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"When a strict,brave and handsome Soldier meets young, pretty and charming Teacher. Even though their paths were different, their destiny was ment to be same.."

(Note: You may find some korean language only in the 1st chapter.. Later on I haven't updated much with Korean language.. I just wanted to make sure the readers get to know that the story line takes place in Seoul,South Korea and again you don't find me mentioning the city name often)

Hello all, this is my first ever work. I think there might be some grammatical mistakes. Sorry for that. Hope you all enjoy this story 😇

It was a hectic day and as usual I was returning back to home from my usual school work. Even though the children's look sweet and cute, once they start to throw their tantrum u start to see the devil behind their angelic faces. No matter what they were I found them more charming and they made me to forget the reality of the world at least for some time.
I stopped near the grocery shop to buy some vegetables for my evening dinner. I saw Mrs. Park who was already there at the store bargaining with the shopkeeper. As soon as she saw me her face got lit up and she greeted me with the warm smile and then she started to complain about the shopkeeper.
"Look at him Jiya, he always gives me the rotten eggs and tell they are fresh" with a whining face .
I couldn't control myself from giggling as soon as I saw her face and I bought some vegetables from the vendor and started to walk back to my home with her.

Mrs. Park lives in the adjacent building and when I moved to South Korea, I was so new to this city and their culture and I literally didn't know anyone in this big city and she took me in as her own child and she was there through my thick and thin moment.

Flash back

It was Saturday evening. I got up from my afternoon slumber and went to explore the city. I was not fluent in Korean language and most of the time I was not understanding what the other person was telling when ever I asked for the directions.

While I was crossing the road , to go back to my building, almost around 7pm, a boy came in his bicycle and hit me unintentionally, while he was trying to slow down . I fell down and got hurt. My knees were bleeding and my ankle got twisted. All this happened in front of Mrs. Park's house. Hearing my loud cry she rushed out of her house and she scolded the boy.

She turned towards me after done with the scolding to boy and with the most concerned she asked "gwaenchanh- ayo?" I nodded with the tears in my eyes .
She told "nae jib-e deul-eowa". I didn't understand what she said and I started to blink my eyes then she understood my problem with the language. Then she again told " Why don't you come inside my house and rest for a while". I gave her a Smile and tried to stand on my feet. But, the moment the stood I fell down again and started to cry in silent.

She made me to stand by guiding me to put my arm around her shoulder and I leaned on her as I put my arm and she took me inside.

She said "geogjeong hajima. You are going to be alright" With a smiling face as she treated my wounds with the first aid kit.

My Eyes were filled with tears not just because of pain, but, also with the hospitality of a complete stranger who took atmost care while treating me carefully and trying not to hurt me.

She asked " ileum-i mwoyeyo?" After giving me the quick first aid.
I Looked at her with teary eyes and told "Jiya". She smiled and said "yeppeun ileum" And made me feel comfortable.

She gave me some lotus flower tea and told "drink this you will feel relaxed" .

I said "Thank you Madam". She said "call me eomeoni "and I nodded with a bright smile on my face.

We both chatted for a while and I took my leave and she told me to go back to my apartment carefully.

This is how I met Mrs. Park.

Present day

We talked while We Both were heading back to our houses.

" How was your day? Did the munchkins trouble you much?" Mrs.Park asked me.

I giggled and said " They always like to prank and play with me".

Like this we started to talk how our days went and we bought some grilled sweet potatoes and sat to eat them on the road side bench.

Suddenly we saw a boy running towards us from a distance. As a man was chasing him from behind. Both of us didn't know what was going on and we didn't know what to do. Suddenly the boy stopped in front of us and saw us as we were Munching on our sweet potatoes.

At that moment none of us knew what happened and next minute I saw the boy holding a knife at my throat. Mrs. Park was shouting for help . And ,the boy held me with a tight grip and, the knife he was holding cut through a layer of my delicate skin and I fainted.

I opened my eyes and saw Mrs. Park's anxious face and asked her "eomma, what happened?? "

With a relived face Mrs. Park saw me and told " You fainted as that scoundrel held you with a tight grip and making difficult for you to breathe and he even gave this scar on your throat".

She told " Thank this man. He acted cleverly at that moment by hitting him from behind. If not for him I don't know what would have happened to you. Luckily ,the police who was chasing him caught the boy and took him" .

I shifted my gaze from Mrs. Park to see the man who saved me. I saw the man who was well built, had this face which seemed like he is smiling at one moment and next as if there were no expressions

I said "gamsahabnida" And saw him smile with his eyes and I could feel the butterflies all over my stomach as he had the most intense and expressive eyes with the most beautiful smile at the same time.

Mrs. Park said "dangsin-i ulileul dobji anh-assdamyeon eotteohge doeeoss-eulji moleugess-eoyo. gamsahabnida" To the man who was staring at me with a smile on his face.

Suddenly he shifted his gaze to Mrs. Park and gave a quick smile to her. And he said " I think you will be alright, I'll take my leave now " And he was about to leave.

"Wait" I said as if I was seeing him for the one last time and asked him "Sir, may I know your name? "

"Kim Taehyung" He said as he looked intensely at me and gave me a smile which got engraved on my mind.

"Take some rest for now. If possible we shall meet again soon " he said and told "annyeong eomeoni" To Mrs. Park as he left his house.

"Any guess about what will happen next😉???"

Hello Armies😃.. I'm sorry if I have done any grammatical mistakes while writing this story🙏🏼.. This is my first ever work.. Please show some love🥰

(I have used the help of google for the Korean words and sentences.. As I am non -Korean ..If I have done any mistake I'm sorry for that.. )

Enjoy the story 😃😇


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