Chap.1 》Just a start.

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*Ellie's POV*

Every morning I hear the alarm go off it makes me want to either brake the clock or throw myself out of a cliff because it means it’s another day in hell aka school.

I stay in bed for awhile trying to convince myself to keep sleeping, but that would mean having to keep up with the class and asking for material and I’m no good at that. Let's just say I don’t have any friends in my classes. Only Dave, who takes English with me. Dave is the only person I tolerate in school, and it all  started in 8th  grade when some bullies were bothering him, insulting him just for being homosexual and I interrupted them and I defended him. From then on we have been best friends.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I got out I picked up a grey sweatshirt, some black jeans and my black vans, yes, black is my color.  I let my brown curly hair down, messy like always, I don’t like wearing makeup even though I look like shit, either way I don’t have anyone to impress so I go with some lipbalm, I grabbed my black nerdy glasses and went downstairs.

“Good morning sunshine” my mother said.

“Morning mom” I said.

I’m always kind of grumpy in the mornings since I’m not a morning person. But I try to put on a smile, at least for my mom. I pour some cereal and milk in a bowl for breakfast and sit on the dining table with my mom.

“Is incredible, this is your last semester of being a Junior and then you will be a Senior. You’re growing up so fast, you need to stop for a minute I don’t want to get more old” 

“Omg mom are you for real now?”

“Haha no, but I’m really proud of the women you have become”

“Wow…um thanks”

Awkward morning conversations, it never fails.

I finished up as quickly as I could and got up. I leave the bowl in the sink, at the end of the day I’ll have to clean it so yeah.

“Mom I’m leaving for school now!”

“Have a good day sweetie!”

I got on my black car, which I love because is so comfy and it has a lot of space for the feet (since I have long legs well it is perfect) and made my way to hell.

When I got there I parked the car in the same parking lot as always, as far away from the people who think they rule the freaking school, I like to walk anyways, I grabbed my backpack and got out. I walked up the stairs and opened the doors, I rushed as fast as I could to my locker and in my way I saw him. Him. The one who I once liked, maybe loved.The one who I didn’t expect to be disappointed by. Him.  Who is now one of the biggest assholes from school, and I just can’t stand him now.

I arrived to my locker and while I was taking out the books I see Dave coming over.

“Well hello there Elliedovie” Dave said with a squeaky voice.

“Do you have to call me that?”

“Ummm yeah I just like to annoy you sometimes”

“Yeah I see”

I finished taking and putting in my books so I closed the locker and started making my way to class down the hall. God I hate it when people just stand in the way like there isn’t people trying to get somewhere.

“So what do you plan on doing in this marvelous day in hell?” Dave asked.

“Well I guess write, complain about the people, imagine I’m pushing some bitches down a cliff, and survive. And you?”

“Damn you have a full agenda, I in the other hand, will be imagining I’m making out, probably with Matt Boomer since he’s hot af and gay, and surviving as well”

“That’s just wow Dave. wow.”

“I know, I know.” He said with a smirk.

I am very comfortable with telling Dave things, he’s just like the gay brother I never had.

We arrived to my first class which is History.

“Well I will see you in the 3rd period, may the odds be in your favor” Dave said while making the hunger games sign.

“Thank you my friend, for you too”

In the minute I sat down on my chair, I already wanted to get up and leave.

School sucks in every way possible.




so this part and the next one are going to be for you guys to get to know the character and her daily thoughts lol

I'm making Ellie tall bc tall girls don't get enough credit like c'mon

hope you guys like it and please if you want, tell me what you think of it :)

 and maybe vote? 

thanks for reading

Liz ❤

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