8. The outing-2

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Day of Outing.

Tae came early in the morning. Like he came around 5:30Am. Thank God I was up and ready already. I was just making sure I have packed everything.

Even though he had told me not to worry about anything. I couldn't stop myself from packing few essentials.

He saw all the stuff and was laughing uncontrollably. He made me to leave behind 80% of my packings.

We both left our place around 6:30Am.It was a chaotic ride where Tae was teasing me for packing unwanted things and I was defending myself by pointing lack of information provided by Tae. After 3 hours of driving we arrived to a place which was isolated from city.
It was peaceful and a Serene place.

"Do you want to stay inside the car or do you like to come and explore this place with me? " Tae asked.
"Of course, I want to explore this place" I said and got off the car.

It was one heck of a beautiful place. This place was nothing like I had seen before. Tae dragged me along with him to the front desk from where he got two different room keys. He handed over one to me and we made our way to our respective rooms.

"Right, now take some rest and we Both shall meet here by 10am and have breakfast" Tae said.
"Yeah sure" I said and went inside the room.

The room was very spacious and there was a king size bed. And, two members could comfortably sleep on that huge bed. Inside the Washroom all the essentials were already placed. I got freshen up and started to explore the room. Taehyung texted me to come out of the room. I went out and met him. Soon, we went towards the restaurant and ordered for some light breakfast. Which arrived in few minutes. After filling our stomach we both got ready to explore the day.

"What is this place? How did you get to know about this?" I asked Tae with curiousity.
"This is Hope World" Tae said and continued "You remember Hobi Hyung. the cafe owner, this place belongs to his dad."

I was Awe struck to hear that and it took me few seconds to digest the sudden information I got. Tae saw sudden change in my expression and said

"Yeah, he is filthy rich. I don't know how big this place is. It's one of the most visited resorts by many officials and we have to book this place 3weeks in advance"
"Oh! Then I guess it's Hobi oppa's magic. which is why you didn't need to make any prior bookings" I said.
"Exactly! And, this place has so many  new things to try. You won't even get bored. But, you will get tired" Tae said.
"I don't care about that. I want to explore each and every corner of this place" I said with excitement.
"I don't think you can do all that in a day. Still,Why not give it a try? Shall we start our little adventure then?"Tae asked .
" Yes please" I said and we Both went to explore our day.

At first we just wanted to warm up and we started with fruits picking from the resorts orchard. Trust me, they had varieties of fruits and the best part was we could take whatever we plucked. We both started with Tangerine, then apple and so on. It was one big orchard. I wanted to get some grapes and so I called Tae. He was nowhere to be found. I panicked for a second and saw him later. He was busy plucking some fresh and red strawberries and his whole basket was filled with those. Without making any sound I approached him and asked.
"So, you like strawberries? "
Without even giving me a glance and while plucking them Tae said "Yeah, they are my favorite. Strawberries  dipped in chocolate sauce. It is the most amazing combination."
"Wow, then let me also grab some " I said and started to get some more for me also.
"Do u like strawberries? " Tae asked.
"What has strawberries ever done to me to hate them? " I asked with a chuckel.

Tae gave me a small grin and said "Then let me help you to pick some sweet strawberries ".
"This is new. I didn't know you could tell that just by seeing".
There was a proud smirk on Tae's face while he said "That is one of my super powers."

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