Birthday (Taylor Caniff & Shawn Mendes)

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Shannon's POV

"Happy birthday, happy birthday" I sang. "Happy birthday to youuuuuu" I screamed, as I jumped on top of Taylor and kissed him a million times.

"Happy birthday Taylor" I whispered, as he smiled and kissed me. "Thank you babe" he said, in his attractive morning voice.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I heard someone yell, as I got off and I saw Shawn, Cameron and Nash running towards Taylor.

I laughed, as they all jumped onto Taylor, making him groan and turning red.

I smiled and decided to take a shower. "Taylor want some birthday sex?" I heard Cameron say, as I gasped and turned around. Taylor smirked, and I knew that was a yes.

"Take a shower with Shannon" Cameron said, as I rolled my eyes and looked at Taylor. He winked. I blushed and I quickly walked into the bathroom.

I locked the door and turned the shower on. Even though me and Taylor have been dating for 3 months now, we haven't.. Done it.

It's just.. I will be losing the virginity to Taylor and I don't know if I'm ready yet.

Taylor's POV

God, I haven't had any action for like 4 months. But you know, I'm willing to wait for Shannon.

"Dude has she made a move yet?" Cameron asked me. I shrugged as he sighed. "Well not everyone is willing to lose something that important to someone so fast" Shawn said.

"I know dude.. But I just want it to happen already.. Maybe she'll give me birthday sex" I said, as I winked. They laughed.

"So dude, I booked us to go to that club we saw yesterday" Cameron said, as I jumped in excitement. "But how! Your only 19" I said, as he chuckled.

"I have my connections if you know what I mean" he said, as I laughed. "Yay" I said, as I clapped.

Shannon's POV

Wow! Today was amazing! There were so many people and all of them had smiles on their faces.

Me and Shawn sang together and I swear, our voices were perfectly harmonized. We sang Little Things.. Shawn kept looking at me though, which was awkward, but I shrugged it off.

"Who's ready to partay?!" Taylor screamed, as I laughed. "I picked something out for you babe" Taylor said, as he winked, as everyone "ooo"ed.

I walked in our room and gasped when I saw it. "Taylor.. That was too far" I said, as everyone was quiet.

"Relax Shannon, it's just a joke" he said, as I wanted to scream and cry. "Really?" I asked, as people began to walk away.

"Taylor, you know I hate short sleeves and shorts. You know why" I said, as he shrugged. "Just because you have cuts doesn't mean you can't wear something sexy" he said, as my mouth went wide opened.

People were starring at me, with wide mouths too. Tears were forming in my eyes, as I felt everyone shake their heads at me.

I looked directly into Taylor's eyes, and slapped him hard. "That was a secret Taylor! And know everybody knows! Everyone's going to think I'm a freak!" I yelled, as tears ran down my cheeks.

"I hate you!" I yelled, as I ran off, people chasing after me. But I was number one on my track in school, so I lost them.

How could Taylor tell everyone that? He promised to keep it a secret. My vision was getting blurry as I stopped at a little park.

I sat down on the bench and lifted my legs up and held my legs with my arms and stuffed my head into my legs.

This was suppose to be a happy day. Me and Taylor were suppose to be happy. I wanted to give Taylor a birthday present, and a special one. It was suppose to be happily ever after.

Then, to make matters worser, it started to rain. As I sat there sitting in the rain. I felt someone near me.

I looked up and saw a boy. I thought it was Taylor, so I started to yell. "Get the hell away from me Taylor! What you did back there really wasn't necessary!" I yelled, as he stopped.

"It's just me" he said, as somehow his voice seemed to relax me. "Hi Shawn" I said, as he sat down beside me.

"Can I tell you something crazy?" Shawn asked me. I looked over at him and I meet his sweet brown eyes.

"Go ahead" I said, as he licked his lips then bit his lip. He grabbed my arm and pulled the sleeves up.

I looked at all the deep scared cuts. He looked back up at me and smiled. "I know what you felt like" he said, as he pulled all of his brackets off.

I looked at faded scars too. I gasped and looked up at him. "Sometimes, people think because you have a smile on your face all the time, it's real. People don't know when were hurt" he said, as it looked like he was crying.

"It's ok" I whispered, as I hugged him. "Can I tell you another crazy thing?" He asked me. "Mmhmm" I said, adoring his amazing scent.

"I've been in love with you, ever since I first laid eyes on you" he said, as I backed away and looked at him, shocked.

"And I know you just got out of a relationship, but I will always be there for you. I will never tell anyone anything. I will be the best boyfriend ever. Please Shannon, I need you. I promise I won't let you down" he said, as I was still too shocked to speak.

"It's okay if you say no.. I just wanted to tell you" he said, as he stood up and started to walk away.

"Shawn.." I started as I quickly stood up and smashed my lips onto his.

"You better be the best boyfriend" I said, as he smiled and kissed me.


Idk I thought this was cute (:

Shannon is one of my other friends lol and she loves Shawn Mendes and yeah.. So I hope you liked it guys!!

I love you.


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