18. Flash from the Past

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"It's been a long time Taehyung- shii"

I was so happy to see the soloist and at that moment I forgot everything that was going on.

She turned towards me and said "I hope you are alright, I'm sorry I was happy to see 'Tae' after a very long time. So, I asked my driver to speed up. I didn't want to miss a chance of talking with Tae" The soloist said.
"Oh! I'm perfectly alright. Nothing happened. I got little angry for a moment because of his rash driving" I said as I was excited to see her this close in person.
"I apologize on his behalf. How about we take a picture and I'll sign it for you?" The soloist asked.
"Oh! Thank you so much. I always wanted a picture with you. But, it's okay no need to be sorry. And, also nothing happened to us" I said pointing to Tae.
"Well you are here with 'my Tae'. How can I just make you leave now? "

"My Tae? What is she saying? She wants me to leave now? Whoa.. Am I missing something? "

"Y-You want me to leave?" I asked the soloist with some hesitation.
"Yes. I mean No. We haven't taken any picture yet and I still have something for you"
"Aah! I thought you wanted me to leave" I said with a relief.

Tae was just watching the whole thing that was going between me and the soloist. He knew that I liked 'Mini' and he didn't want to ruin the moment by asking me to leave with him. He waited patiently for me to tell him to take me home. I was so much immersed and excited for what was about to happen. I was going to get a photo with my favorite idol. She asked her manager to take a picture of us and he did as she told. She asked her manager to give two VIP tickets for her next concert which will be held in Seoul. She also gave me her latest photo magazine with her sign. I was on cloud nine and I didn't know how I got so lucky.

"Thank you so much. I don't know how to even tell how happy I am right now"
"Hey, I'm glad I was able to make you happy. Don't thank me. It's all because of this gentlemen" She said as she pointed towards Tae.

Tae didn't even bother to look at her and I could see she was not having it. She didn't like the fact that Tae didn't even smile at her. I could clearly see that.

"I have written a message for you. It's somewhere in the book. I hope you find it" The soloist said.
"Really? Aww. Thank you. I can't wait to re-" I was cut off by Tae.
"Babe, we need to get back. It's getting late and you know we still have so much to do" Tae said without even glancing at Mini.
"Oh! I forgot. Sorry let's go no-" I was about to say. But, the soloist interrupted and said.
"What so urgent Taehyung-shii? We both are meeting after ages. You don't even want to ask how I am?"

Again, there was no answer from Tae. He kept quiet. He didn't even spare a glance at her. I was not able to understand what was going on. But, I didn't mind much.

"Well if you don't have anything, I have a tons" The soloist said.
"Mini-shii, save it for another day. You have places to be and so am I. If paparazzi's spot you with us, things might go wrong. I don't want my girl to get unwanted attention. So, it's better for us to leave now" Tae said and Mini couldn't believe what she just heard. I thought she felt bad for what Tae said. Apparently what Tae said was right.But, I didn't want her to feel sad as she was meeting her old friend after a very long time. 

If only I knew who she was I wouldn't have felt so bad for her.

"You really made my day. It's every fan's dream to see their idol this close. But, I don't know how I got so lucky. Even though he might be the reason" I point towards Tae and said "I am sorry he couln't talk much with you. We really need to go now. It was nice meeting you. And, thank you for everything"

She smiled at me and said "Hey, it's totally fine. We could catch up once again. Why don't you give your contact details to my manager. He would clear my schedules and arrange a day for us"
"Really? Wow!! What did I ever do to deserve this" I said to her as I was very happy.

I was about to give my details for her manager. Tae grabbed me by my wrist and lowly growled "I had enough. We are leaving. Now"

I couldn't do anything. I just felt like I need to listen to him and I was not even able to bid her goodbye. He just pulled me from where I was standing to his car and he drove away.
We were back to those awkward moment of silence. I have spent a lot of time with him to know what is he going on in his head just by looking at him. Right now, he is Angry.

He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on the gear knob. And, Focus completely on the road. I knew it was not a good time to talk. So, I just kept my hand on his hand which was on the gear knob. He looked at me. I smiled. Then, he took away his hand from the gear knob and kept it on the steering wheel. We both didn't even say anything to each other. The drive back home was filled with silence.

He stopped in front of the icecream shop to grab some. He made me to get down and took me inside. We sat at the corner and neither of us said anything. I hated this silence between us. Not when he would be leaving and I don't know when he would return.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you leave like that" Tae said out of nowhere.

I didn't speak a word. Just took the icecream he bought and started to eat it.

"There, there. You won't be able to meet me for quite long time and you still want to not talk to me?" He asked.

Sudden guilt kicked within me when I heard him say those words. I was upset for the way he treated 'Mini'. Everyone in this nation would do anything just to see her and I got a boy who is so repulsive towards the soloist.I don't know whether iI should be happy or not. But,  I felt really sorry for her. And, also I was aware of the situation we were in. I don't know when  I see him again after this day.

"Yeah. You are right. I shouldn't be upset over something like this. I should concentrate more on us given the situation we are in" I said.
"That's my girl" Tae said and he took something from the shopping bag he had to give it to me.
"I wanted to give this to you. Don't say anything about it. It's my gift until next time and I hope you like this"

I was stunned when I saw what he took out of the bag. It was a bracelet and most the prettiest one. He asked me to extend my hand so that he can put it.

"At first, I saw couple rings. They were so beautiful and I was about to buy them. But, this beautiful bracelet came across my eyes. I didn't want to leave this behind . So, I bought it for you"

"Awww. Thank you so much. You didn't have to buy this for me" I said as I was starstruck seeing the prettiest bracelet ever.
"I wanted to. I want you to have a piece of me while I'm far away" I couldn't take it anymore. That one sentence broke everything I was repressing inside me.

It was more difficult than anything I imagined. We both never confessed our feelings. And, I don't know what will happen to me when he leaves. I was preparing myself for this moment since the time I kissed him for the very first time. I always knew that there comes a time when he had to leave me. Now, I was finally  ready to bid him.

Hey my readers😍

Finally Tae is going back to his reality and so is Jiya.
Wait for what happens next.
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