15. Blind trust

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"I think I deserved it" Tae says out of blue.
"No. You didn't deserve any of that. You were in your adolescent years. You we're excited about everything back then. We all have been through that. Even your father also" I said rather angrily.
"Yeah thats true. He had is own ways to punish his sons" Tae said with a sad smile.
"But, still. How could he do that? How could he send you away?"

He didn't answer anything to my question. Then I asked "what you did after that? What really happened?"

Taehyung's POV

After I shifted to dorm I was not in the right state of mind. I missed mom, Jin hyung and I even missed dad. But, I couldn't do anything about it. Jin hyung got to know what dad did and he was furious about it. He even fought with dad to take me back home. Unfortunately, nothing worked. I was hoping that my dad would take me back.

Jin and mom visited me the very next day and updated me with everything that happened. I couldn't stop myself from crying. Thought of  not being with my family for rest of my life was pretty scary. I didn't have any other option left except staying in dorm and graduating. Mom and Hyung promised to visit me often and I was relieved by that.

Jimin helped me to cope up with my problems and sorrows. He never once told anyone about my situation. He even managed to get Jungkook to be my roommate. I was happy that I got someone like Jimin in my life. Then, at that moment I promised to myself that 'I will be a better person'. I started to work hard and improved my grades. I stopped being reckless. Everyone in the school were curious about me. They all wanted to know what happened to me and why I started to do well in my studies.

Time passed and I got adjusted to the situation. Mom and Hyung visited me often and gave some money for my daily needs. On the other hand, Dad never visited me. Thought of dad, would break me down emotionally. So, I started to take it as a challenge and go on with life.

"What's her problem? She is getting on your nerve Tae" Jimin said.
"I know. What you want me to do? I tried everything to avoid her. She is one stubborn lady" I said as I chuckled by remembering Soo-Yoona.
"What's so funny? Why you smiling like an idiot? " Jimin asked with anger.
"That's the thing. It's been few months since she got here. She is kinda different. Not like other chicks. I think I'm loosing myself for her"
"No!!!!! Don't tell me you have fallen head over heels for her" He said with a surprised expression.
"I think I have. I don't know what to do" I said casually "We got close and we also went on few dates. I think she is the one Jimin"
"Tae, it's just an infatuation. It'll pass. Once she gets to know about your situation. She'll leave you eventually"

I got very angry for what Jimin said.
"How can you say like that? Don't you see, how happy I get when I'm with her? Don't you want me to be happy?" I bursted out at Jimin.
"Taehyung-ah It's not like that. Please try to understand me"
"No Jimin, you are jealous of me. You can't see me being happy" I spoke harshly to him.
"Tae you're gonna regret what you just said. I am never jealous of you. You are my best friend for God sake, Why would I be jealous of you? You are imagining things" Jimin said as he was loosing his temper.
"Because I got the cutest girl in the whole campus swooning over me. I don't know"
"Fine, I had it enough of your babbling. Why don't you tell her and see for yourself"
"Jimin! Enough. I'm going to tell her everything. Just to prove how wrong you were"
"Then go. What are you waiting for? My permission?"
"This is too much Jimin. What will you do if she doesn't leave me?" I asked him with full confidence.
"I would never interfere with anything related to her" Jimin said with anger.
"You better not"
"Wait. We should have a fair game. What if she leaves you? He asked .
" I don't have to. I know her better than you".
"Let's wait and see. Don't just come to conclusion."

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