Chapter Two

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After watching two episodes, I close my laptop, putting it on the coffee table that is in front of me. I get up from the couch and go towards the kitchen, trying to find something in the fridge to eat. Unfortunately, there is nothing really appetizing or something that has not reached the expire date. I sigh and close the fridge, before getting out of the door. I knock on Connor and Harper's door and a minute later, I see the redhead opening the door.

"What's up?" she asks me. "Uhm, one; can I get my cornflakes back? Second; do you guys have anything to eat? I'm starving and I don't think that eating pizza from year 2010 is a good idea," I say to her and she chuckles. "Well, one; yes, you can get your cornflakes back. Second; no sorry. We have to run errands tomorrow. Why do you think that I stole your cornflakes," she tells me, rolling her eyes. "Then cornflakes it is," I say and she chuckles. "One second," she says, before going into her apartment. She's back within a minute and hands me my box of cornflakes. "Thanks," I say, before going back to my own apartment.

I lock the door behind me and sit down on the couch, my legs crossed on the coffee table and the cornflakes box into my hands. I start eating out of it — not bothering to put it in a bowl and add milk, or even use a spoon — while looking outside the window. The sky is slowly getting covered by light gray clouds and it's starting to drizzle outside. Soon, thin raindrops are sliding off the window glass, blurring my view from what's behind the window. I put the cornflakes box aside, removing my legs from the coffee table. I get off the couch and take my black boots, before putting them on. I take a gray hoodie and put it on, before leaving my apartment. I take the stairs instead of the lift to go downstairs, putting my earphones in and start listening to the music blasting through my ears. I walk out of the building, feeling the raindrops fall onto my head. I put the hood over my head, to cover me from the rain and continue my walk. I don't know why I like to walk when it's raining. I guess being around water makes me think clearly. 

The streets are not so crowded, this neighborhood is almost always quiet. Only at night of course, when tons of people hang on the streets, go to clubs and drown themselves into beer and liquor. It's sad how some people try to drink their problems away, it really is. But honestly, I kind of understand them. It's easy for someone, who's life is going perfectly fine, to say that drinking your problems away is not gonna solve anything. But for someone who is suffocating in pain, it is the quickest and easiest way to get rid of that pain, even though it is only for a split second. But then, it's them who choose to suffer from that pain. Pain is inevitable, you cannot outrun it, it will always find a way to come and try to affect you. Suffering on the other hand, is optional. If you let the pain affect you, if you choose to let it affect you, then you'll suffer. That's what I've been doing during all those years, I let the pain affect me, I let it make me suffer, but I needed to learn how to dominate the pain instead of letting the pain dominate me. That of course, was easier said than done. Because even though I try not to, sometimes I just give up and let myself be a victim to that pain. 

See? Water makes me think about way to complicated things. I turn up the volume of my music and start walking a little faster, as I notice that the rain is starting to get heavier. I enter a small diner at the corner of the street, to wait in until the rain decreases a bit. I sit down at one of the tables, near the window, away from where most of the customers are sitting and enjoying their meal. I keep staring outside, watching the raindrops fall and looking at the sky who's turning darker. I hear someone walking towards me and turn my head from the window, now facing a waitress who's smiling at me. She has long, dark brown, straight hair and her lips are colored in a bright shade of red. "Hello, can I help you with something?" she asks me, her smile still on her face. "Uhm, yeah, can I get a black coffee?" I ask her and she nods, writing it down on a notepad. "Is there anything else that I can get you?" she asks  me. "Maybe something to eat with that?" She's being a little too nice, in my opinion. "No, that will be it," I say. "All right, coming right away," she smiles at me. I just give her a small, polite smile, before looking back out of the window. I can see her glaring at me from the corner of my eye, but then she walks away. She sways her hips, while walking towards the kitchen and I slightly laugh interiorly. Some girls are so desperate. After a few minutes, I see her come back with my coffee into her hands. "Here you go," she says, bending over and putting the cup of coffee in front of me. She's wearing a bare-necked shirt, which makes her black bra visible when she's bending over. She's really trying too hard for nothing. "Thanks," I mumble to Brittany, who I know is called like that because of her name tag. "Call me if you need anything," she smiles, winking at me. "Sure," I mumble, before looking out of the window again. I bring the coffee up to my lips and take small sips, not wanting to burn my tongue to the coffee. After my cup is finished, I put it on the table. I leave some to pay and then get up, before going towards the exit. I see Brittany glaring at me, but I ignore it and walk out. The rain has finally stopped, but it's now dark outside. I put my earphones back in and listen to the music while walking back at my apartment. The streets are filled with puddles, caused by the rain falling into the dents of the streets. I'm tempted to walk into one, but soon realizes that's really stupid. I finally arrive at the building and quickly go inside. I take the lift this time and soon, I am into the messy living room of my apartment. 

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