The Truth Hurts (Jacob Whitesides)

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Jenna's POV

"Hey" I smiled as I walked up to Jacob. He turned around and I felt my knees go weak when I saw him holding hands with Jackie, the biggest bitch at our school.

"Hey, Jenna" He smiled as I looked over at Jackie who smirked and kissed his cheek. She knows I've liked Jacob for many years. "This is-"

"Jackie, I know" I faked a smile and looked away from her.

"We're dating" he announced as I raised my eyebrows, pretending to be surprised. Like holding hands didn't give it away.

"Congratulations?" I started giggling as Jackie rolled her eyes and cupped Jacob's cheeks and placed her lips on his which definitely put me a bad mood. My laughter stopped as she backed away and smirked, looking over at me.

"I must me going" she smiled. "Still on after school?" She winked as Jacob laughed and started blushing as my eyes widened. "Great, bye" she walked away. As soon as she disappeared, I met Jacob's innocent eyes and quickly punched him in the arm.

"Ow, what the hell?" Jacob yelled as he winced and grabbed his injured arm.

"Did you forget about our plans or did the size of Jackie's breasts catch you off guard!" I screamed with pure anger.

"Jenna, calm down" he chuckled as I felt veins pop on my neck and hands.

"Jacob, my recital is tonight" I took deep breaths. "A very special recital" I continued, "but if you rather stick your tongue down some slut, I guess I'm okay with that" I spat as I turned around and stormed off into my first class, english.


As the final bell rang through the school I let out a sigh as I collected all my books and walked down the hall to my locker, which was right beside the girls washroom.

"Hey Jackie" I heard Ashely, another fake girl, giggle. "I heard you and Jacob are together" She giggled even louder as Jackie shushed her.

"He's so ugly Ash, but he seems like an easy guy to control" She answered as my mouth dropped as I hid behind my locker door and continued to ease drop. "He's also such a clingy and romantic guy" she continued, "No wonder no one likes him" she finished as they started to laugh. "Oh Ash, he's such a bitch, he does whatever I tell him to do" she complained as I shut my locker and was ready to walk away until I heard Ashley spoke up.

"What are you going to do?" Ashley asked.

"I'm gonna make him into a man" My eyes widened. "tonight".


"Hey, it's me uh Jenna and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for overreacting today but you need to know that Jackie doesn't like you, she only wants to date you so she can... well, turn you into a man. I know how much this uh subject means to you and that's why I'm letting you know now before its too late" I sighed before closing my eyes. "Also, I saved you a seat in the front if you decide to come" I laughed. "Okay, bye Jacob" I pressed end as I took another deep sigh as I got changed into my outfit.


After my recital, I looked over at the seat that I preserved for Jacob and it was empty.

"You did amazing, honey!" my mother smiled as she ran up to me and gave me a tight hug.

"Yeah, well it would've been better if Jacob was here" I pouted as my mother groaned. "Oh sorry, mom. I totally forgot that you hate his guts" I sarcastically spoke as I rolled my eyes.

"Its not that I don't like him, I just don't like the affect he is giving you or his influence" she backed away and flashed me a stern look. "He is an attractive guy and sometimes I feel like you pay more attention on him than your grades. You have a 70 in math, Jenna. I expect at least an 85" she growled under her voice so no one around could hear.

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