Birthday Wish (Cameron Dallas)

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Myah's POV

"Hello Myah" Cameron kissed my cheek then quickly hugged me. "How was summer school?" he teased.

"Shut up" I mumbled as I pushed him away.

"I got you a present" he started as I smiled with glee.

"Continue" I raised an eyebrow.

"I decided to rent out a beach house for the weekend!" He cheered as I was relieved. "Plus, all the guys will be there" he continued as I started laughing.

"Well, I better get packing" I spoke as Cameron nodded and offered to drive me home which I gladly took.


"Come on!" Cameron yelled as everyone rushed out my house.

"I dibs shot gun!" I screamed as I rushed towards the front of the rented car and sat in the passenger seat.

"Good thing I'm driving" Cameron winked as I blushed and sunk into my seat.

"Y-Yeah" I nervously responded. Wasn't it obvious that I had a deep crush on Cameron? I mean, we were childhood friends, its bound to happen.

"Lets get on the road" Cameron started the engine and started driving away as everyone in the back started cheering. "Who wants to play 'I spy with my little eye'?" Cameron asked as I gasped and looked over at him.

"You can't, Cameron. You're driving" I argued as he started laughing. I love when his eyes squint and his smile is so big it could cure any sickness.

"That's what makes this trip more exciting" he smirked as I heavily sighed and looked out the window, seeing blurry trees pass us. This is definitely going to be a long trip.


"Myah" I heard someone whisper as I stubbornly kept my eyes shut because I didn't want to wake up. "Myah" I recognized the voice. It was Matthew. "Myah!" He screamed as he pinched my skin and I jumped up, the pain rushing through my body.

"What?" I snapped, upset with Matthew.

"We're here" he whispered as I sighed and closed my eyes as I sighed again and sat up, running a hand through my greasy hair. I really need a shower.

"Sorry Matt, and thank you" I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw the view. The house was huge, it could fit over 30 people and it was right by the water. Also, the water looked shiny because of the sun's reflection. I quickly got out of the car and walked to the back of the car to get my suitcase.

"Welcome to paradise" Cameron popped out of nowhere.

"This is amazing, Cameron" I smiled and tightly wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you" I breathed as I backed away.

"Anything for you" He whispered in my ear as shivers ran through my spine as I nervously chuckled and backed away, grabbing my suitcase and walking towards the mansion.


"I've been running through the six with my woes!" we all screamed along to the famous drake song as everyone started laughing. I grabbed more firewood and chucked it in the fire pit, the flames bursting towards the night sky.

"What a beautiful night" Cameron came up to me and sat beside me on the wooden bench. I looked over at him and nodded, agreeing with him as I wrapped my cardigan tighter around me.

"Yes, he is beautiful" I sighed, looking in his eyes.

"He?" He asked as I gulped and my cheeks turned bright red.

"Uh well the moon is a guy so i guess i'm referring the night sky as he" I tried to cover up that I was talking about Cameron. He tarted laughing at me as I blushed even deeper.

"Okay, Myah" he chuckled and slowly shook his head.

"I'm going to go to bed now" I sighed as Cameron snapped his head in my direction and frowned.

"You can't. This is your party" he argued.

"I don't feel well" I lied.

"Okay" he hugged me. I hugged him back, as tight as I could, before backing away. I was leaning in to kiss his cheek and I guess he had the same intentions as my lips didn't land on his cheeks, they landed on his lips.

"Oh" I backed away, his lips giving me a shock that traveled throughout my body, giving me goosebumps. His eyes starred in my eyes as he quickly placed his lips on mine again and I happily kissed back, moving closer to his body and wrapping my arms around his shoulders, pushing him closer to me as I felt his hand travel up my shirt and lightly squeeze my waist. "Cameron" I whispered, out of breath. I pulled him away and starred at the ground.

"Please tell me you felt what I felt" he begged as I gulped and looked over at him.

"Which was what?" I asked.

"Like someone has just electrocuted you" he held my hand as I sucked in my breath. "The insane sensation to want to kiss you all the time" he smiled.

"Y-Yes, Cameron, I did feel that" I flattened my lips. I can't believe after all these years, we've finally kissed.

"Okay then, Myah, would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow night?" he asked as I insanely blushed but nodded.

"I'd love too" I smiled as everyone suddenly starting singing happy birthday as I looked over at Cameron. Everyone gathered around me as Jack walked towards me with a large cake with numbers of candles on it.

"Make a wish" Jack spoke.

"I can't. All my wishes came true".


I hope you liked it @heyitsmyah (-:


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