Admiting (Cameron Dallas)

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Liz's POV

"Let's go to the beach!" I heard someone yell. I groaned, as I opened my eyes, and saw the one and only, Cameron Dallas. No, he's not my boyfriend, but he's my best friend.

I mean, I've never really felt anything for him. Cameron is a very attractive boy, not gonna lie. Some days, I just want to rip his clothes off, and other days, I just want to laugh with him and be weird, and not be awkward around each other.

"No" I mumbled, as I pushed my blankets over my head, because the sunlight was blinding me. "C'mon!" He whined, as I smiled. "Okay, let me get changed first" I said, as I stretched and got out of my bed. I grabbed my blue bathing suit, that matched the colour of my eyes. I was about to take my shirt, butI turned around and saw Cameron starring at me.

"Are you going to leave?" I asked. "No" he said, as he smirked. I felt my cheeks burn up, as I quickly walked into my bathroom and changed. I felt really insecure in this, but I really like this bikini. I brushed my long brown hair, and put it in a messy high bun. I smiled at my work, and opened the door.

I noticed Cameron was gone, so I grabbed my oversized white t-shirt and put it on. I put on my pink flip flops and grabbed my sunglasses and walked out. "Cameron!" I yelled.

"No, I'll come see you later" I heard him mumble, in my parents room. I slowly hid, as I quietly listened. "Okay" he said, as I felt my stomach grumble. "No, she's just my friend" he said, as I somehow, felt really offensive about that.

"The only girl I get to kiss is you I promise!" He said, as he laughed. My eyes widened as I ran back to my room. Not only am I hurt, and confused who this girl is, but I finally recognize.. I.. I'm in love with Cameron.

The way he laughs, makes me want to laugh with him. The way he smiles, makes me want to take a picture and stare at it all day. The way his personality is exactly like mine makes me want marry him. The way he makes me feel, makes me want to kiss him.

I love him. I love my best friend.


Cameron's POV

"The only girl I get to kiss is you I promise!" I said, as I laughed. "Bye big brother" she said, as I smiled. "Bye Anna". (A/N: I know Cameron doesn't have a little sister..)


I walked with Liz, and I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say. She mostly would blab on about some random thing that would have occurred years ago.

But today, she looked down and said nothing. "What a beautiful day" I said, finally making a conversation. "Yeah" she mumbled. Then it was quiet again. "Think there's going to be cute guys there" I said, as I giggled. "Yeah, I guess" she said, as she smiled.

I stopped and grabbed her arm, making her stop and turn around, and looked into my eyes. "What the hell Liz?" I yelled, as she bit her lip. She shrugged, as I rolled my eyes. "Did I do something?!" I shouted. People were starring, but I don't really care.

"No no" she said quickly, as I let her continue, but she never did. "Whatever" I mumbled, as I walked away. "You know what? I'm mad!" She cried. I froze and turned.

"Yeah.. That's right. I'm mad! I'm mad that your dating a girl that I don't even know! I mean come on Cameron I am your best friend! I should at least know who your dating. And another I hate is.. I HATE HOW I FUCKING LOVE YOU. I WANT YOU CAMERON!" She yelled, as she stormed off. I stood there frozen.

She likes me.. I couldn't be happier.

I smiled, as I got a phone call from Nash. "Hey wanna chill?" He asked.

Liz's POV

I had tears rushing down my cheeks, as I quickly drove to the hospital. As I got there, I rushed in, and tried not to freak out. I walked up to a nurse. "What can I help you with?" She asked.

"Umm.. Where is Cameron Dallas?".


"Cameron!" I yelled, as I saw Cameron lying on a hospital bed, and Nash sitting beside him. "I thought you died!" I cried, as I attacked him with a hug. "I.. I thought I lost you" I whispered, as he tightly hugged me, which, somehow, made me feel comfortable and safe.

"I just cut my foot deep. I just need stitches" he said, as a wave of relief washed through my body. I looked up at him, and smiled. "Liz.. I love you" he said, as my heart stopped, and I heard Nash say 'awwuh'.

I giggled, as I crashed my lips on his. "I love you too Cameron" I said, as I continued to kiss him.


yeahhhh haha I hope you liked it @xCams_Baex (:


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