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I was almost like watching an action movie in slow motion. My head felt like it was spinning as I struggled to get to my feet faster, I sat up but leaned against the rubble as I tried to catch my breath. Everyone was trying to fight James as he walked closer to where I was sitting, Harlow jumped on his shoulders and elbowed him right on the top of his head, he slammed her down on a table. The legs broke from impact and splinters flew everywhere.

"You could at least remember me," She groaned, picking some of the broken pieces off of her.

He turned his attention back to me, he looked empty inside. It broke my heart to see him this way all over again. He strutted into the room, cold eyes focused on me. I slowly stood to my feet and stumbled feeling unbalanced. I huffed and winced at the feeling of a sharp pain at the base of my neck and my lower back. I didn't want to fight him, but he would kill me if I stood there and did nothing. I pulled my knife out and lazily swung it at him, he blocked it effortlessly and knocked it from my hand.

"I don't want to hurt you," I spoke, I squared up to him looking in his eyes, "Please come back to me..."

His jaw clenched as his shoulders stiffened even more at my words, "You can't hurt me..you're my mission."

I shrieked at the sight of him dodging towards me, I braced myself for impact but heard a loud thud as I peeled my eyes open. Clint had tackled him, punching him and he pushed a button on his glove and I could hear a tazer zap against James' chest. He groaned through gritted teeth, only getting more pissed off.

"Come on dude," Clint said as he kept zapping him, "That's your wife."

James yelled out and elbowed Clint in the face which made him fall to the side. James stood up and bent over, grabbing Clint by his neck and hoisting him up in the air, "She's nothing to me...and neither are you."  He slammed Clint into the floor not once, but twice.

Clint stayed silent for a moment after James let go of him. I watched him inhale sharply, blood started to come out of his ear canal and run down the side of his jaw. I ran to his aid, I felt horrible that this was happening, guilt swimming through my veins. I watched James lift his leg, it seemed like he was going to kick Clint in the center of his face.

Before he could get much farther, Loki threw a dagger at James and I watched it make contact into his leg. James yelled out stumbling onto his knees and gabbed hold of it to pull it out, Lena ran up on the other side of James and roundhouse kicked him in the side of his face. He growled at her and moved away from Clint to focus on fighting Lena.

"Are you okay?" I held Clint's hand and helped him sit up briefly. He was breathing heavily and nodded while he propped himself against me.

"If it weren't for you.." He breathed and shifted against me hoisting himself up off the floor, "I would end him."

"Well I appreciate the generosity," I rolled my eyes and patted the rubble off the back of him.

"A little help would be nice!" Loki grunted, we jogged in. Clint stayed in a corner and threw an arrow head at James, it stuck to his arm and electrocuted it. He yelled out in frustration, Loki held the knife close to his neck.

"Loki!" I warned loudly, his eyes looked over at me in annoyance before pulling the blade back. I followed Clint towards them, Harlow had also made her way over.

"Please...James," I sighed heavily watching him get more angry. Clint kept shocking him, it was holding him off temporarily.

When I said his name, it was like a bomb went off. He hesitated for a minute, and then kicked my legs out from under me. He grabbed a piece of shrapnel and threw it at Clint, it hit him just below his ribs making him drop to the floor. Harlow ran up on him and he grabbed her wrist blocking her swing, shoving her away from him about ten feet. Loki threw a dagger at him but James caught it before it could penetrate, throwing it back at him and making contact into his collarbone. 

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