Okay? Okay. (Cameron Dallas)

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Harleen's POV

"Cameron!" Someone yelled, as I felt his grip on my waist tighten, and I winced in pain, as I covered my face in his body and heard the millions of flashes go off.

"Is it true your girlfriend is pregnant?" Another reporter asked. I smiled to myself and mentally laughed at how stupid they are; I'm only 19, I won't have kids until another 5 or so years.

"Is it true that your getting married?" Someone yelled, as I froze and gulped. Marriage? Cameron's brought it up, but I always shrugged it off, not really wanting to talk about it. I mean, yes, I love Cameron, but I'm not ready for marriage.

Soon enough, me and Cameron were in his car and started to drive away, as I was relieved.

"Crazy huh?" Cameron asked, as he smiled and I giggled, secretly adoring his smile.

"Yeah" I admitted.

"At least we'll be together for a while" he said, as he winked and I blushed, as Cameron wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him, making me feel instantly warm and bubbly inside. "I love you Harleen" he spoke, as he stroked my hair, as I held his hand.

"I love you too" I breathed, as he kissed the top of my head, making me shiver.


As we arrived at the restaurant, we sat down in the corner, by the window.

"What a lovely day" I commented, looking out the window.


Cameron spoke, but was cut off by a loud crash, as I snapped my head towards the door and saw a person wearing a black mask over his head. I got a weird feeling in my stomach, as I gulped, growing nervous and scared by the minute.

"Everyone to their fucking feet!" The man yelled, as I whimpered and quickly sat on the ground, and hid myself under to table. I heard a shot, as I gasped and my mouth hung open; it's all happening too quickly.

"Here" Cameron said, as he grabbed something out of his pocket. He flinched, as I heard another shot and crawled into his arms.

"Cameron, I'm scared" I whispered, holding my tears and cries in.

"I know baby, just stay in my arms and I'll protect you" he whispered, as he grabbed the box and handed it to me. I quietly gasped, as I opened it and it revealed a big, shiny ring.


The criminal came towards us and screamed something that I couldn't understand. Then, all of a sudden, I heard the gun shot go off and screamed as I saw blood coming from Cameron's arm. I sat there, with wide eyes, and was too shocked to move, in fact, do anything.

The guy walked off, somehow proud of himself. I felt the tears run down my cheeks, as I held Cameron's hand and he blinked away his tears.

"Yes" I whispered, as I looked in his eyes. He gave me a confused look, as he squinted and held his arm, indicating he was in too much pain. "I will marry you" I spoke. "Now".

"I love y-you" he stuttered, as I, surprisingly, smiled and kissed him, and savoured the moment.

"Look Harleen, I'm going to say something and you're going to be quiet" Cameron whispered, as I started to cry, as I nodded, holding his shaky hand. "I love you so much Harleen" he started. "And not the cheesy 'I love you', the 'I love you for eternity'. The first time I saw you, I knew you were going to be special and important to me. With your cute personality to your beautiful smile, who couldn't fall for you" he continued, as I let out a whimper and started to cry harder. "If something does happen, I want you to live your life like I was never in it and move on and find some other man who will make you happy" he said.

"No" I demanded. "I couldn't, wouldn't love someone else" I said, as I frowned. "No one will make me happy like you do" I spoke, my voice cracking.

"Just me promise me okay?" He asked, as I sniffled and hugged him tightly.



I'm sorry I had to. c;

but I hope you liked it @camdallas4ever (: sorry it took so long


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