Chapter One

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"Tristan!" I hear Grant, my boss, call for me. "Yeah?" I reply, rolling from under the car and getting up from the car creeper. "Oh, there you are," he says, coming towards me. "I thought you would be gone already."

"No, I still had to work on this car," I tell him. "Oh, you don't have to, I'll finish that," he tells me. "No need. Already finished it," I tell him. He gives me a small smile, before patting my shoulder. "Thanks son, go home and get some rest. "I'll close," he tells me and I just nod. I remove my gloves from my hands and go towards my motorcycle. I take it outside with me and then drive away.

When I arrive at the bottom of my apartment building, I park my motorcycle and take my keys out of my pocket. I open the door of the building and go upstairs to the fourth floor. I stop at door number 8D, putting my key in the lock and opening the door. I turn on the lights and am welcomed by the dark grey walls, messy living room and several pizza boxes on the kitchen counter of my small apartment. I put my keys on the kitchen table, before going to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the water and wait for it to get warmer. When it's finally the perfect temperature, I get underneath the shower head, letting the warm water run down my body. I take a washcloth, before putting soap on it and starting to scrub the oil stains off my face and arms. When I'm finished with that, I rinse my body one more time and then shut down the water. I move the shower curtain aside, getting out of the shower and taking a towel that was hanging on the rack. I dry myself off, before putting the towel around my waist. I leave the bathroom, going towards my bedroom door. I turn the doorknob, slowly opening the door. I turn on the light and go towards my wardrobe. I open the bottom drawer and get a black T-shirt out of it. I also take a pair of grey sweatpants and then get dressed, before looking at my reflection in the mirror.

There are dark circles of exhaustion under my blue, light shaded green eyes. My hair is dark brown, almost black because it is still a little wet. You could say that I am strongly built. After hours working with heavy stuff, I guess that's the result. I never really paid a lot of attention to my looks. I wouldn't say that I'm ugly though. I always notice the small giggles and smiles from girls, but those are just indifferent to me. I just never really cared and I guess I still don't. Sure, I dated a few girls, but I got tired of them quickly. They were all the same, nothing special or remarkable about them.

I look at the clock, noticing it's not even seven pm yet. I hear my stomach growl, so I leave my bedroom and go towards the kitchen. I open the fridge, taking some leftovers of yesterday's Chinese food. I warm it up, before sitting at the table and eating my dinner. When I'm done eating, I throw the box in the trash bin. I take a glass and fill it with water, before bringing it to my lips and drinking it. I go towards the couch and sit on it, before turning on the TV. I keep zapping through the channels, but nothing on the screen catches my interest. I sigh, before turning the TV off and getting up from the couch.

I look outside the window, noticing that it's starting to get dark outside. "Time for a ride," I mumble to myself. I take my shoes and jacket, before putting them on.

I take my keys from the kitchen table and then leave my apartment, going outside the building. I hop on my motorcycle and start the engine. I drive towards the lake and stop there. I get off my motorcycle and walk on the docks, sitting at the end of it, my feet almost touching the surface of the water. It is kind of cold, for the end of February, but it doesn't really bother me. I look in front of me and see the skyline of the city. Thousands of lights of the multiple skyscrapers and driving cars are shown, but I don't hear a single noise of the city life. It's silent here. It always is when I come here. People used to come here and swim when it was summertime, but now it's practically abandoned. That's why I like this place, because I feel connected to it. In some way, this place is just like me. Quiet and forgotten. I usually come here when I want to think, or rather not think at all. I always attempt to find some kind of peace here, although I know I'm never going to find it. Not here, not anywhere.

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