I swirled a spoon around in my cup before tapping the excess coffee off and laying it on the table. I watched as Harlow and Lena walked in together, giggling to themselves.

"Good afternoon," I smiled faintly at them. "You guys look fantastic."

Harlow twirled in her baby blue dress, the back dipped very low and and had pearls laying comfortably against her shoulders and down her spine. Lena looked a little more serious with her white gown. Golden accents cascaded from one shoulder, over her chest and settling on the other shoulder. I assumed that she had been here a time or two, and seemingly dressed the part of being Loki's wife. She looked rather intimidating, but extremely radiant at the same time. I watched them sit down across from me and pour themselves some coffee.

"Did you sleep okay?" Harlow asked. She sounded nervous, probably still uncomfortable with what happened last night.

"I slept alright..Loki was very kind to me," I smiled at Lena, she blushed and smiled to herself. I pulled the glass dagger out from a thigh holster and set it on the table for her to look at, she sighed with relief when her eyes fell on it.

"I need your help with that Lena..." I watched the sun hit it, causing a rainbow shadow to be casted on the table.

"Hey Em?" Harlow shifted and took a bite of food before continuing, "I don't want to alarm you. But James had a nightmare last night-"

"Why did nobody tell me or come get me?" I interrupted.

"Lena took care of him," She argued. "I just wanted you to know if he seems extra on edge today, it's because he is."

I shot Lena a disapproved look and crossed my arms. I don't care that they are angry at him for embarrassing me, but they should have come and got me. I'm thankful that she helped, but it should have been me. The whole cause for his outburst was lack of trust and I need to gain some of that back.

"Look who I found," Clint's voice bellowed from the doorway. A tiny face with brunette hair smiled widely at Harlow.

"Mommy!!" Oakley practically screamed, she wiggled out of his grasp and ran towards her. Clint and Sawyer followed hand in hand.

"Mommy looks absolutely stunning," Clint added examining his wife, Harlow blushed and smiled at him.

Harlow scooped Oakley up and hugged her tightly kissing her cheek, I was relieved they were okay. I was worried about being teleported here and them being back home without us. More feet trotted in, Wren and Beckett were also dressed formally and swarmed Lena.

"I'm so happy to see you!" She beamed at the sight of their faces. They gladly took a seat next to her and didn't think twice about digging into the feast that was in front of us.

I watched the doorway in anticipation, waiting to see Paisley and Jackson. My heart was beating irrationally quick and I felt like my palms were sweating. My heart sank slightly at the sight of Atlas and Nat, they were exceptionally happy and I was happy to see her face again. Celia was squealing at them, laughing as they each had a hand and were picking her up to swing her out in front of them. Atlas was holding Lincoln in his other arm, his son had his head nestled in the crook of his neck, and he looked so cute.

"Hey guys," Nat greeted, she raised an eyebrow looking at our dresses. "I didn't know I was underdressed." She picked up a grape and plopped it in her mouth.

"Have you guys seen-" I spoke quietly, I didn't want to be rude about ignoring everyone else's reunions.

"Jackson and Paisley," James emerged from the hall. Jackson holding his hand and Paisley had her arms securely around his neck. "Always late to the party." He half smiled at me.

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