Reality (Cameron Dallas)

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Theya's POV

"Hey baby" I heard Cameron say as I giggled and turned around, instantly feeling Cameron's hand glide up my shirt and grip my waist, slightly tickling me.

"Hey" I smiled as I leaned up and kissed him. Cameron's phone went off as I heard him slightly cuss and quickly grab his phone and turned around.

"Now is not a good time" I heard Cameron whisper as if he didn't want me knowing who was calling. I frowned but remained calm and cool. It's probably just his mother or something; stop overthinking it Theya. "Sorry baby" he turned back around and I plastered a small smile on my red face.

"It's okay" I walked closer to Cameron and wrapped my arms around him. "Lets go out" I bit my lip as his eyes widened.

"W-What do you mean?" He stuttered as I giggled and placed a small kiss on his cool cheek.

"Like on a date" I spoke, burning up. He sighed and I backed away. "Y-You don't want to go" I spoke slowly.

"No babe, it's not that its just-"

"Its okay, I understand" I faked a smile and looked towards my floor.

"No no, lets go out" he argue as I snapped my head, feeling guilty.

"Cameron, if you don't want to go out, then we won't-"

"Shut up and put your shoes on" his voice loud and humorous. I sighed and shifted towards my closet and grabbed my boots since its snowing outside; I think there's going to be a blizzard coming soon.

"I'm sorry I forced you to go" I frowned as I held Cameron's hand as we walked down the stairs.

"Don't be" he flashed me a warm smile as I insanely blushed.

"Okay, well we're going to see mocking jay" I giggled and looked in Cameron's hazel eyes and knew something was bothering him.

"Cameron, what's wrong?" I pouted as he sighed but refused to look over at me.

"Nothing, just excited" he spoke. I knew it was a lie but I shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing.


"Extra butter please" I giggled nervously as the cashier nodded and told me the total.

"I got it babe" Cameron quickly handed the boy the money before I could even respond.

"Thank you" I smiled and gave him a short but sweet kiss.

"Cameron?" I heard as Cameron pushed me away and my stomach felt uneasy as I looked towards the sound of the voice. It was a short blonde; a really, really pretty short blonde.

"Uh hey Haley" he hugged her and I was utterly confused.

"Who's this?" I spoke loudly, knowing I'l regret asking this question.

"Hi I'm Haley, Cameron's girlfriend" she smiled as my heart broke to millions of pieces.

"I'm Theya, also Cameron's boyfriend" I shakily responded. Tears stung my eyes as I looked over at Cameron. "So this is why you didn't want to go on a date? Because you have another girlfriend?" I asked, as tears emerged from my eyes and slid down my cheeks.


"How could you?" I screamed and rushed off. As soon as I got in my car, I screamed and hit the steering wheel as unwanted tears continued to fall down my rosy cheeks. How could I be so stupid to realize all the cheesy things we did together, all the late night phone calls, all the kisses, and all the I love you's, weren't remotely important to Cameron whereas I worshiped those nights.

Guys suck.

Cameron's POV

"I don't know dude, I just messed up really bad" I cried as Nash frowned and sat on the end of my bed, rubbing my eyes.

"Have you apologized to her yet?" Nash asked as I continued to sob and looked down at my phone.

"Yeah, I'll text her right now".

Theya's POV

As I was driving over to Cameron's to return his junk/clothes that he left at my house, I received a text message. I huffed as I grabbed my phone and carefully multitasking, I opened it and saw it was from Cameron.

hey baby, i just want to say one thing before you hate me for the rest of my life. me, cameron dallas, is a total asshole for doing the things i did. but let me say one thing. i've been dating you for 6 months; haley, 2 days. so if you ever think my i love you's were fake, they weren't. the long late night calls were all because i couldn't sleep without you by my side. i'm head over heels for you theya. i love you.

I heard a panicked horn and the last thing I remember was, well crying.

Cameron's POV

"Babe!" I screamed as I saw Theya being pushed into the surgery room. "Someone please tell me what happened!" I cried as a policeman walked up to me.

"Are you a relative?" he asked as tears blurred my vision.

"Very close friend" I sulked.

"I'm afraid she was involved in a car accident" he started as I had to sit down. "She got severe blood loss and her skull's been smashed, and broke one of her ribs" he continued as I shook my head.

"She's going to make it right?" I looked up as the police officer said nothing. "Right?" I spoke up as he put his hand on my shoulder for comfort but strangely, didn't help (being sarcastic).

"Lets just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best" he walked off as I stuffed my head in my hands and continue to just pour out tears.

"I love you Theya".


Its been two weeks since the accident. Two whole weeks this small town hasn't spoken or been happy. Everyone loved her, but no one loved her more than I do. No one will.

"Ready?" My mom asked as I sighed and looked in the mirror and saw a killer. The police told me that she was on her phone when she was in the accident. I sent her a text which ended up costing her life.

"I'm sorry baby" I whispered to myself as I turned around and faced my mom.



I walked up to the casket and saw Theya just laying still. More tears leaked through my eyelids but I quickly wiped them away. I pushed hair off her face, wanting her to grab my hand and yell "you've been pranked", but she never did. Reality slapped me in the face, telling me that she really is dead and I can do nothing about it.


I hope you liked it @AletheaElishaSarabia :-)


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