Chapter Nine

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"I'll see you later," I say to Carter, giving him a kiss on his forehead. He simply nods and I take my bag, then leaving the house. I see Davina already waiting for me outside. I greet her and then we both get inside my car, heading towards school. "How was the concert?" she asks me and I turn to her, aiming an eyebrow at her. "What?" she asks. "The concert was like a week ago and you only think about asking me now," I tell her and she just shrugs. I slightly chuckle, before replying to her question. "It was nice," I say. "I'm glad you had fun," she says to me, an honest smile on her face.

"So, how was your date with the mystery guy?" I ask her. "Which mystery guy?" she asks, being taken off guard. "The mystery guy you've been seeing and who you ditched me at the concert for," I remind her. "Oh, well, it was nice," she replies, a small smile creeping onto her lips. "It was nice? That's the only thing I get?" I ask and she chuckles. "Come on, I want details! How did he behave? How did you behave? Is he hot? Does he has a perfect smile that makes you melt when you see it?" I continue to overwhelm her with questions, not leaving her the time to even reply to one. "Wow, chill, Alyssa," she says, half laughing. "Can I at least know his name?" I ask her, slightly pouting. She bites her lip, indicating that she's hesitating. "Let's just say that you'll know soon," she simply says and I roll my eyes at her. "Whatever," I mumble.

We arrive at school and I search a spot in the parking lot. I finally find one and when I'm parked, I get out of my car, Davina following me. "Are you mad?" she asks me. "Nope, not at all," I sigh, rolling my eyes again. I stop in the hall by my locker and open it. "Come on, Alyssa. If I could tell you, I would, but I just can't," she tells me, desperate to get me out of my pissed off mood. "Okay," I simply reply, not looking at her. I can hear her sigh, but I try to ignore it.

"Hey girls," Roy greets us, leaning against the locker next to mine. "Hi," I smile at him. He gives me a kiss on my cheek and I notice Davina looking away from us. "What's up with you two?" Roy asks, probably feeling the tension between Davina and I. "Nothing, I'm going," Davina says. "First period is almost starting." She turns her back and walks away from us. "Okay, so what's up?" he asks, completely turning his body towards me. "Well, she had a date with a mystery guy and she won't tell me who it is," I tell him and he raises his eyebrows up for a second. "What? Do you know who it is?" I ask him. "Uhm, no. She mostly tells you all the stuff," he mumbles, scratching the back of his head. "Right," I say, slightly narrowing my eyes at him. He's acting weird. It almost seems like he's... nervous. That means he's lying. I am practically sure he knows, but he just doesn't want to tell me. I get that he maybe isn't allowed to say something from Davina, but acting like he doesn't know and lying to me, that's something I can't stand.

"You know, if you're not allowed to say anything, just say so instead of lying," I say, before closing my locker. "You're not gonna be mad at me, are you?" he asks and I raise an eyebrow up at him. "Come on," he smirks. "You know you can't stay mad at me."

"Is that a challenge?" I ask, a small smirk playing onto my lips. "No, not really, because I'll win anyway," he says and I leave out a chuckle. "See? You're already laughing," he grins. "Idiot," I mumble, playfully whacking his upper arm. He pulls me against him, before kissing my lips. I kiss him back, our embrace becoming more intimate by the second. And then... the bell.

"Course," Roy mumbles against my lips and I chuckle. "I'll see you after classes," I say, getting out of our embrace. "Sure," he says, slightly smiling. I walk towards my math class and sit at my regular desk, way into the back. I really hate math and I really hate the teacher. Mrs. Richards is awful. She's been my math teacher since Freshman year and from the first day I've met her, I knew we wouldn't be the best friends...

Mrs. Richards comes into the class and everyone stops their little chats. "Good morning class. Please take your books at page 92," she asks us, her face turned to the blackboard. She's writing something down, but I can't really uncooked her handwriting right now. I bend down and look for my book into my bag, but unfortunately, I can't find it. Great. I just went to my locker, but I forgot my book from first period, way to go Alyssa. Now she's going to hate me even more.

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