Surprise (Carter Reynolds)

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Jasmin's POV

I groaned, as I heard my phone vibrate. I grabbed it, and turned it on, the brightness too bright, causing me to squint. It was Carter, as I groaned even more and threw my phone on my bed, putting it on speaker.

"Hello" I spoke, my throat already killing me, causing my voice to sound like a 40 year old man.

"This is Jasmin right?" He asked, and even being sick, he made me crack a smile.

"Shut up" I said, as I blushed even though he can't see me.

"So how are you holding up babe?" He asked, as I sighed; I'm not holding up at all. Just imagine being home for 2 weeks and have your boyfriend across the world. It sucks, a lot.

"I'm managing, I just wish you were here though" I spoke, as I frowned.

"I know baby, and I wish I could be by your side" he started. "But i cant let my fans down" he finished, as I nodded. I understand him, if I had fans, I would definitely pick them over everyone. "Here babe, I have someone here who wants to say something to you" he said, as I was confused.

"Hello, my names Dani and I love you so much and get better!" She screamed into the phone, as I started to laugh, but that laugh ended up being a very rough cough, causing me to throw up.

"I-I love you too" I stuttered, as I felt embarrassed. My very first fan, and she had to hear me throw up, great first impression Jasmin.

"Look, I need to go, but I get back in a few days, I'll surprise you with a surprise" Carter said, as I lightly laughed, too scared I'll throw up again. "I love you so much" he said, as I bit my lip.

"I'll be waiting" I spoke. "I love you too" I said, as I waited for him to hang up, as I sighed and decided to get some rest.


I was rudely awoken up, by my mom, rather loudly, knocking on my door. I opened one eye, as I saw her smile and leaned against my door.

"There's someone to see you" she spoke.

"Don't tell me it's the doctor again, he's-"

"Hello gorgeous" I heard, as I froze and opened both of my eyes and looked behind my mom, and saw Carter. He walked to me, and I sat up, and pulled him towards me, taking his familiar scent that I loved so much.

"I missed you so much" I whispered, as I heard my mom close my door, and Carter pulled back.

"Here, I bought these because they reminded me of you" Carter said, as he held pink roses and forget-me-nots.

"There beautiful" I whispered.

"That's why I bought them" he replied, as I lightly chuckled, and blushed while looking down.


"Come here" he said, as he leaned down, and I pushed him away.

"Uh no" I said, as I looked away from Carter. "My breath smells horrible" I complained. I felt him pulled my chin and I looked in his eyes. He leaned in, and kissed me; god, I missed his kisses.

"I ordered some pizza, which should be here-"

"Pizza's here!" I heard my mom yell. I looked over at Carter and he laughed.

"Now" he said, as I smiled and sniffled. "And I rented out The Notebook, knowing you're a big fan" he added, as I smiled; I'm so grateful to have such an amazing boyfriend, like none of my past boyfriends would watch The Notebook.

"Wait" I said, remembering something. He looked at me, with curiosity filling his eyes. "What about your fans?" I asked, as I felt selfish. A lot of people wanted to meet him, yet I was selfish to want him all to myself.

"They actually wanted me to leave and be with you" he said, as I my mouth slightly hung open, surprised.

"Now, let's get some pizza!" He said, as I smiled and nodded, as I lifted the covers over my body, feeling the warmth escape. "No babe, you stay in bed, I'll get it for you" he spoke, as I held his hand.

"I do really love you Carter Reynolds" I said, as I smiled and he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I know you do Jasmin, and I really love you too".



I hope you liked it @fandoms_forever13 (btw, I like your username (: haha)


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