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"Hey guys..." Harlow dragged as she entered the room smiling.

"No." I shrugged my shoulders at her, I didn't even want to know what she wanted to trick us into doing. Her eyes were sparkling and her body language exposed her trying to act nonchalant.

She scuffed and rolled her eyes, "You don't even know what I was going to say!"

"You don't have to say anything," Lena giggled as she looked up from her book.

"Well you guys don't have a choice," Harlow crossed her arms and shifted her weight on her right leg, popping her hip out, "We gotta go help them on their mission."

"Again?" Lena raised her eyebrow, suspicious that us joining missions is becoming a regular thing again.

Harlow sighed dramatically, "Yeah well obviously we are much better than they are...so pack up we need to leave soon. We are crashing a party," She smiled and picked up her phone, I am assuming to call Jenna so she can come watch the kids.

Lena wiggled her eyebrows at me as we both stood up to get dressed. I clipped my holster under my silk tank top and tucked my dagger inside a leather jacket before throwing it on. I fluffed my hair a little and tossed a silver chain that connected close to my neck and then sat comfortably on the center of my chest.

Walking out of the spare room I noticed Lena dressed already and she was putting ammo in guns. Her thigh holster secured over her jeans with knife handles poking out, she had no shame in hiding it. She looked incredible with a fishnet top and a black tube top. She tucked a small gun in the back of her pants and placed crystal rings on each of her fingers. I gave her a wink of approval before taking one of the other guns and tucking it in the back of my pants.

"Alright, Jenna will be here any minute, are you guys ready?" Harlow asked fastening her black belt around her waist.

I did a double take at her and raised an eye brow, "Does your shirt cut down far enough?"

"Clint is there," She twirled and smiled at us, "Dress to impress, duh."

"You're married to him...you don't have to impress him," Lena waltzed to a key rack and picked up her keys.

"You guys are just haters," She shrugged her shoulders and waved her hand as if to shoo us away. "I see we all decided to wear leather.."

"Come on Har," I smiled and tossed her a gun which she gladly set in her holster that was snug against her side. "You look great."

She smiled cheekily at me and popped a piece of gum in her mouth before walking out of the door towards Lena's car. "Hey, can I drive?"

"NO!" Me and Lena both yelled in unison. Harlow wasn't the best at driving to begin with, and the fact that she really thought Lena would allow her to drive her baby?! She is out of her mind. I don't even think she lets Loki drive it.

She threw her hands up defensively and bit her lip, "Christ, no need to attack me." She noticed Jenna walking through the door and she placed her hand on her shoulder, "Do not let Oakley shoot her bow..it needs to be adjusted but we just haven't done it yet."

"You got it Mrs. Barton," Jenna smiled and waved at us all as we exited the house. I sat in the back seat of the car as always, once Lena and Harlow got in we took off out of the driveway.

"What is this mission anyways?" I asked resting against the front seats, I crossed my arms.

"All I know is that there is someone powerful called the Power Broker and word has it that Sheamus and Grimm know who that person is...they could turn up tonight."

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