6. Taking Chances

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"I like You" Tae said . "I know i'm being quite selfish over here. But, if you really want to know what you actually feel about me, why don't we spend some time together? ".

I was not sure if it was a good idea. "Do you really think that will help?" I asked him.

"Hey, i'm just trying to help you over here. You need to figure that out on your own" Tae groaned. "And, remember this , i will never force you to like me back. The feeling should be mutual. I'll be okay with whatever you feel about me".

"Taehyung-shii, I don't think it is a good idea. After spending some time with you, what if the feeling is not mutual ?" I catechized Tae.

"Are you afraid of taking chances ?" Tae started to put the screw on me. "I dare you!" Tae said with a little smirk. 

"Seriously!!Taehyung-shii, are you for real ?"

"Think about it. You don't loose anything. Neither will I. It will be a good time and we can stay as a friends if things don't workout" Tae said.

I felt like, why not give it a try? I won't be loosing anything and maybe it'll be fun. "Okay Taehyung-Shii. I'll consider what you said".

The moment I said this, I could see Tae's face lit up. The fact is, even I like him and I was just not ready to accept it. 

"Okay then! I'll get going now, We shall meet up soon" I said as I got up.

"Are you going to leave me alone here? Do you just want me to sit here and look at all the children and couples roaming around?" 

" If u don't want to sit here. You can walk me to home" I suggested.

Quickly Tae stood up and he joined me as we walked to my home. We didn't talk much on our way back to home. He asked me about the usual items I buy for dinner and nothing really much apart from that.

As, we reached my building I invited him  "Why don't you come inside? ".
" No, not today. I have got some work. So, next time " Tae said.
"Its okay. You are always welcomed here"  I said with a grin.
And, I was about to get inside. Tae stopped me and asked "Jiya-shii Are you free anyday in this week? "

I didn't know why he was asking . So, I said "I have not taken any of my leave. So, if you tell me what is the occasion. I can utilize one of them".

"You know what my work is, and it's almost been a week since I came back home. And, I hardly have another two or three weeks before I get back to work. If there is any mission, I need to go back once I get a call" Tae was telling me his situation. "So, I just ask you to spend a day with me. It will be a bigger step than you could ever realize. I think this might help you to get to know me.

I thought for a second and said " Sure, I can get a leave. It's been a while since I went out"
"Works for me" Tae said.
"So, when are we going? " I asked with lots of curiosity.
" I'll let you know tonight. Okay then I'll get going now " Tae said as he started to go.
"Tae!" I called out and said "you never told me what work you do. And, I don't even know what's your work is. So, I think,when we go out, we got a topic to discuss ."
"We'll see about that" Tae said with a soft smile as he left.

I know that, I have developed a strange feeling towards this amazing person which felt sooo good. And, deep down  I was trying to dwell with the recent developed feelings. Even though my heart was ready for the changes that was happening within me, my mind was telling something else. I wanted to make sure about these feeling. People who listen to my story might say "it's not a big deal to like someone". Well, it was for me.

I went to meet Mrs. Park as I had some unfinished business with her.
She is the most beautiful soul out there. I feel lucky to have her in my life.

"I didn't meet you. Did you have too much work today? " Mrs. Park asked me as she handed some snacks.
"No eomma. I met someone on my way back home" I said as I took some of those snacks.
"Oh! No worries then" She said.
"Actually, I want to talk something with you" I said.
With a worried look she asked " Is everything alright? Does that knife cut still hurts? Did anyone do something to you?"

I felt so happy at that moment, She takes such a good care of me just like a mother. Even though we don't live under the same roof. I got all the love and care I could ever get in a foreign land.

"Eomma, don't worry. Nothing serious as you think. It's about the person I met today" I said.

"Oh! What is it? Who is that? Tell me" Mrs. Park asked.
"You remember Kim Taehyung-shii? The man who saved me" I asked keeping a straight gaze to study her.
"Aah. I saw him yesterday, I told you about that in the morning". She said.
"Well, He dropped me back to home and I think he passed this way" I said with a calm voice.
"Oh!!! Aah!" There was a sudden change in her expression "What happened between you both? Why did he drop you home yesterday night? I think I'm missing something" She asked curiously.
"You miss lot of information here. I'll fill you up with everything " I said and told her about the incidents that took place. After that I was eagerly waiting for her to say something.

"Oh! So much happened and now I get to know " She said as I saw her she asked "What do you think about him?"

"I have no words. I'm confused here. So, only to find out things I agreed to go out with him" I said.

"Don't you think you are going out on a date with handsome Soldier" She teased me.
With a shy smile I said " I think so. But, we never thought this as a date. It's just an outing to get to know each other ".
" What ever, it is a date for me. I appreciate that you took a bold decision without rushing things for both of you "

" So, do you think it's okay to go out? "I asked.
" Are you waiting for my permission? " She questioned.
"No. But, I want your opinion on this little date you say " I said with a grin.
"Omo. Look at you all shy. I totally agree with your decision Jiya. And, I'll be the happiest person if he proposes you one fine day" She said.
"Eomma, you are going to too far" I whined .

There was a sudden pause in our conversation as my phone started to ring.

"It's Taehyung-shii. I think he called to tell about the place" I said with a wide smile.
" Just pick the call and talk. I won't listen to any of your conversation" She teased.
"Fine, now don't tease me" I said as I walked out of the room to speak with him.

"Hello" I said. As I waited to hear Tae's voice to say anything from the other side.


Hello all!! 😃

In the next part we will get Tae-Jiya outing (or their date as told by Mrs. Park😉) and I'm really excited about that.😁
I hope you all are enjoying this story. Plz do share this story with your friends. And, if you liked it , plz vote for it.

You all can suggest me with some nice places for their outing (yeah! Their little date 😁😉)


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