20.The Dance Class

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It's been five months already and things were going really slow for me. Tae was somewhere very far. Mrs. Park, Jimin, Ga-eun even Hobi oppa tried their best to  make me not to miss Taehyung. Nothing in the world would stop me from missing him. It felt like a part of me was gone. I always longed for my Tae.
Just to keep myself busy I joined for Jimin's dance class. I enjoyed his way of teaching. He had separate batches for everyone starting from children, to teenagers and Adults. Within a short period of time it became one of the most popular Dance Academy in Seoul. When I told Ga-eun about the classes even she joined and we both together burned some calories and stress.

We both were returning from our dance class. Today we had a new dance routine. Jimin had got a few sponsors whose children's were learning dance from his academy. As they were from influential background they wanted to show off their children's dancing skills. So, they wanted to put up a show and they were ready to sponsor for the whole show. Jimin thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to showcase his Dance Academy and he accepted the offer as this is the 1st ever show he'll be giving it  to the public.

He didn't want to host this dance show just for their children. So, he agreed only on one condition that he wanted his present students to be a part of the show.
So, the sponsors were really happy about it and they told they would take care of everything. Like the venue, Arrangements, costumes, food for the students etc. So, Jimin didn't have to worry about anything except preparing his students for the show. And so, our dance routine changed. We all were excited about the news. The count down has began and we had 60days to be exact.

Jimin had totally 5 batches. One in the early morning. Then around 11am and 2pm, these two batches were mostly for the Homemakers. One at 5pm it was filled with school kids and last batch was at 7pm.

Ga-Eun and I had joined for the last batch which usually ended by 8pm or 8:30pm. As it was the perfect time after school for us.

"Guys, please concentrate. This is my first ever show and we need to execute it perfectly" Jimin said.

"Jimini oppa, the choreography is really difficult. I am already tired and I want to go home" A little girl who was in our team said.

"Ji-Haeyaa, I know it's difficult for you. But, you are my little star. You are going to rock the stage. So, you need to practice now. Don't worry, I'll send you home as soon as you finish this. Aaraso?"

"Jimini oppa, I will do the best dance ever. You just wait, you are going to be proud of me" Ji-Hae, the little girl said and we all cooed at her cute words.

"Everyone, come back. It's practice time. If you all give me the best performance I'll allow you all to go home" Jimin shouted and we all got ready to dance.

After seeing our dance performance for the 4th time and all our exhausted face. Jimin said "Alright everyone, we'll stop for today. I don't want to be rude or something. But, you all have to still improve a lot. This didn't reach my expectations. I still have hope in you all. Please put little more efforts. This is our first ever show, I don't want you all to disappoint me. So, please work hard. Let's meet tomorrow and I don't want anyone to miss classes from tomorrow. We only have 59 days left"

"No, oppa we still have 60days left" The little munchkin of our group Ji Hae said.

"We are wrapping up for the day, and that makes only 59days Ji Haeyaa" Jimin said. "From tomorrow, I want you all to stay for extra classes as I need some of you all to practice for solo performance also"

Everyone was shocked. We never thought we would be given solo performances.

"Jimin. Solo Performances? Don't you think it's too early for us. Some of us joined like a month back. You are putting too much on our shoulder" One of the member of our dance troupe said.

"Even I know most of you all joined a month back. I'm not going to make everyone to do a solo. From tomorrow, I'll start with my selection process. And, also we don't have slots for everyone's solo performances. I'll select few and adjust with the time slots. I hope I made myself clear to everyone. We shall meet tomorrow. Class dispersed"

Finally we all were able get back home for the much awaited resting session.
Ga-eun and I thought to do some groceries shopping on our way back.

"Jiya- ah How is Tae oppa did you get to talk to him?" Ga-eun asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah. We did talk like 5 days back. After that I didn't get any call from him" I said.

"Why you waiting for him to call you. Can't you make a cal--" Before she could complete her sentence. I shoved my phone in front of her face.

"Did you see? I did call him keeping his schedules in my mind. I don't know when he gets free time and all. Tried calling him based on the time pattern he used to call. But, there is no response from him" I told her with a heavy heart.

"Sorry Jiya-ah. I hope he calls you as soon as possible"

"Thank you Ga-eun. I'm hoping for the same" I said with a sad smile.

We continued our shopping and we were about to say our good-byes.
Suddenly, my phone started to ring and I was about to answer it.

"Don't just answer without seeing the caller ID. See who it is"
I rolled my eyes for her silly sentence and did as she said.
I was shocked and saw her . She asked who it was and I showed her the caller ID.


Hey Armies,
Sorry for making you all wait so much. It wasn't my intention to make you all wait. 🙏

I was caught up with some work and I couldn't think of anything to write. But, don't worry. I'm back. I'll try to update it regularly from now on😇

How are you all? How is everything going in life?

Did you all see 'Seven by Jungkook'?
My God🙀 I was so shocked when listened both the version😅

I got myself 'Beyond the Story'

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