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It's been a while, the leaves have all fallen off the trees. I grasp the mug of warm cider in my palms, admiring the view of my kids playing in the leaf piles. A hand squeezes my shoulder, I look up to see Atlas and he gives me a kind smile. He did exactly what I asked, he took my memory away for what happened with James. I haven't had any unexpected outbursts, and I have been keeping my powers under control very easily. I finally feel like I am getting back to a normal place. I noticed Oakley heading towards the barn on the far end of the property.

"Miss Oakley I know you aren't going to dig that bow out right now," Harlow's voiced bellowed across the valley causing the little girl to turn and walk back to the leaves with the other kids.

"I swear that child is obsessed with that thing," She handed me a cider donut and sat next to me.

The autumn breeze was crisp, the trees shuffled into each other while leaves blissfully drifted onto the ground. I pulled my cardigan over my chest and tucked it under my arms listening to nature sing to me.

"How have you been doing?" She asked leaning back in her chair.

I took a deep breath. "I'm okay..." I trailed, pausing before continuing. "I still see him from time to time. It's like he's there for a second and then vanishes, it's the same every time. I've been looking into my ancestors too, finding some good stuff but nothing that explains the lightning yet."

She nodded her head taking in everything I was saying, "I'm glad you're doing okay." She concluded. I think she was wanting to say something else but then changed her mind.

"Where you want these babe?" Clint emerged from the side of the house carrying hay bails that Harlow is going to use for decorations. Harlow excitedly pointed to the sliding glass door, the wind blew his flannel open as he tossed them against the house. Harlow gave me a look like she was about to fall over from swooning so hard. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, shaking my head slightly.

"You are a good looking man if I ever did see one," She continued, letting her eyes trail him from head to toe multiple times. He gave her a wink and a big smiled, he loved that she fed him compliments all day long.

"We just got here and she's already complimenting him," Loki spoke as he set Beckett down. He straightened his sweater out before nudging him to play with the others.

Harlow scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Do you seriously not know how to dress casually?"

Loki gave her a sly smile, he was dressed in nice denim jeans with a pair of white sneakers. He did have a plaid button down on with a grey sweater over top. I would say it is his best attempt at causal, because I don't think I have ever seen Loki wear sneakers in my life. His brown curls were tussled and flowed in the breeze freely, usually he gels them down.

"His hair isn't frozen, he is casual." Clint said handing Lena a glass of wine, she happily accepted and giggled at his comment.

"How I managed to leave a kingdom to be with you people I don't know." Loki retorted while pinching the bridge of his nose.

A giggled escaped my lips as I took another sip of the hot cider. I tapped my nails against the mug, watching Jackson and Paisley hang from their dads arm. Wren and Celia pull on their legs, trying to get James to fall over. I looked up at the clouds watching them move across the sky, I sighed heavily feeling the static in the air. I wanted everything to make sense, how I suddenly have managed the ability to control lightening and electricity and where it came from.

"You look like you're lost," Loki continued as he sat next to me.

I stiffened and cleared my throat, "I-I don't know what you mean."

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