7. The outing -1

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Tae dropped me off to my apartment and went to meet Hobi.

He went to Hobi's cafe where he spent most of his time these days.

"Hey Hyung!" Tae waved his hand as he entered the cafe.
"TAEEHYUUNG" Hobi greeted him with a big smile .
"Hyung how are you? Are you free today? " Tae asked.
" I run one of the busiest cafe in the town. So, What makes you think I'm free?" Hobi questioned.
"Alright Hyung, I get it" Tae said.
"Tae, for you I'm always free. Tell me what it is? I know there is something you want to tell" Hobi said.

Taehyung didn't know how to approach Hobi. All he wanted was Some suggestions to take Jiya for outing.

"Hyung, yesterday I came to your cafe  with a girl. Do you remember?" Tae asked.
"Of course. How Can I forget it? I never thought I'll be seeing you with a girl" Hobi said.
"Come on Hyung, why would you think like that? " Tae asked astoundingly .
"You know the reason better than me. Do you want me to remind you?" Hobi asked.

Taehyung's smile gradually reduced and he became quite serious.

"I am sorry Tae. I'm really sorry" Hobi apologized.
"No Hyung, that's okay" Tae said.
"Are you sure? "
"Of course Hyung,I'm alright. Anyways, I came here to take some suggestion from you" Tae said.
"From me? Suggestion? For what? " Hobi asked.
"I'm planning to take Jiya for an outing and I seriously don't know any places around" Tae said.
" Whoa! You are going on a date " Hobi said with excitement.
"You can say that Hyung. But we both haven't got there yet" Tae said.
"You will Tae. You both will get there. Very soon" Hobi assured.
"Fine. Suggest me a wonderful place then. By being there, she should feel that it's the best day of her life. And, she should get to know how much I care for her" Tae said.
"Let me see" He said and started to search for some places " Do you want to have something? " Hobi asked.

After hours  of searching, finally they got one amazing place.

"I think this will do" Tae said with excitement. "I'll call Jiya and ask her to take holiday"
"Yeah. You better inform her soon" Hobi said.
"Thanks Hyung" Tae said and went to call Jiya.

Jiya: "Hello"
Tae: "Hey"
Jiya: "Tell me"
Tae: "When are you getting your leave"
Jiya: "How about day after tomorrow?"
Tae: "Okay, Thank you so much for agreeing for what I said"
Jiya: "Taehyung-shii, no need to thank me for that. We both agreed on that. So, tell me where are we going?"
Tae: "Patience Jiya-shii. I don't want to ruin the surprise.I'm going to take you there and you can find it out yourself".
Jiya: "It's just one day outing right?"
Tae: "Do you want to extend it for some more days?"
Jiya: "We'll start with one day for now"
Tae: "That means you want to go for more outings with me?"
Jiya: "Maybe"
Tae: "I would be happy to take you to any part of the world. If you are willing to come with me"
Jiya: "Oh! Then I'll think about it. Atleast give me some hint"
Tae: "I'll meet you tomorrow and brief about it"
Jiya: "Come on, tell me already. Don't make me wait like this. After all I'm just asking for some hints"
Tae: "Good night for now . See you soon"
Jiya: "Seriously! You are not going to tell anything? "
Tae: "I will. But, tomorrow.. So, rest now"
Jiya: "Fine. Good night"
Tae: " Take care "

Like this we ended the call.

"Hobi Hyuuung! I'm so excited. I can't wait to go there" Tae Said.
"I know. I can see it all over your face" Hobi said and hugged Tae.

"Did you finish talking Jiya? "Mrs.Park asked me.
" Yeah, I guess so" I said.
" Look at you, blushing. So, where you both are going ? "Mrs.Park asked.
" He didn't tell me the place, It's a surprise. That's what he said "
" Oh! Anyway, I know you are a grownup and can quite handle things" Mrs. Park said.
" Hmm" I nodded.
" Have a wonderful time with him and make sure to make lots and lots of memories. "
" Thank you eomma. Thank you so much for always supporting me "I said.

Mrs. Park asked me to stay for the dinner. After which we chatted for sometimes and then I returned back to my place.

Next day

I finished all my classes and even gave an application for two days leave. Just in case if we planned to extend our one day outing. If not, just to take a day off.

Meanwhile, I was waiting for Taehyung's text or call. Anything. Sadly, I didn't receive any. It was already evening and he didn't even give me any hint about the place and I was dying to talk to him. Suddenly I noticed a kid running towards the gate .

"Kim Ara, why you running you might fall. Go slow" I said as I saw her running.
"seonsaeng-nim, I saw my  uncle he is over there" She pointed to someone who was entering the school.

I was happy the moment she mentioned about her uncle. I was eagerly waiting to see him.

And, with excitement I asked " Oh! Where is he? Do you see him" I asked.
"See he is entering from the gate. Once he sees me, he'll come inside to take me home " Ara said with excitement.

We Both saw a man  who was tall and fit. And, by the appearance we both assumed it as Taehyung. But, it was his brother, Ara's father. Kim Seokjin.

It made little Ara happy and I felt kinda heartbroken because it was not Taehyung.

" Appa, I  thought you as samchon. He told he was coming to pick me up" Ara said.
" He has got some work to do, you Will meet him while having dinner " Jin said.

I was about to bid bye for both of them. Suddenly Jin approached me and asked
"It's Jiya right? I'm Taehyung's brother".
"Hello, nice to meet you" I greeted him.
"Tae would be meeting you in few minutes. He just asked me to tell you this. He is struck with some work " Jin said.
"Thank you sir" I said.
"Ok then, I'll get going now. Come Ara" He said and Ara waved Bye to me.

I went inside the staffroom and packed my bag to go home. Nearby the gate I met a person with familiar voice who said "Ready for tomorrow? "

I was startled for a second and looked up to see who it was. And, for my surprise it was none other than Taehyung himself. My lips widened up and I was smiling unconsciously.
I came back to my  senses and told "Oh! I heard someone was busy. "
"Oh! Really? Who is that? " He asked in a playful way.
"Come on. I still need to know where we are going and I haven't packed anything for tomorrow. So, you better spill the tea. " I said in a demanding way.
"No need to pack anything. We are not going away for months. I have taken care of everything. All I need is you. So that we can get to know each other's better" Tae said.
"If you say so. Fine, I'll get going now. Then tomorrow where should I meet you?" I asked.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow, early in the morning. Don't worry about that " Tae said.
And, I was about to say something but, Tae Interrupted by saying "I'll walk you to home"  and we both went together to my home.

Hello Armies ⟬⟭😃,

There is a continuation of this part. And, you all call this part as 'Outing- Planning' and the other one as 'Outing- Execution'.

Stay tuned.

(Double update today. Don't forget to check the other part)


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