Meet The Boys (Hayes Grier)

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Taylor's POV

"Mahogany!" I screamed, as I rushed into her room. She turned around and groaned.

"Before you say anything, help me shut this suitcase" she said, as I shrugged and sat on her suitcase, and she finally got it to zip it up. "Okay, what is it?" She asked.

"So I got a phone call.." I started.

"From a guy!" She shrieked, as I rolled my eyes.

"No, let me finish" I spoke. "I got a phone call from this dude and he wants me to join Magcon!" I screamed, as I hugged my sister.

"You're not going" she demanded. I frowned at her.. I thought she would be proud of me. "You're too young" she complained.

"So?" I argued, as I huffed and wanted to scream to my sister; she doesn't understand, me going to Magcon will change my life. "Please M" I begged, as I pouted, and looked in her eyes.

"You're too young-"

"I'm 15!" I shouted, as I angrily crossed my arms over my chest. "Please" I begged, my voice cracking.

"Fine, but I swear if any of the guys try to hit on you, you will be on the first plane back" she said, as I gasped and screamed, while jumping towards her, and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much" I said, as I gasped. "I need to pack!" I shouted, as I ran into my room, and started to pack for the most exciting trip i will probably ever be on.


We arrived at LA, and I've always hated planes, so I was a little nauseous. I walked beside Mahogany, and couldn't wait to meet the boys.

"Mahogany!" I heard the guys yell, as we turned around I saw them running towards us, but one particular guy stood out from the rest; Hayes. His beautiful bright blue eyes came into contact with my green ones, and I blushed as I looked away and saw Nash tightly hugging my sister. I coughed, as they pulled away and she gave me a look.

"This is my younger sister, Taylor, who will be joining magcon" M said, as I smiled and everyone hugged me and introduced themselves, even though I know all their names.

"I'm Hayes" I heard him say, as I smiled and I stuck my hand out, but instead, got pulled in a very awkward hug.

"Taylor" I said, as I mentally slapped myself. Of course he already knows that.

"There's two Taylor's now!" He shouted, as I laughed, and the Taylor Caniff looked our way, and smirked at us. "Well then, I'll have to pick a nickname for you" he said, as I pouted. "Tay?"

"Oh god no" I said, as I blushed, using my hands to cover my cheeks. When he was about to say another horrible nickname, Mahogany called me over, as I quickly said bye to Hayes and ran over to her.

"I see your already making a friend" she stated, as I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, he's a friend M" I snapped. Just because he's a guy does not mean I like him, and it's not like we're flirting or something. "Hey since there's two Taylor's-"

"We'll call Taylor Caniff, Taylor C and you Taylor" she said, cutting me off. "And I better not see any more blush on your cheeks from now on" she ordered, as I rolled my eyes again, and turned around, walking back over to Hayes.

"So why did you join magcon?" He asked, as soon as I arrived. I confusingly looked over at him.

"Uh I really don't know, I posted a video on youtube of me singing, and someone called and wanted me to join because Mahogany was my sister" I explained. "Did that make sense?" I asked myself out loud. He laughed, as his perfect with teeth were visible.

"Yes, that did make sense" he started. "And I can't wait to hear you sing" he said, as he winked and I couldn't help but blush at his actions. I turned my back to Mahogany, hoping she didn't see.

"Uh thanks" I breathed.


I kept practicing, as I was growing very anxious, and my anxiety kicked in. I was thinking all this negativity as I started to cry, as I rushed towards Mahogany and she tightly hugged me.

"What if I mess up and everyone laughs at me?" I asked, as she rubbed my back, too calm me down.

"This is why I didn't want you to come" she softly spoke. I continued to cry on her shirt, probably leaving a tear stain, and heard a knock. My eyes widened, as I rushed into the bathroom, and heard Nash, Cameron and Hayes laughing. Oh no, I can't let them see me.

"I just need to pee" I heard Hayes say, as my eyes widened, as I ran into the shower, hiding myself behind the curtain. I heard the door open, and close as my cheeks burned up. I heard Hayes whistle, as I just wanted to dig a hole and die in it. I heard the zipper and screamed, as I opened the shower curtain. I looked in his eyes, and forgot I was just crying, as I looked away and got out, apologizing like 100 times.

I closed the door and walked up to Mahogany, still looking down. I felt her wrap her arms around me, as I breathed in and out.

"I can do it" I spoke, as I looked towards her. She gave me a half smile, and nodded.

"Hey Taylor?" I heard, as I turned around and met eyes with Hayes. "Can I talk to you?" He asked, as I nodded and walked towards him, as he motioned me to go outside. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked, as I sighed.


"I know that's bullshit" he started, as I lightly chuckled. "I'm here for you anytime" he said, as I felt his hand grab mine, as I looked up and sucked my breathe in.

"I-I just got an anxiety attack" I spoke, as I questioned myself. "Like I just thought about all the things that could go wrong, and nothing could go right. I'm just really nervous" I admitted. He swung our arms, that were still connected, as he nodded.

"If you want, I can come up with you, and hold your hand" he suggested, as I smiled. "I checked out your video, and you really are amazing" he continued, as I blushed and nudged his arm.

"Stop" I said, as I smiled and looked in his eyes. "Thank you" I spoke, as he nodded, and grabbed my other arm, and pulled me into a tight hug that I can admit, really comforted me.

"Let's go rock the stage" he said, as he winked and I nodded.


I heard my name, as I grew butterflies in my stomach, and felt sort of dizzy.

"I'm going to be right beside you" I heard someone whisper in my ear, as I got shivers and turned around. I felt his huge hand grabbed my hand, making me calm down a bit. We walked on the stage, as I heard screams and cheers, as I couldn't stop smiling.

"Hi" I said into the microphone, as everyone screamed hello back. I looked towards Hayes then down to our hands. "Okay, well I hope you enjoy" I shakily said, as everyone grew quiet.

I sang with all my passion, hoping no one would laugh at me. At parts where I saw girls laugh, Hayes would rub little circles on my hands, instantly calming me down, and I grew confident every time.

"Thank you" I spoke, as people were cheering and screaming, and I covered my hands with my face. I can't believe this is happening. I turned towards Hayes and hugged him, earning even louder screams.

We ran off the stage, as Hayes, questionably, lifted me up, twirling me around and making me quite dizzy.

"You were fantastic!" Hayes cheered, as I started to laugh. "I can't wait to do it again" he flirted, as he winked and I saw Mahogany slapped his head, as I laughed. This was, hands down, the best day of my life.


I hope you liked it (: @Username2002


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