Prom (Taylor Caniff & Shawn Mendes)

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Destiny's POV

"Destiny!" I heard Cameron's voice scream through the empty and hollow house as my eyes widened and I quickly glanced at myself in my body mirror before opening my door and taking a deep breath before descending down the stairs, making sure I won't make a fool out of myself by falling.

"You look pretty" I heard Taylor's voice as I looked up and saw Taylor wearing a black tux and looked amazing.

"Yeah, alright here's the rules" Cameron spoke up as I finished walking down the stairs and stopped in front of Cameron, who was ignorantly blocking the door. "Since I don't like you, my sister better be home by 11, no later" Cameron demanded as I rolled my eyes. My brother was always so protective, but I admire him for that. Taylor and I have been going out for about two weeks and Cameron has been giving him a hard time since he's a year older than me and doesn't even go to school.

"Alright" I giggled as I pulled Cameron in for a hug.

"Have a good time" He commented as I smiled and nodded as Taylor connected his hand with mine and we made our way to the door.

"Bye" I called out to Cameron as we walked out the door.

"Ready to have the best night of your life?" Taylor smirked as I laughed and nodded, getting in the rented limo.


"Destiny!" I heard my name being called as I turned around and saw Shawn. I screamed as I rushed towards him and tightly wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he kept his hands low. "Wow, you looking beautiful" he screamed over the loud music.

"Thanks, you too. This is the first time I've seen you dress up for anything!" I screamed back to him. Shawn and I have been friends since we were born, literally; we were born in the same room.

"Where's your date?" He asked as I shrugged. Taylor said he was going to get a drink; I bet the line-up is really long.

"He went to get us something to drink" I answered as Shawn looked uneasy and shy.

"Um, where is yours?" I asked as he looked in my eyes as I almost got lost in them. Yes, I'll admit I have a somewhat feeling for Shawn but I know he will never like me, a lonely girl who likes to sing and act. Besides, he's dating that whore, Sarah.

"Oh, Sarah broke up with me" He scratched the back of his head.

"Good, I didn't like her" I commented. Shawn opened his mouth to say something but I heard Taylor's voice instead.

"Hi" Taylor firmly held my waist as if he was trying to tell everyone around us, especially Shawn, that no one can look at me because I'm taken. I faked a giggle as I ripped his hand off of my waist.

"Uh, Taylor meet Shawn, Shawn meet Taylor" I spoke as they just exchanged glares towards each other. I awkwardly coughed as I grabbed Taylor's hand, "well I'll talk to you later Shawn" I smiled towards him as he shrugged and kept his head low when walking away.

"You wanna dance?" Taylor whispered in my ear as I turned around and blushed, removing my hand from his.

"Where's my drink?" I asked as I looked down at his hands and saw no cup.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry babe, must've forgotten" he laughed as I didn't believe him.

"It's fine, I'll get my own" I scowled as I quickly walked away from Taylor. I'm getting really confused; I asked him for a drink and 45 minutes later he comes back empty-handed. It makes no sense. Unless Taylor didn't leave to get me a drink, he left to meet a girl.

"Hey" I saw Shawn sitting down on the bleachers, where desperate people who don't have a date sit an wait for someone to pick them.

"Shawn" I laughed as I grabbed his hand and pulled him up, "you're not sitting there" I dragged him over to the table with the wide selection of drinks, which is not busy nor crowded.

"I don't like Taylor" Shawn spoke up as I trembled and dropped my drink in the bowl as I shockingly looked over towards Shawn, who looked worried and anxious.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"What, can I not say I don't like the man?" he snapped, "All you ever did was complain about Sarah but you don't see me getting so upset about an opinion" he continued and I was surprised by Shawn's attitude; he never yelled like this to me in a very long time.


"I don't like the way Taylor stares at you. It's like he is waiting to take control over you. I don't like how Taylor grabs your waist so tight he probably left a mark. I don't like how Taylor is older than you, meaning he'll make you do things that are illegal at your age and get you into trouble. I do not like Taylor and that is my opinion" Shawn grumbled as I stood there confused but also quite upset. Why does Shawn always see the worse in people?

"Why do you hate all the guys that I date?" I asked, crossing my hands over my chest as he looked in my eyes and they were filled with pain and sadness.

"Because" Shawn spoke, scratching the back of his head.

"Because why?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Because they're not me" his voice was barely a whisper but I managed to hear it over the obnoxious music.

"W-What?" I was speechless.

"Never mind, just go back to your boyfriend" he turned around and walked off as I was to shocked to even move or process what I just heard. Did Shawn just confess he has feelings for me?

"Hey my baby, what's taking you so long?" Taylor walked towards me and I still had my mouth opened. "What?" He looked worried as I quickly coughed and shrugged, not wanting to talk right now.

"I need to go" I raced towards the crowd to lose Taylor then found the ladies room and quickly emerged in and slammed a stall door shut. A small smile appeared on my lips as I bit my lip. Shawn likes me. I don't necessarily had a crush on Shawn but I always knew the feelings were there. As I was about to leave, the door opened as I heard laughing, from a girl and a boy. I disgustingly almost threw up as I quickly opened the stall before anything got too serious.

"Taylor?" I screamed his name as I was taken back by the main cheerleader on top of him. "What the hell?" I punched his arm as I almost slapped myself. Why are you crying over a man you never loved when Shawn still thinks I don't love him? Stupid me. "Have fun" I smiled as I quickly ran out and looked in the heavy crowd and didn't see Shawn.

"I'm over here" I heard as my head snapped towards the exit as I sighed in relief as I quickly ran up to Shawn and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You were right" I whispered, looking in his, now lustful, eyes.

"Taylor is a-"

"All those guys weren't you. I never realized I had such huge feelings for you until you mentioned you liked me" I spoke as he smiled, "and I want to see where this goes" I bit my lip, nervous to see what his answer is going to be.

"Okay then, Destiny will you be my girlfriend?" He moved his face inches away from mine.

"A million times yes" I kissed Shawn.


sorry it took a while, i was on vacation with no wi-fi but i hope you liked it @BiggestDylannator (-:


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