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I groaned while cracking my back, I just wanted to try and be comfortable. Sleeping in a stone cellar is not for everyone. My wrist was starting to become sore and irritated from the metal constantly rubbing against it, I looked to the door as I heard footsteps approaching. 

"Hey Em," Atlas whispered. It was the middle of the night and he flicked a light on in the hallway so he could see me. I rubbed my eyes to get them to focus, I saw James standing closely behind and he was silent. Once they unlocked the door I shifted uncomfortably and backed as far into the corner as I could before starting to instantly cry. This was the worst part about being locked down here, they were trying to help me but I couldn't see how they thought this was logical. 

"Please don't," My breathing picked up watching James come over to me. His eyes were tired, he looked at me with guilt before taking my wrists in his hands and pulling me towards him. 

"James please don't! I'm begging you, please!" I tried to fight him, but I was so weak that I don't think I was actually moving, but it still felt like the breath was knocked out of me and I couldn't catch my breath. He spun us so that way he was sitting behind me, his arms wrapped securely around me holding me tight. 

I cried looking at Atlas, "Please don't..." He gave me a weak smile before placing his hands on each side of my head, it felt like he was crushing my skull with pick axes. I screamed out in agony, he was searching my head to see if there was any other altered memories. Trying to make sure nothing would trigger my powers out again. 

My head felt like a microwave and they were burning my brain. I couldn't stop screaming, the pain was so awful that I couldn't see straight when he was done. He removed his hands from me and I was slumped in James' arms. I couldn't move, I felt like I was dying between being in pain and being so weak I couldn't move. James continued to hold me for a few minutes after Atlas left, I was gasping for air. 

"Let me go..." I somehow managed to muster out, I could hardly keep my eyes open and I was scared of what I would see if I did. I was trying to lift my head off his shoulder, but the muscles in my neck weren't listening to me. 

"I can't let you go," He spoke while relaxing his arms. His blue eyes were saddened at the sight of me, I could tell he still didn't know whether he was doing the right thing by keeping me in here. 

"But I can," Lena emerged from the hallway as she shot a dart out of a gun towards James, it hit him in his shoulder. He looked shocked at her before blinking a couple times, I could hear him grunt before his body leaned to the left and he was laying down. 

Lena jogged over to me, her hair was half up in a ponytail but she still had pieces framing her face. She wore black leggings and chunky boots, the turtle neck she had on was slightly covered in a chest holster and it also covered her nose and mouth. Her eyes were glowing and she truly looked like a badass. 

"Lena?" I moaned out tiredly, I was starting to fall asleep and it took everything in me to stay awake. 

She pulled the fabric down off of her mouth and nose, she smiled and gave me a wink before wrapping her arms around me. She lifted me up to my feet, I was so dizzy that I almost fell over but to my surprise there was someone else holding me up. I turned my head, trying to get a clear focus on who it was. She was also dressed in black, her long sleeve shirt had belts around her waist and her chest holster crossed over her collarbone. She put her gun back in the thigh holster while giving me a weak smile. 

"Didn't think I would help her save your ass?" She questioned while helping Lena carry me out. I was stumbling over my feet, especially trying to get up the stairs. I felt like I could throw up from moving around so much, the air was crisp and it was stinging my lungs the more I breathed it in. 

Walking through the house I could see bodies laying down everywhere, all of them had darts in a part of their body except Clint was by the front door. Glass surrounded him and crackled under her feet as Harlow stepped over him before pulling me along with her, I was starting to panic when my eyes met hers. I was worried that I had done something again, did I kill my friends?  She started to shush me and caressed my cheeks gently.

"They're just sleeping..they aren't dead," She glanced down at Clint before biting her lip, "He just couldn't have gone the easy way out. He's a stubborn asshole." 

Once we were outside I noticed Loki standing next to the car, his hands shoved into his pockets with his head tilted watching us come out. When we grew closer he held me up while Lena and Harlow got the car ready. I looked up at him, he looked like he had four eyes but nonetheless I was giving him my attention. I was incredibly thankful that he was helping me get out of there, I wasn't sure where they were going to take me but at this point anywhere is better than here. 

"Don't look at me like that," He spoke softly, he tilted his head down towards me so he could get a better look at my face, "My ego is too big for you to see the soft side of me now." 

"I like your soft side," Lena spoke opening the back door, Loki carefully set me in the seat and covered me with a blanket. He gave Lena a hopeful smile before kissing her cheek. He closed the door and winked at me before turning his heels and walking back to the house. 

Once the car started moving I couldn't fight sleep any longer, I rested my head on the seat behind me and quickly drifted off to sleep. Wondering where Lena and Harlow could be taking me, I was hoping that they would take me home and I wanted that more than anything right now. 

I opened my eyes and looked around, I was back in the cellar and James was sitting behind me. My head was pulsing, I felt like I was hungover but I wasn't going to complain too much. This was the least painful session that I have ever had, maybe that meant it was working. I relaxed into James as he shifted behind me, his arm across my chest holding me tight. After a minute I noticed that he was squeezing me tighter and tighter. It was starting to get uncomfortable, when I looked up at him he was already looking down at me. I was pulling at his arm to try and get it off of me, but instead his left hand grabbed my neck and laid me down on my back and his fingers were digging into my neck. 

"I could kill you," He growled at me.

I jumped awake, breathing heavily. I was drenched in sweat and for a minute I couldn't remember how the hell I got in the car. 

"Emma?" Harlow turned her attention to me, she took my hand reassuringly. "It was a nightmare." 

"Where are we going?" I asked her, I furrowed my brows and shielded my eyes from the sun that was starting to rise. I smelled something that made my stomach cramp, Harlow handed me a donut and a bottle of water. I could cry of happiness right now, in fact I did start to cry.

I couldn't believe that these two women came into my life, I had never been more grateful for anything. They saved me from having my brain turned into mush, they tranquilized everyone in that entire house, just to save me. They were like assassins and they looked the part for sure, absolute stunning angels that were gifted to be in my life. 

"We're going home," Lena smiled at me through the mirror. I exhaled in relief, I couldn't believe she just said those words to me. "We're doing this our way." 

She shared a look with Harlow who squeezed my hand while I started to cry. I couldn't have been more happy, I was going home to see my babies..I missed them so much. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared to see what was going to happen once everyone woke up, but if there's one thing that I knew it was that Harlow and Lena wouldn't let them take me again. I felt safe with them, and I knew that they would kick anyone's ass that came in their way to try and stop them.

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