Baby (Shawn Mendes)

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Brianna's POV

"Hey babe" I heard Shawn say as I smiled and turned around, wrapping my arms around him and kissed him. "Hey baby" he cooed as he bent down and picked up Michael. I starred at the beautiful sight, as Shawn started tickling Michael with his lips and I smiled to myself. I still remember the day that I told Shawn I was pregnant.


"Hey Bri" Shawn kissed me as I weakly smiled. I'm only 19, my life hasn't even begun and yet I'm carrying a child inside of me?

"Uh sit down Shawn, I have something important to tell you" I nervously spoke as his face turned whiter and sat down, slightly frowning.

"What is it Brianna" his voice grew louder as unwanted tears started forming in the corner if my eyes as I looked towards the ground, too ashamed to face Shawn.


"Please tell me you didn't cheat on me" He croaked as I looked up and saw tears rushing down Shawn's cheeks as I violently shook my head.

"Shawn, I would never do anything like that" I rushed towards him, hugging him tightly. "I-I just can't believe it" I whispered. I mean, Shawn and I have always been cautious of everything we do, including getting intimate.

"Baby, tell me what is" He pleaded as tears fell from my eyes.

"After you hear the news and you don't like it, then that's alright with me" I started as I looked in his Shawn's beautiful hazel eyes. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly as I placed his hand on my stomach.


"I'm pregnant Shawn" I bit my lip. His mouth dropped but nothing came out. "Shawn, say something" I begged after a minute or so of complete silence.

"I'm going to be a farther" he whispered as I swallowed a huge lump in my throat. What if Shawn leaves me? What if he demands me to get an abortion?


"I love you no matter what happens, right?" he smiled as I sighed in relief. He placed his hand back on belly and started rubbing it as I starred at Shawn in awe.

"I love you too Shawn".


"So, I've been working on some new songs and I want you and Michael to come to the studio" Shawn spoke to fast as I laughed.

"Okay" I replied as I heard the toast pop and turned around, spreading peanut butter and jam on it, just how Shawn likes it.

"I can't wait for Michael's 1st birthday" Shawn smiled as he looked down at Michael who was in a deep sleep. "I'm going to spoil him rotten" he joked (hopefully) as I laughed, remembering the day I had Michael.


"Shawn, buy me some food" I demanded as he groaned and stuffed his head on my shoulder.

"It's like -40 degrees" he complained as I placed the remote on my big belly and raised an eyebrow.

"Don't say no to a girl who is 9 months pregnant and is hungry" I gave him a glare as he chuckled.

"Okay okay, I'm going" Shawn raised his hands as he dressed up and gave me a short but sweet kiss. "Bye baby" He smiled as I smiled back.


As soon as Shawn shut the door, I could feel the baby kick as I looked down and rubbed my belly. I always found it weird how babies always kick or how I have to constantly pee all the time; being pregnant is hard work. The baby kicked again but harder as my stomach started to hurt. I looked down and gasped mouthing cuss words since you're not supposed to swear.

My water just broke.


I screamed in pain as the doctors put me in a wheel chair but I refused to give birth to this child unless Shawn was with me.

I soon saw Shawn pop his head out of the elevator and I sighed in relief. His face was beet red as he rushed up to me.

"I'm here baby, I'm here" Shawn said out of breath as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

I'm scared" I admitted as he held my hand and rubbed it, kind of calming me down.

"It's okay baby, I'll be there with you every step of the way" Shawn bent down and looked me in the eyes. "You're a strong women Bri" he encouraged me as I felt the baby coming.


I screamed in pain as I held Shawn's hand tighter and suddenly heard crying. The world stopped for a while as I started to cry and looked up at Shawn.

"It's a boy" the doctor told me as I cried even harder and loosen the grip on Shawn's hand.

"You did it baby" Shawn whispered in my ear as I sighed and the saw the doctor walk up to me, holding my baby.

"He's beautiful" the doctor smiled as she handed me my baby. I held him and starred at this beautiful human being. Even though he barely had one eye opened, I noticed he had my grey eyes and perfect, soft skin. I handed him to Shawn who also started crying as he looked at our baby in awe.

"What name?" I asked as Shawn looked towards me and back at our baby.

"Lets call him Michael".


"Are you ready to go?" Shawn asked as I wore the sweater that I wore when I was pregnant and leggings since I'm not really trying to impress anyone.

I grabbed Michael's bag which consisted of spare diapers, lots of toys, spare clothes, and some food and milk in case he got hungry. I grabbed Michael and put on little mitts and a toque which looked so cute on him.

"Lets go".


After Shawn finished his song, which was about having a family, I clapped and grabbed Michael's hand and clapped for him.

"Did you hear that Michael? That was for you" I looked down to see Michael too busy playing with his stuffed elephant.

I never thought that at 20, I would have a kid and a husband, but I'm glad I do.


idk okay but I hope you liked it @louhazzabigbum_x (-:


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