I am sorry I hurt you this way

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I am sorry. These words are tired and overused and I am sorry. This is me laying whatever we had left to rest and this is me telling you we could have never become the beautiful things you wanted us to. This is me telling you we were a broken bone in a world far too cruel to let us heal. We were built on a foundation of lies and broken promises and we would have never bloomed into the only pretty thing you've ever seen.

This is me telling you I am the bad guy, I am the heartbreaker and I don't care anymore. This is me telling you I am tired and I am leaving with the pieces of myself that are still my own before it's too late. Stones are hard to carve and holes are hard to dig and I am not willing to make a grave for you anymore.

This is me telling you that I am sorry I had to hurt you this way but it's over and I am moving on.

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