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(April's pov)

It's been 7 weeks since we first brought Jacob home and so far everything has been good except for the part when ur trying to sleep and u just got comfy and then the baby starts to cry usually I'm the one to go take care of it because sammy always complains he has a harder life and needs his sleep I just roll my eyes and say ya because u do so much.

Anyways tonight was different when I got up to go calm Jacob down Sammy got up with me and said I know it's late but I need to tell u something.
I just thought great this can't be good! I had just sat in the rocking chair when Sammy said now u can't freak on me or anything okay? I smiled and said when have I ever freaked out on u? he smirked and said anyways I have a photo shoot in California and I am going to be gone for a long time and I really want u to be their. I said so ur asking me to bring a 7 week old baby and fly to California for a couple weeks? Sammy looked me straight in the eyes and said I was kinda hoping we could move there then just get married there to and it would be great because then I can get my music career really going. I looked back at him and said I don't know Sammy I like it here and I wanna be near Olivia.......

(Sammy's pov)

When she told me the reason she didn't want to go I was shocked I thought she would do it no question about it but I guess I was wrong I mean I like Olivia and all but gosh!
I gave her my best puppy dog look and said please April u know this means the world to me and I'm pretty sure jack asked Olivia to move to California with him. she looked at me and said so u want me to just not graduate from high school?

I looked at her and said u can always go to a school in California or I can home school u ;)! she smiled and said I'm mad at u right now stop making me laugh! I smiled and said I don't need an answer right now but I will by the end of the week. She nodded her head and I was about to go back to bed but decided I should let her sleep this time. I walked over to her grabbed Jacob and said go to bed I got this he is a daddy's boy anyways. she flicked me on the ear and said right like I believe that and she walked out. I looked down at Jacob and said ur mother is so stubborn. I kissed him on the nose and feel asleep with him in the chair.

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