Chapter Eleven

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We've been walking around for at least ten minutes now, an unbearable silence between us. He hasn't been saying a single word since we left the hospital building and it's making me nuts. I wanna know. I wanna know if he's actually willing to answer my questions. When he first told me, I thought he was joking, because let's be honest; Tristan is not much of an open book. When I'm around him, my curiosity level is damn high and if I have to wait any longer, I think I'm going to explode.

"So," I start, deciding to break the silence myself. He turns his head towards me. "What?" he asks. Is he joking? Did he forget the conversation we just had like fifteen minutes ago?

"You said we were going to talk," I remind him, although I'm pretty our conversation did not slip from his memory. He seems deep in thought for a few seconds then lightly sighs.

"You are allowed to ask me three questions and I promise that I will answer them," he tells me. "You serious?" I ask him, raising both my eyebrows at him in surprise of his answer. I want to be sure that he's not playing with my mind. I want and I will get a serious answer this time. "I am," he simply replies. "You've got three questions, don't waste them. That's the only wise advice I can give you."

"Okay," I say, looking back in front of me. I need to rethink about my questions a few times, to be absolutely sure that I ask the right ones. The questions I've been dying to have an answer of. I don't know how much times has passed by and we've kept walking around in the streets near the hospital, but I've finally come up with my first question.

"So, let's begin," I say, rubbing my hands together in an evil kind of way. "Remind me again why I agreed to this?" he sighs and I roll my eyes at him. "Ha, ha, very funny," I sarcastically say. "Now, let's move on to the serious business. So, three questions..."

"And what if I don't answer?" he asks and I narrow my eyes at him. He's playing with my mind again and it's annoying as hell. "You will, because I'm not giving you a choice. Plus, you promised me," I say, putting my hands on my sides and keeping my head up. I want to show him that my determination today is a hundred percent.

"Right, why doesn't that surprise me..." he mumbles. I just ignore his remark and move on to my first question. "So, have you ever been attached to someone? Like, really attached? Someone like you can't be totally devoid of feelings, right?" I ask him. "You know Alyssa, you're gonna ask me other types of questions than the ones you're criticizing me in at the same time," he points out. He's trying to dodge the question. Again. But this time, I just let it pass. He'll have to answer on one of the questions eventually.

"I don't criticize you. Let me proof that in question number two," I smile and he rolls his eyes at me. "Have you always been like that or did they like plunge you in a bath of sarcasm and coldness at your birth?" I ask him and he looks at me with an 'are you serious' kind of look. I simply chuckle. "Yeah, they probably did," he replies, still with that same sarcasm. "You have one question left, try not to waste it like you did with the first ones."

I sigh, before thinking at something I really wanna know about him. I already met his friends, I know where he lives, where he works... What I don't know is why he quit school, but that's something I can find out later. But what I do wanna know is why he is living on his own, at the age of 19 and working for his own bread.

"Where are your parents actually? I mean, why are you living on your own so early? Did you really want to leave the house so soon?" I ask him, without thinking further about it. His eyes slightly widen, before he tightly clenches his jaw. "That's none of your business," he replies, his voice cold, in a colder tone than he has ever spoken to me.

"You said you'd answer me, honestly," I say, my voice calm. I know that I am pushing on his nerves, but seriously have you met me? I like getting to know stuff and I hate when people are hiding things and are acting mysterious. "That was my answer. It's none of your business," he repeats, before turning his back at me and walking away.

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