Everythings Going To Be Alright (Matthew Espinosa)

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Paige's POV

"Shut up for one second!" Matthew yelled, as one of his vein from his neck popped. I huffed, and quickly walked out of the room. I walked to Cameron's and Nash's room, and knocked.

"Hello-" Cameron said. He looked at me, and sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Are you busy?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Uh.. I kinda am" he admitted, as I nodded and saw a girl lying in his bed. I put on a fake smile, and sighed.

"Have fun" I said, as I turned around and walked away. I went to Carter's and Taylor's room. As I was about to knock on it, I heard Carter yelling.

"Matthew!" He yelled. I dropped my hand, as I started to walk away; I don't want to be anywhere near Matthew right now; see, Matthew and I have been dating for 3 months, and I love him to death, but we get into so many fights, and sometimes I feel like he doesn't want.. me anymore.


"I'm sorry!" I yelled, as I ran outside, not caring if it was pouring rain. Tears escaped my eyes, as Matthew kept on walking away. "I'm sorry Matthew!" I yelled again, as he turned around walked close to me.


"I just don't want to lose you" I cracked out. I sniffed, feeling completely drowned in all this water. He stood there silent, as he calmed down.

"I'm sorry too, I over reacted" he said. I quickly shook my head, as I held his hand. I slowly leaned in, and kissed his soft lips.

"I love you Paige" he whispered, as I blushed, but continued to kiss him. "I don't like when we fight.. Let's never fight again".


"The fuck?" Matthew yelled, as I closed my eyes.

"You said no more fights, it's only been 2 days!" I whispered, as everyone in the diner were looking at us.

"Before I found out that you slept with Cameron!" He yelled, as he stood up. I gasped, as I shook my head.

"I can't believe you fucking believe that! I was playing cod with him, and we were sitting in the same bed, is that so bad?" I yelled, as I grabbed my purse and walked out.

"Yes it is! How do I know you're telling the truth?" He shouted, as he ran after me. I huffed, as I turned around and was inches away from him. I looked into his eyes.

"I'm your girlfriend and I love you; do you think I would cheat on you?" I whispered, as I turned around and walked away. I felt tears come, as I quickly blinked them away.


It's been a week, and I haven't eaten, slept or anything. I stayed at a little motel, and all the guys tried to call me, as I ignored every call.. I had no calls from Matthew though. I felt dizzy, and really dirty, but who cares? Not me.

My phone buzzed, as I looked down at saw the persons name.


Please answer one of us. We're all so worried about you!

I turned my phone off, and closed my eyes. My phone buzzed again, as I groaned and looked down at it.

Carter bb💁:

Paige pick up now! Matthew is cryin in da bathroom rn and he needs u

I rolled my eyes; lies. All lies. I looked over at the clock, and it read 3:57am. I coughed, as I drank some water. I got another text, as I screamed and threw my phone at the ground.

But it wasn't a text. It was a voicemail.

"Paige you need to come back now! Matthew tried to commit suicide".


I cried, as I ran back to the hotel and kicked Matthew's door open; that's right, I'm a bad ass.

I saw Matthew sitting on the bed, as he had blood dripping from his wrists. I cried harder, as I fell on to the floor, and was shocked.

"Cameron told me that he tired to kiss you, and you slapped him away" he said, calmly, as I looked up at him. "I'm sorry-"

"You don't need to be sorry Matthew. It did look like I was kissing him" I said, as I stood up and walked up to him. I hugged him so tightly, he couldn't breathe. "Why did you want to leave me?" I asked, as I still held onto him.

"I couldn't live with the fact that I don't have you" he said

"You've always had me, and will always have me" I spoke, as I kissed him a million times. "Please never do this again" I said, as I cried on his shoulder, and I sniffled, as I backed away and looked into his eyes.

"I promise that I will never get mad at you over the stupid little things" he said, as I nodded, and bit my lip, keeping myself from crying anymore. "I love you so much Paige" he said, as I kissed him.

"I love you too Matt" I said.



I hope you liked this @paigeehinsonn (:


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