smiled.
"Your okay! Thank God!" Drean smiled.
"I am so happy he made it." George added.
"What was your answer?" I asked. Everyone looked at me.
"Excuse me? What are you talking about?" George asked.
"When we looked around at you. I never saw your answer." I said.
"I shrugged then shock my head. I didn't think I could feel his pulse, but I was unsure. The doctors found it hard to find it, but I think they did eventually. But, and I hate to say it, he was slowly... slowly..."
"Leaving us?" I asked.
George nodded.
"I- I nearly didn't make it?" Tubbo asked.
"We would never let you leave us." Techno smiled.

The car home
Next day; 6am

(Tubbo pov)

We were on the home. My whole body still hurt. I felt a few tears build in my eyes.
"Tubbo? You okay?" Tommy asked.
"I'm fine." I said, tears still falling from my eyes.
"Okay, what's up?" He asked.
"I- I'm just remember- remembering when we f- first came ho- home with Phil." I smiled.
Tommy laughed. "Though I hated it then, I love the memory now."
I laughed a bit. I was still crying.
"Don't get all soppy with me." Tommy smiled.
I laughed. "I'm happy." I rested me head on Tommy's shoulder.
"Getting soppy." Tommy said.
"I don't care. Your my twin, you have to deal with me forever." I smiled at him.
"Great..." Tommy laughed.

"We're home." Phil said.
I got out the car. Every movement was pain.
"Need help?" Techno asked.
I nodded. Techno helped me.
When me and Tommy got into our room, I layed down on my bed.
"Good to be home?" Tommy asked.
"Great to be home." I said. I found my bees and put them all at the end of my bed.
"You have like 6 bees. What the hell." Tommy laughed.
"I have the pillow too." I got my bee pillow.
"Why do you like bees so much?"
"I'm not sure I-"
"TUBBO!" Ranboo ran in and hugged me.
"RANBOO! You came!" I hugged him back, ignoring the pain.
"Of course I came silly! When I heard my best friend was in hospital, I had to come check you where okay!" Ranboo smiled.
"If you two are done, dad said we could go to the cinema. I am not wasting a chance to eat way to much popcorn." Tommy said.
We laughed.
"Let's go then." I smiled.

Boop Boop Boop, they go to cinema.
You can pick what they watch ;)

Wilbur's room

I knew that the twins, Ranboo and Dad would be back soon. So I decided I was going to be nice! I cleaned most of the house. I say most, as Techno wouldn't let me his room and I got to lazy to clean mine.

"WE ARE HOME!" Phil yelled.

I ran downstairs and instantly hugged Dad.

Hi Wilbur." Phil smiled.
"Dad, I want to talk." I looked at him.
"To your room then. I'll be back soon." Phil told the others. We went to my room.

Me and dad sat on my bed.
"Dad? Was it easy?" I asked.
"What Wilbur?" Phil asked.
"Loving Kristin. You know, asking her to marry you."
"Wilbur where are you going with this?" Phil asked.
"I- I love Sally. I- I- I- don't know where Sally wants us to go and I- I-" I didn't know what to say. I just sat there.
"Dad I love her. I don't know if she wants to stay with me and we could legally get married. But I don't know if she would like that." I put my head in hands.
"Wilbur, why are you thinking about that?" Phil asked.
"I- I don't know. I- It j- just happens." I looked at dad.
"Can you try to not think about it?"
"I have. I just want us to be together and happy. I guess- I guess I fear losing her." I started to cry. Phil hugged me. I hugged him as tight as I could.
"Dad. She's probably gunna leave me." I said.
"Come on Will. She would never leave you again. Do you want me to invite her round?" Phil asked.
"I don't know." I sighed.


Have a great day/night!

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