Magical (Jake Foushee)

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Isabella's POV

"What should I wear?" I asked Katrina (A/N: *cough*).

"Wear this!" Katrina said, as she pulled out a tight red dress. I frowned, as I shook my head. "I want to be comfortable on this date" I said, as Katrina nodded and continued to search through my closet.

"How bout this?" She asked, as she pulled out a black dress, that wasn't too tight, but not to big, it was just right. I smiled, as I quickly changed into it and looked at myself in my full length mirror.

"You look beautiful!" She shouted, as she continued to fan girl over my dress. I curled my thin dark brown hair, and put some make-up on. I grabbed my black flats and put them on.

I heard a honk, and Katrina ran over to window. "Damn he's hot" she said, as I laughed. "Well he's all mine sorry" I said, as I quickly said bye to Katrina and ran out the door.

I ran up to Jake, and hugged him tightly. "Ready?" He asked, as I nodded, and got in his car. See, me and Jake have been going out for 2 weeks.. Still waiting for that magical moment when we can kiss.


"Do it again!" I said, as I giggled, and he smiled.

"Hello I'm Jake Foushee" he said, in his oh so famous announcer voice. I laughed, as I snorted. I quickly stopped laughing, and turned bright red. "That was cute" he said, as he smiled at me, as I looked down in embarrassment.

"I have to show you something" Jake said, as I smiled and he grabbed my hand and held it in. The blush on my cheeks couldn't go away.


"When are we going to get there?" I whined, as my feet started to hurt. "We're almost here" he said, as he was still holding my hand. As he lead the way, I looked around me and saw trees. That's it. Trees everywhere.

I looked down at the ground, and felt someone stare at me. I looked up at Jake, then gasped when I saw the view. Oh my god.

It was beautiful.

"This is so beautiful" I said, as I was in aww. Lights were hanging everywhere and the lake was a perfect clear blue, even though it was late. "Not as beautiful as you" he said, as I blushed insanely, and smirked.

He lightly touched his lips on mine. But being the inpatient person I am, I pressed against his lips. And let me tell you something. It was magical.

"I" Jake said, as he kissed my forehead.

"Love" he continued, as he kissed my cheek.

"You" he said, as he kissed my lips again. I giggled, and hugged him tightly. "I love you too Jake" I spoke, as I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.




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