I sat in silence. Watching Lena teach Jackson, Paisley and Lincoln turn energy into light. They had candles, lightbulbs, and flashlights laid out in front of them on the floor. It didn't matter which one they could make glow, as long as they could make the light shine on one of those they had completed the task. I bit the inside of my lip anxious that Jackson would get frustrated and give up, especially when he has magic lessons with Lincoln. I don't want him to feel inferior because he can't be as fast as Lincoln or catch on quickly like Paisley can.

"You're doing it again," Atlas leans over my shoulder and pulls me in for a side hug. "He's doing just fine Emma."

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair before crossing my arms over my chest. "I just don't want him to give up. I know he is getting stronger but I don't think he knows how to handle it all."

He nodded in agreement, "I think you're right..but between Lena teaching him how to control his magic and Nat giving him one-on-one fighting he will be fine. You should see Celia and Jackson do fighting exercises, they're going to be some badass kids I can tell you that now." He smiled, so proud that his daughter was the perfect mix of him and Natasha.

I pulled my sweater over my hands and put a big 'mom smile' on when Jackson and Paisley came running over to me. They hugged my legs tightly and looked up at me with the brightest blue eyes. Lincoln ran to Atlas, but once he noticed Nat was standing to the side, he completely dodged Atlas and ran to Natasha. Atlas had the look of defeat on his face and nodded his head accepting what had just happened. I laughed while Nat just smiled at him and shrugged her shoulders.

"Mommy I can make light!" Paisley exclaimed as she jumped up and down with excitement in her eyes.

"Me too, me too!" Jackson yelled over top of his sister. Always a competition between these two.

Smiles and hugs soon fell once Loki entered the room with a very heartbroken Beckett in his arms. Lena's eyes saddened, we all knew what he was about to say. Sunday was over, and we had to go back to real life. She walked over to Beckett and rubbed his back to try and ease his cries.

"We have to go guys," Loki spoke as his eyes shifted from all of us in the room. "I called Clint and he will meet us there. Atlas...we need you." He pulled Lena into him and kissed the top of her head. "Can you find Wren so I can say goodbye?" Lena sighed slightly and walked upstairs to gather Wren and bring her down.

I made my way over to Loki, "Loki, please keep an eye on him. Something isn't right," I pleaded. He gave me a slight smile and nodded his head. I sighed slightly in relief..I knew that if something happened I can trust Loki to let me know immediately.

"Oh shit I get to kick some ass, too!" Atlas nodded with a smile plastered on his face.

Nat rolled her eyes and laughed as she knelt down to hug Lincoln and Celia, "You guys watch each other okay?" She looked at them both and held out her pinky so they could promise. They giggled and nodded their heads before promising her.

Nat stood up and gave Atlas a gentle kiss, "You only get to kick some ass if I need you to." He smiled and pulled her into his chest giving her another kiss.

Now that Beckett had finally settled down, Loki pulled Lena in and rested his forehead on hers. He rubbed her arms and shoulders while he kissed her forehead. "I love you, always." He whispered against her skin. I couldn't hear him, but he says that anytime they leave. A promise to her that she will always be his no matter what life they live, and that he will love her until the end of time. She looked up at him with a tear in her eye, she hated goodbyes the most. She always worries that it will be the last time she sees him, though that is a highly unlikely situation.

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