16. New Beginning

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"Who's cutting onions?"
It's an emotional rollercoaster.. Read at your own risk.


Everyone in that party was stunned by the way Soo-Yoona shouted.

She stood in front of me and said " I'm feeling dizzy. This whole party is making me to loose my mind. I'm not in the mood to party anymore please take me back to my dorm"

I didn't even care about her reply. I just wanted her to feel comfortable. And, I took her back to her dorm. I was least bothered about what the people at the party thought.

Next day, I waited for her to call me Or text. But, she didn't. When I called her, one of her roommate answered and said that she was not feeling well. I just let it go. Days passed and I didn't hear anything from her. I tried contacting her and it was of no use.

It was University entrance exam day. I couldn't study much as my mind was pre-occupied with so many things. I saw Jimin he waved at me and I didn't respond to him. I searched for my class and finally got the allotted room. No one were there as still there was few minutes left for the exam to start. I got into my allotted seat and got my self comfortable. I arranged my stationeries on the desk and was waiting patiently for the exam to begin. Students started to enter the class. I was so much worried about Yoona, I could think about her even in the exam hall. To my surprise Jimin entered the class and took his seat. I quietly observed him. Still 20minutes was left for the exam to start. I looked at the entrance and saw Soo-yoona coming with her friends. At that moment, I was the most happiest person and my worries were gone. She looked fine and I rushed towards her and grabbed her wrist and said "Thank God! You are fine. I was so worried about you."
Her friends just glared at me and she didn't utter a word.
"Baby, how are you? I tried calling you and one of your friend said you were not well. Is everything alright baby?" I asked her with so much concern.

She gave me an irritated look. It felt like, as if my worries were nothing to her. I could see the change in her attitude. But, I was so much consumed by the Love which I had for her.

"Back off Kim, stop touching me without my consent. What do you think you are doing to the future Idol"

I couldn't believe what I just heard from My Yoona. Her words felt like it pearcied like a knife through my heart and the worst part is, everyone is witnessing this, including Jimin.

"Baby, what happened? How could you say that to me?"
"Baby? How did I even become your baby? Are you out of your mind?"
"B-But, we like each O-Other's. I even P-P-Proposed to you" I said as I was on the verge of crying.
"Stop this Nonsense Kim. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of acting as if I'm okay with you. I thought you got my message as I didn't want you to get hurt in front of everyone"
"W-What m-message? What a-are y-you t-talking?" I said as tears started to flow down my cheeks.
"Kim. Stop being such a dumbo. How can you not get the message. I dumped you in front of the whole class when you proposed me. I wanted it to do without creating any nuisance. But, I guess you have other plans"

I couldn't control myself as I got humiliated and I couldn't even say anything to her.

"Listen carefully Kim. I wanted to gain popularity and do you think I would have got it if I pretended to be someone else's girlfriend. Never. And, beside you were filthy rich. I heard many people say you were the spoiled brat of your family. It was perfect and everything was going as per my plan. But, one day you came to me and started to babble about the tedious family drama of yours"

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