Teacher's Orders (Hayes Grier)

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Antoana's POV

"Hello class, welcome back from your long weekend" Mrs. Smith flashed us all a big smile but everyone remained quiet and emotionless.

"This is so boring" Sydney, my best friend, whispered as I looked over at her and nodded, agreeing with her.

"At least she isn't bad as-"

"Is there something you'll like to share with the class?" Mrs. Smiths attitude went from chirpy to pissed off in a matter of seconds.

"Uh no" I gulped.

"Move and go sit beside Hayes" she ordered as I looked over at Sydney, silently threatening her for getting me in trouble. I grabbed my backpack and pencil, looking towards the direction of the new kid, Hayes. He's actually pretty cute; maybe I'm not that mad about moving now.

"Hi" I sat beside Hayes and tried to pay attention to Mrs. Smith talk about english and how important it is for you in the future because I definitely need to know how to write an essay about Romeo and Juliet when I'm older.

"Can I sit with you at lunch?" I heard Hayes' voice as I slightly gasped. His voice was so calming and low, it made my stomach turn.

"Uh y-yeah" I stuttered as I mentally cursed myself.

"Great" he smirked as I indepently adored his flawless face. How can a human being be so hot?

"Is there something you would like to say?" the teacher displeasingly looked over at me and my cheeks turned crimson and I sunk even more in my chair. "Hmm" she turned back around and started writing something on the board.

"So, who's the human being that is so hot" Hayes started chuckling as I rolled my eyes as I looked over at him and started laughing with him.

"Shut up" I blushed even more.


"Is that alright if Hayes sits with us at lunch?" I asked Sydney, opening my locker and throwing my textbooks in the little space.

"Yeah sure" she started. "I totally ship you guys" she continued as she giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Antoana" Hayes walked up and I slammed my locker.

"Uh, hi" I nervously giggled as Sydney gave me a look and I flicked her off. "So, how is your first day of school going?" I tried to make conversation with the atrractive guy.

"Uh, great" he answered. "Nice people here" he looked over at me and had a full smirk slapped on his face. I laughed as I slightly shook my head. "Would you like to go see a movie after school with me?" Hayes randomly asked as I looked over at Sydney with a stern look. "I mean, as friends" He quickly added as his cheeks burned up.

"Yeah, sure" I shrugged. "I'm picking the movie though" I raised both my eyebrows.

"Whatever you want" He looked over at me and smiled. God, his smile could cure disease.


"2 tickets to focus please" Hayes spoke as I grabbed my wallet, prepared to pay but saw Hayes quickly hand him the exact money.

"Excuse me Hayes, we're all suppose to kick in" I metaphorically used "kick in" as a reference to "pay". He looked over at me and slightly laughed.

"It's fine, you'll just pay next time" he cockily replied back as I raised an eyebrow.


"What a fantastic movie" I commented as we started to walk back to my car.

"Yeah, fantastic" he looked straight into my eyes and giggled. "I had fun" he somewhat changed the subject.

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