Forever (Matthew Espinosa)

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Noheli's POV

"Matthew!" I screamed, as he picked me up, and spun me around the air. I giggled like a little 4 year-old. He then, lost his balance, as he fell and I landed on top of him. I smiled, as I kissed him.

"Babe do you want to get some ice cream?" He asked. I nodded, as I blushed. He helped me up, as I held his hand and we made our way over to the ice cream stand.

"2 chocolate please" Matthew said, as I blushed and continued to hold his hand.

"$8" the owner said. Damn, ice cream is getting expensive. I pulled out my $5 bill and handed it to him.

"Babe.." Matthew started.

"It's alright, I just need $3" I said, as he pouted at me and I giggled. "Sorry?" I said, sounding more like a question. He shrugged and paid the $3 and we got our chocolate ice cream.

We got to a bench, that was under the shade and I cuddled next to him.

"It's such a beautiful day" I commented, looking at all the couples walking past us, or the kids playing in pools.

"It is isn't it?" Matthew said, as I looked in his eyes and kissed him. "And I'm glad I got to sped it with you" he said, as I blushed and he kissed me again.


"You look stunning!" Matthew fangirled, as I blushed and looked down; I was wearing my black short in the front and long in the back dress and a gold necklace with my black flats. I decided to curl my hair and it turned out perfect.

"It's just us right?" I asked. He gave me a look and I sighed. I knew it; every time we decided to go out, everyone would come.

"I'm sorry-"

"Matthew you don't need to apologize" I said, as I gave him a warm smile and held his hand. I then, heard the door bell ring and looked over at the door. I opened it and saw Cameron, Carter, and Nash.

"Hey guys!" I said, as I hugged each one of them.

"You look beautiful Noheli" Cameron whispered in my ear. I smiled and blushed. "Let's go!" Cameron yelled, as Matthew said hi to all the boys and we walked out the house.

"Is it just you guys coming?" I asked.

"Uh I'm pretty sure" Carter commented, as I shrugged. To be honest, I didn't mind them coming, it was Taylor I was afraid of; see, Taylor is my ex-

"Babe?" I heard Matthew say, as he held my waist. I looked up at saw Taylor. I stopped walking and was shocked.

"You look pretty" he said, as he winked.


"Why the fuck did you invite Taylor?!" I screamed, as I was outside with Cameron.

"I- I don't know" he stuttered.


"Look Noheli, I had no idea Taylor was actually going to show up. I just told him that you guys didn't want to be alone.. The more the merrier" he said. I rolled my eyes as I groaned.

"I love you too death, but sometimes I just want to kill you" I muttered, as I ran my hand through my hair, not caring if I messed it up. Cameron looked down, as I frowned. "I'm sorry Cameron-"

"You don't need to apologize I know, I should've known better" he mumbled, as I sighed and hugged him.

"Let's just forget he's there yeah?" I asked, as he smirked and nodded.



"Did you hear that big storm that happened over the weekend?" Taylor asked, as I looked up and eyed everyone, warning them not to say anything.

"What are you ordering?" I asked Matthew.

"I'm getting the burger-" Taylor started, but Matthew cut him off.

"Probably the burger" Matthew said, as he showed me the picture. My mouth watered, as I sighed.

"I'm not really hungry so I'm just going to get a salad" I said, as Matthew raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked, trying to sound innocence.

"Nothing" he mumbled, as he looked away, but grabbed my hand. I securely held it.

"What can I get you to drink?" the waiter asked.

"Water" everyone said, as we all laughed. The waiter nodded and walked away. She quickly came back and placed a water beside me. I was about to take a drink, but saw something in it, as I shrieked and dropped my glass.

"Mat- Mattew?" I asked, as I picked up the shining thing. "Why is there a ring in my glass?" I asked, as his eyes widened.


"Babe you gotta believe me that I didn't have anything to do with this ring!" He yelled as he showed me it. I grabbed the ring and threw it on the ground. "We're only 16!" He yelled, as I sighed.


"I'm done" he snapped. "I can't believe you wont believe me when I say I had nothing to do with this" he said, as I stood there confused.

"I never said I didn't believe you-"

"Well it sounded like it" he spat, as I swallowed my tears back. I shook my head as I looked down.

"I'm sorry" I quietly said. "I.. I'm just scared of a big commitment" I said, as I played with the thumbs.

"No baby I'm sorry I over reacted" he said, as I saw his feet and felt warm arms wrap around me. "I love you" he whispered in my ear, as I hugged him back, tightly.

"I love you too" I said, as he kissed my cheek.

"Let me get that ring" Matthew said, as I giggled, and let go of his hand. He quickly ran on the road and grabbed it. There was a car coming and i got a weird feeling in my stomach, as I warned Matthew.

"Matthew!" I screamed, as I heard a honk and a crash.



hoped you liked it! @Loli617 (:


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