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*Ellie's POV*

After 5 minutes of sitting there against the door without standing up, just thinking and drowning in my thoughts, I heard a knock on the door.

I stood up abruptly and opened it.

"I think I told you to leave" I said before seeing who was actually there.

"Oh did I talked to you before? Is this a deja vu?"

Calum said with a smile.
I smile grew on my face immediately when I saw him.
"Oh shut up" I said while turning my back on him and walking to the kitchen, giving him a queue that he can come in.

"I guess that by the way you greeted me, the first day with Luke didn't go so well" Calum said sitting on the sofa.

I was looking for some cookies and milk since that's our favorite treat.

"You know it went well, well for me at least, I got to told him what an ass he is" I said while handing him a glass of milk, putting the plate with cookies on the table in the middle of the living room.

I felt like a weight lift of my shoulder when I told Luke all those things. Like everything I've been holding on in my head had been released.

"Seriously what did you told him??? Damn that must have been good to hear, not saying that I didn't because got to admit that I heard some yelling in my room" Calum said grabbing a cookie and dumping it in the glass of milk.

"Seriously? Wow. Well I told him that he was an inconsiderate asshole who only cared about himself and told him that we will never be friends"

And that was the truth.

Calum started applauding me with a proud expression on his face.

"You fucking slay Ellie Jones, I'm proud of you"

This made me feel good than I already was.

"and I told him about that day...."

Calum looked up at me and just stared at me looking surprised.

"You did??? What did he say??"

"He didn't say anything, he just stared at me blankly and then I kicked him out"

He should've at least have the decency of apologizing but he didn't. I can't believe that by this point I was still waiting for an apology. Which I'm never going to get.

"He didn't apologize? Wow he is more of a dick than I thought" Calum said with a serious tone.

"Yeah, I guess he's never going to change" I said, grabbing a cookie.

Well they say, once a fuckboy, always a fuckboy, no going back.

"Come here" Calum said placing a hand on his side and I did.

I placed my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He put his arm around me and started rubbing my arm with his hand.

This actually felt comfortable and weird at the same time. But I loved it.

"I talked to him and told him that if he ever did something to you, I was going to kick his ass" He said trying not laugh but looking serious at the same time.

"You did? Omg I should've seen that damnit" I would've love to see Luke's face when Calum threatened him.

"I thought he needed a warning before he did anything stupid to you" His chin was now placed on my head.

"Thank you Calum, for looking out for me" I loved how Calum acted like my big brother. Of course I haven't place him on the "brotherzone" yet, a boy that gorgeous doesn't deserve that.

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