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The meeting room shined bright from the panels above us. There was one wall of floor to ceiling windows so the natural light could also come in. There was a gorgeous view of the ocean, the sun shined on it causing beautiful sparkles that glistened when the waves moved. That was the only relaxing and peaceful thing about being here. All of us were arguing and couldn't see eye-to-eye on anyone's idea for a plan. Tension was high, and you could cut through it with a knife, anyone would notice it if they walked in here. You could see the stress on everyone's face, we were all getting irritable to the point where none of us could sit still for very long.

"We can't just go after this guy, he's stronger than Atlas for all we know!" Loki motioned his hand towards Atlas and shook his head. The tone in his voice implied like it was one of the dumbest ideas someone could have had. He ran his hand through his hair before crossing his arms over his chest.

"What other option do we have Loki? We have no other options," Clint clapped back standing up out of his chair.

"What if Lena, myself, and Emma go undercover and Atlas can do a cloaking spell. Nobody of magic would be able to see us." Harlow spoke up. She was on the same page as Clint. She did have a valid point, Atlas wouldn't even be able to detect anyone if they were under a cloaking spell. Usually we were all on the same page with one another but none of us knew the best way to get to Henry without being killed in seconds.

"No, you don't know that for sure," James spoke up from the corner of the room. He had been silent for almost the entire meeting. He lifted his head and shifted against the wall. He was already dressed in his black uniform.

Clint looked at him almost like he was surprised, "Oh, I'm sorry...I forgot that you were even here." He scoffed. "You don't get an opinion if you hardly show up for any other missions because you're scared to turn into a psycho." His words were like venom and he stared right in James's eyes as he said them.

"I could crush your spine before you had a chance to pull out one of your sticks," James walked up to him, his face only inches from his. He tilted his head slightly and rolled his shoulders back. One more word out of Clint and we would absolutely have a fight on our hands.

"James," I warned while I walked up behind him. I ran one hand up his back while pulling his arm back with my other hand. His back and shoulder muscles tightened against my touch. I didn't want to get in the middle, because even touching him when he is defensive like this is like touching cracked glass. I shot a hurtful look at Harlow, what Clint said isn't acceptable to me.

"That's enough," Loki intervened with a short sentence. He moved to the front of the room where he could see everyone easily. "We're doing the cloaking spell and that's final." He glanced at everyone before walking out. I wasn't even sure if Lena was okay with it, but it was the better option in my opinion. I watched as Lena walked after him, she seemed content with the decision that was made. However, anything that Loki decides is what happens no matter what anyone is feeling.

We are the only ones who will be able to pinpoint where he is and if we need to I think we could temporarily hold him off. We might not have the best outcome with it, but we need to find him before something bad happens. I can't shake the feeling that something is coming again, each day that goes by the more uneasy I feel. It's like someone is constantly watching your every move, and when you turn to look for them there isn't anyone around. My stomach is in knots and it's difficult for me to even eat.

Harlow walked up to me, when she opened her mouth to speak James pulled his arm away from me and walked out of the room, giving Harlow a glare. He didn't want to hear an apology from her, and I understand where he is coming from to a certain extent. She raised her hand to try and stop him but I grabbed her wrist before she could reach him. That wouldn't have made matters any better.

She turned to face me and shrugged her shoulders, "I am so sorry, I don't know why he would have said something like that.." She trailed off. I knew that part of her agreed with what Clint said and she was trying to make amends. "It was uncalled for."

I gave her a small smile, faking it in hopes that she would drop the subject. "It's okay, everyone was on edge." I nodded and walked out of the room, and stood next to James. He was just looking out at the ocean, silent. Trying to let off steam from what had happened, but I could easily tell it was really getting under his skin.

"Don't even say anything," He hissed at me. I definitely complied because I don't want to deal with his wrath, it's better to have him deal with this alone. I laced our fingers together and rested my head on his shoulder, I stay silent while watching the waves crash against the beach. He was stiff, I could feel his pulse in his wrist as he held his hand in a fist. I looked at the side of his face, his long eyelashes curled perfectly and his eyebrows sit heavily on his face. I could tell he was in thought, probably talking himself out of just leaving the headquarters.

"I can do it," I said softly. He didn't even move his eyes to acknowledge what I said. He didn't move a single muscle and he took a deep breath and paused before speaking. More than likely running his sentence through his head before actually saying it aloud.

"Do whatever you want," He started, he sounded sarcastic and pissed off. But quickly relaxed his shoulders before continuing, "I'll be there to back you up...Clint needs to stay out of my way."

At this time, I stood in front of him and put his face in between both of my hands. His eyes shifted down slowly, peering into me. I stroked my thumbs across his cheeks and pulled his face to me, kissing him. I pulled away, but still remained close to his face. "Leave it alone.." I whispered.

His eyes narrowed at me before he stood straight up, he was taken aback by what I said. "Leave it alone?" He repeated. He moved away from me and buried his hands deep into his pockets before nodding repeatedly. "Why don't you just leave me alone for a while, yeah?" He remarked. He turned his back to me and walked towards the doorway where the stairs are. That was obviously something I shouldn't have said, but he holds things too close to his heart. Granted, Clint had no reason to say what he did. But right now we need to focus on what we are supposed to be doing. That would be; working together as a TEAM and not at each other's throats. It will only make matters worse.

I sighed while watching him walk away, it wasn't worth me even trying to have him stay. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed Lena's number. While the phone was to my ear, I contemplated if this was something I should actually go through with or not. I didn't want James to be more upset with me than he already is, but logically it is the right choice.

"Hello?" She answered, I could hear the kids in the background playing Mario Kart.

"Tomorrow..." I began. I watched James disappear from the hallway and go down the stairs. "We do the cloaking spell tomorrow." I finished.

There was no other option, the only way to get the information we need is by using magic. Whether anyone believes it or not, it is the only solution we have a shot at. It is risky because we are going into this completely blind, but it's a risk that I am willing to take. I'm also willing to take the risk with the girls, or without them. But I know I can count on them to do this with me.

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