11. Eager to know Things

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It's been  few days since the convenience store matter happened. I felt like I need to know about Tae's past after listening to what Jimin said. And, I didn't have the courage to ask him myself. I just wanted to take some things out of my head as it was eating me from inside. I wanted to talk with someone about what Jimin had told me and I didn't know with whom I should talk.

At first I thought about Mrs. Park. But, then I felt it would be uncomfortable. As Jimin stays with her and he is way more close to her then I am. Hence, she would make him spill everything he knows about Taehyung and later it'll be awkward for both Jimin and I to be in the same place or to converse casually. So, Mrs. Park was ruled out.

Today I was at the work. Luckily Ga-Eun and I didn't have any classes and we were free. She asked about Taehyung . She knew that Tae was a soldier who was a part of Military special forces.

"Did you ever ask your 'to be boyfriend' why he joined the Military?"

It was quite common for her to tease me like that every now and then.

"No, I never asked" I said. "I thought he just wanted to serve his country. So, he joined".
"Seriously, that's what you thought?" Ga-Eun asked me again.
"Jiya, Kim's own so many buildings here. Not just that, they have their own family business and I heard that they are fully loaded" She said and continued "when you have everything you want, why risk your life everyday? "

Even though She had a point, I didn't want to agree to what she said. So, I kept quiet. But, she didn't

"Either they might have kicked him out or it has something to do with his past" she said it all of a sudden.
"I don't think they kicked him out. If they did why do think he still lives with them?"
"Ga-Eun I seriously don't want to argue about him with you. But, I feel the later part might be true. I don't know. I'm just saying" I said.
"That's right!!" She said.

Something inside me told me that Tae joining the military forces had something to do with his past. Now, all I wanted was an opportunity and little courage to talk about it with him.

We both talked for a while and I didn't bring about the encounter with Jimin in convenience store. As, I felt little relieved just by guessing things about Tae's past.

Tae came back from his short trip. And, he told that shortly he will be arranging a friendly meeting with Hobi oppa as I kept on pestering him a lot.

Finally the most awaited day came. Today I'm going to meet Hobi oppa.

Tae asked me to meet him in the 'Mocha cafe'. As usual he had already arrived and I don't know why I always go late to meet him or why he is always on time? But, where ever we planned to meet, Tae would always be there before me.

Hobi oppa was nowhere to be seen.
"Where is he? " I asked Tae with so much eagerness.
"Whoa!! Calm down. I think he is busy with some things. Why don't we order your favorite coffee and wait for him? "

It sounded too good and without wasting any seconds I agreed for what Tae asked.

As I was waiting for both coffee and Hobi oppa. Tae started to ask about my day and other random things.I couldn't pay attention to anything he was saying. As I was bewitched by him. I couldn't stop staring at Tae. He was just perfect. Sometimes I even imagined him as The most handsome Prince of the fairy world. And, I was so much submerged in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice the arrival of the ordered coffee.

Tae was waving his hand in front of my face and then I came back to reality. I didn't miss the smirk on Tae's face as he saw my state.

Before I could say anything I could hear a loud voice saying "Taaaeeehyyunnnggg". It was Hobi oppa's voice and he was so happy to see Tae and he opened his arms to hug Tae.
Once they hugged their attention was turned towards me and Tae introduced me to Hobi officially.

" Hyung, this is Jiya. I hope you remember her" Tae said with little shy.
"Aah! Finally we meet" Hobi said with a wide grin.
"It's nice to meet you sir" I said keeping all my excitement to a side.
"Sir?? " I heard both of them saying it in unison.

They both were kinda confused. For Tae, I would always refer Hobi as Oppa and for Hobi I don't know why he felt weird. I  just wanted to be formal as this was my 1st meeting with him.

We all turned towards the familiar voice calling "Hobi Hyungggg" As they entered the cafe. And, much to our surprise it was none other than Mr. Park Jimin.

We all shared a friendly smile as we greeted each others and we all took a seat next to each other's. It felt really  funny to see Tae's face. He was not satisfied with our seating arrangements.As I was not next to him and I was Sandwiched between Hobi and Jimin.

We all had some snacks and of course I had coffee. They both were comfortable with me and they didn't even realize that Tae was just watching and he was not at all interested in the conversation we were having.

"Jiya, it's getting late. Let's leave" Tae said.
"Oh! Come on Tae it's not like we meet her daily" Hobi said.

Tae didn't even utter a word. All he did was just stare at me and his stare was so deep that, I felt like it could dig a hole in me.

He had enough and all he did was use his deep angry voice to make me leave. For which I refused as I was having good time with the other two.

He just grabbed my wrist and took me out of the cafe not caring that the other two were watching us.

I could feel the jealousy in his eyes and once we were out of the cafe he leaned forward and said "someone is in desperate need of punishment"


Hello all😃,
Sorry I couldn't update as I was too lazy to write 😁😁😁

It's our TaeTae's b'day today and wish you a very happy birthday Taehyung🐯 😇
(As if he could see this wish😅)

Okay what are your thoughts about this chapter??

Vote and comment for this story and it'll be a great motivation for me to continue this amazing story 🙏🏼🥰

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