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God my head was killing me. I was hot but also felt like I was shivering and my arms were wet. I peeled my eyes opened and squinted at the light, I looked around me and saw nothing but concrete. It smelled like mildew and dirt, the air was humid. I heard a loud scraping sound when I moved my hand to shield the light from my eyes, I noticed a thick brace latched around my wrist and followed it to my left. The scraping sound was the chain links being dragged across the floor. I pulled at the chain thinking that this was just a dream. The chain didn't move out of the wall and started to panic. What in the hell is going on here? My breathing picked up and I looked for a window or small opening, there was nothing. I widened my hand and concentrated as hard as I could, nothing was happening.  

"James?" I whimpered, my heart was racing as I tried to pull my hand out of the shackle. I heard the door latch open and my tightly closed my eyes while I got adjusted to the light. Atlas appeared before pushing the door wide open, revealing everyone on the other side. I could see there was a barrier that was surrounding the door way, it looked like a holding spell. 

"Atlas? What is going on? Why am I in here?" 

I could see him try and search for words, he licked his lips and sighed. I couldn't understand what was so hard on answering a simple question. I felt small compared to everyone else, they were putting me in here like I was some sort of monster that needed to be locked in a cage. 

"You tried to kill me," I heard James speak up from behind them. His arms were crossed over his chest, he spoke lowly while making his way between Lena and Harlow. He knelt in front of me and was unsure whether to take my hand or not, but he did. His touch relaxed me but I was still scared shitless right now. I would have never tried to kill him, that was completely absurd. 

I shook my head disagreement and almost wanted to laugh at them. The humor in my face quickly dissipated once he met my eyes. I furrowed my brows in confusion, I tore my gaze away from him and looked back up at Atlas. He nodded his head slightly, proving to me that what James said was true. 

"They got into Harlow," He continued, "They unleashed what was behind her door but someone altered your perception of the memory. We think it was Sheamus, but you saw me trying to get their daughter Riley...it wasn't me. I tried to explain that to you yesterday but you had other plans." As his sentence trailed off, he placed my wedding ring back on my finger that I didn't even notice wasn't on to begin with. 

"Apparently you're also a lot stronger than any of us knew about either," Clint added to the end of James' sentence. "That's why you're in here. None of us wanted to get in the middle of that, and personally I think he halfway deserved it since he was connected to the people who did try to take her away." 

My head started spinning, none of this was making the slightest sense to me. In the same token, my feelings were crushed at the fact that nobody knew what to do with me besides throw me into a cellar where I couldn't use magic. I felt like a science experiment gone wrong and they were testing the waters with me. I slumped back against the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest, I exhaled while trying to gather my thoughts together. Stronger how? Atlas knelt down and hovered his hands over mine, I could feel power radiating off of me, and that was probably the most intimidating feeling I have ever had. He touched the center of my palm, and flicked his finger up. Showing me snapshots of what happened yesterday, I rubbed my eyes before doing a double-take. I had lightning, vines, rocks, and metal in different pictures and I was using them all. 

I clapped my hands together and looked at my fingers, my hands were shaking from how scared I was. I lost control yesterday, and apparently I can use everyone's abilities at once which was news to me because I have tried endless times while I was alone to do an ounce of magic as good as Lena and I never succeeded. I haven't even thought about trying anything that Atlas could do because I assumed there was no use in even attempting that. I sniffled, being flooded with so many emotions I couldn't handle it all coming at once. I broke down sobbing, I felt scared more than anything and I wanted to get out of here. I wanted a normal life, without magic and most of all without Grimm or Sheamus or anyone that was trying to destroy my life. 

As I am thinking about all the trauma that has happened recently, I wave of realization flows through me. They had been watching us for months now...my random sightings of the Winter Solider, it was them. The nightmares I would have with the Winter Solider, it was them. This is what they wanted from me...and they kept pushing the limits a little harder each time. It was like they were throwing darts blindly to see how I would react, and now they know what I'm capable of. They have been trying to get to James this whole time, its been their goal since day one and they were using me to carry out their plan. 

"I want to go home," I cried out. At this point Harlow and Lena both had to walk away, I think they didn't want to see me like this. You could hear the chain rattling from my body trembling, I wanted to see my kids and forget this whole work trip ever existed. What I wouldn't give to see Paisley and Jackson, their innocent faces smiling up at me and hugging me tight. I was a superhero to them, and right now I felt like I was the villain in the story. "Please let me out." 

James looked at me with sadness in his eyes, "We can't do that yet, we need to make sure whoever is in your head isn't there anymore." He kissed my forehead before standing up along with Atlas. 

My heart sank, they were going to leave me here. They walked out of the door and I watched as Clint latched it shut, he left the top half of the door open, so I could get some light inside and see everyone versus sitting in darkness.  "Please don't leave me!" I begged trying to follow them, my voice screeched as I yelled. The chain that was attached to me caused me to stumble backwards, I had walked too far.

"Clint...please," My tear filled eyes looked at Clint, pleading for him to let me go. He finished fastening the last lock before he backed away from the door and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry Em..I can't." He sighed, giving me an apologetic look. "You're too dangerous right now."

Those words echoed in my mind, you're too dangerous. Clint was always the one who gave out the harsh truths to people, but I never thought he would be saying that to me. They were scared I was going to hurt someone, I watched him walk away and I screamed, begging for someone to let me out. I didn't want to be alone, I was scared of my own thoughts at this point. I sat in the corner of the room and crossed my arms over my knees while I sobbed. I have never been more vulnerable, hurt, and used. I wish Atlas would have taken all my abilities away, then I wouldn't be a threat anymore. 

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