I Want You (Aaron Carpenter)

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Isabella's POV

"Show me that" I howled as I looked over at Sharon in disbelief. She handed me her phone as I looked at the dreadful picture.

"I told you Bella, he kissed that slut, Eve" she spat as I starred at the picture, my heart breaking. "I know you always have liked Aaron and I'm just trying to protect you from making a big mistake" she continued as she grabbed her phone out of my hands.

"What do you mean?" I grew angry.

"Aaron isn't the type to settle down with one girl and be committed for a long time" she spoke as I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm just protecting you from getting hurt like your last relationship" she added as my eyes widened. Why is she even bringing up my past relationship? And who does she think she is giving me dating advice and who I should stay away from?

As I was about to argue, my phone buzzed.

hey isa, it's aaron. i'll be landin soon and i just want to say i miss u and i need a ride home thx ily

"I have to go" I murmured as I quickly stepped out of her house before she could reply.


Aaron!" I screamed, looking at the back of his head as he turned around and a small smile crept on my face as I began running towards him. He dropped his luggage and spread his arms out. I ran into them, as my arms hung around his neck. I pulled him closer to me so any space that we had between us disappeared. "I missed you so much" I whispered as I kept my head in his neck. Isn't it obvious I have a crush on Aaron? I mean, I've always liked Aaron, all it took was a girl to kiss him for me too realize what I have for Aaron is deep and y'know what, maybe I even love Aaron, but all I know is that I want him to be mine and no one else's.

"Earth to Isabella" Aaron smirked as I deeply blushed and looked in his eyes. I could feel the tension and connection we had and I hungrily kissed him, not regretting it any bit.

"Isabella" he backed away as my lips felt like they were touched by thunder; they were burning and I felt my whole body has been electrocuted.

"Didn't you feel it, Aaron?" I whispered as Aaron dropped to me the ground and avoided eye contact. "Aaron?" I spoke, my voice cracking.

"I'm going to call a cab, bye Isabella" he mumbled and just like that, he walked away from me.

"Aaron!" I screamed as tears appeared in my eyes but I refused to show anyone that I'm truly hurt. He didn't even turn his head as I ran my hand through my hair and started freaking out.


It's been 4 weeks since I last saw Aaron or even contacted him and I finally understand when all those sappy romantic movies feel after a break-up (necessarily we never even dated). It's like hearing every goodbye said to you, all at once; it's excruciating to go through and really took a toll on my mental state and health.

"Hey Isabella" I heard Sharon as she sat beside me.

"You were right, Sharon. He's not the guy to commit" I frowned as I felt fresh tears weld up in my eyes as I quickly had to grab a tissue.

"Isabella, it's okay to cry" she rubbed my back, "it's good to get your emotions out" she continued.

"Why does love even exist? It is the worst feeling in the world when you love someone so much and they don't" I allowed myself to cry, hoping it will make me feel somewhat better about this whole situation.

"Well you haven't experienced the other side of love, where both people love each other" Sharon spoke up, "It's the most incredible feeling you could ever experience and one day, you're going to find the right guy who will love as much as you love him and he gives you that feeling that no one else can" she finished tears still falling down my cheek.

"Aaron gives me a feeling no one has ever gave to me before" I whispered as the tears started to disappear and I calmed down.

"I'm sorry, Isabella, I don't know what else I can say" Sharon frowned. "I have to get to work, are you sure you don't want be to call in?" she asked.

"No, I'll be fine but thanks" I reassured her.

"Bye" she gave me a hug and left. I sighed as I decided to just watch stupid love movies and cry all night. I heard the doorbell as I slightly rolled my eyes, knowing Sharon forgot something.

"What did you forget this time?" I opened my door and started to laugh but quickly died down when the person at the door wasn't Sharon, it was Aaron. "Aaron?" I squeaked, blushing from how gruesome the state of my appearance was.

"Look, Isabella, I wanted to explain myself at the airport" he started as I started boiling.

"Explain what? I practically gave myself to you and you threw me on the ground and ran away?" I snapped, over exaggerating but I couldn't care less. He hurt me and he has to know.

"Look, I was just so shocked and speechless, I didn't know what to say! I just figured that my best friend since we were little likes me, of course I'm freaked out-"

"You were freaked out that I liked you?" I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my hands over my chest. "And what exactly does that mean?" I was growing angrier at Aaron by the second.

"No, not freaked out, more like relieved" he said as I was breathless. "I've always loved you, Isabella, I just wasn't sure if I could tell you because I was scared you wouldn't like me back" he spoke all in one breath as I felt happiness come over my sadness but I still felt like crying.

"Aaron, I'm just really hurt of what you did" I frowned, wanting to forgive him but not knowing if I should, "Why did you wait 4 whole weeks to come over here and explain yourself? Do you know what you put me through?" I whimpered as Aaron held my hands.


"Hell, you put me through hell" I released my hands in his and shook my head. "I'm sorry Aaron, but I need to make sure you're committed and truthful and I don't think you are" I felt a tear drop out of my eye but allowed no more, trying to show Aaron I'm strong and I don't need him.

"I love you, Isabella. I want to stop being that man that sleeps with a girl and doesn't even know her name. I'm done with that lifestyle. I want to start and raise a family soon. I want to get married. And I want those memories to be with you. I want us to grow old together. Please, Isabella, just give me a chance" he begged as I looked in his eyes and saw desperation. I flattened my lips as I leaned in and gave Aaron a short but never-forgetting kiss. I just realized that I'm hopelessly devoted
to Aaron and that will never change.

"Okay, Aaron, I'll give you a chance".


sorry this is trashy but i hope you liked it @omgitsIzzy (-:


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