12. After the Storm

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"Someone is in desperate need of punishment" He said with his deep voice. Which felt deeper than the blue ocean

He grabbed my wrist and made me to leave the cafe. And asked me to get inside his car. Once we got inside, he started the engine and rode his car without even bidding bye to his friends. The ride back home was silent. I felt it would be better if I kept quite. We reached sooner than expected.

Once the car stopped in front of my apparement.I asked him to come in. He didn't respond I waited and then after several pleadings he agreed to go inside with me and we got off the car.

I knew he was still angry with me. But, I couldn't do anything. Even after getting inside he didn't utter a word. He just sat on the couch. I didn't like this silence, it was freaking me out. I couldn't take it anymore. So, I decided to apologize to him. Hence, I went and sat next to him.

"Look Tae, I'm sorry. I know I should have left when you asked me to leave. Hobi oppa was so friendl-"

I couldn't complete what I wanted to tell as I felt a pair of soft lips crash with mine. I got froze and I couldn't even move my lips. I didn't know what got into me. This made Tae even more angry. So, he bit my lower lips and there I was back to reality. I didn't deny his kiss. I started to kiss him back. Even though it started with anger, it turned into a passionate kiss. He started to push me back on to the couch without breaking the kiss. Soon he ended hovering over me. This kiss was so different from our usual kiss. It had love, anger, care, hunger and what not?

We both stopped for a while and connected our foreheads as we both ran out of oxygen. Tae was breathing heavily and so was I. Our eyes met. Tae opened his mouth to tell something. But, I was quick in connecting our lips back. This time I initiated the kiss. Tae was still above me. His one hand was beside my head as he didn't want to put all his weight on me and the other was holding me by my waist. And, my one hand was on his chest and the other was around his neck. We were kissing as if there is no tomorrow. We both were fighting for dominance. Tae nibbled on my lower lip, which made me to gasp and he took this opportunity to enter into me . The kiss got more deeper and i could feel soft muscle exploring my mouth. It was one awesome feel and I was loosing myself to him. All of a sudden Tae stopped kissing and started to stare into my eyes. I didn't know why he was looking at me like that. I could feel my cheeks warm up and slight pink blush forming. I was trying to hide my face by turning to a side and breaking our small staring game.

"Stop staring at me" I said as I broke our eye contact.
"Why should I?" Tae said with a smirk.

I don't know how he was managing to hover upon me for so long. I tried pushing him to sit. Tae ended our make out by giving a small peck on my lips. I got up and fixed my hair and Top as I sat next to him.

We both didn't speak a word. My whole appartment was filled with silence. Except for the ticking of the clock . Both of us were processing what just happened and we both said "I'm sorry" In unison. We both turned to look each other and a small grin could be seen on our face.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't control" Tae said.
I knew he was talking about how he reacted in Hobi's cafe.
"I'm sorry too. I should have listened to you" I said and asked "why did you drag me out with so much anger? "
"I don't know what got into me. Possessiveness took over me and I felt like you were ignoring me" Tae confessed as he lowered his head and trying to avoid my gaze.

I sat on the teapoy which was in front of the couch as I held his cheeks and made him to look at me.
"Ignore? Why would I do that? I would never ignore you for anyone" I said and I could see a small grin on his face.
"Why did you even think like that?"
"Sometimes, my insecurities get the best of me" Tae said with a sad smile.
"It's okay Tae. Don't be so insecure about me. I won't ignore or leave you so easily" I said.
"You know that I like you right?"
I smiled and nodded.
"You know after a long time. I started to feel like this. It wasn't easy for me" Tae said .

I listened to what he was telling without interrupting him. I understood that Tae was speaking out his heart. I was not even sure whether he was ready to share his past or not. The moment he said after a long time made me feel that he was in a relationship previously and for some reason it ended. Call me selfish.But,I wanted to know more.

"Tae it's okay" I said and questioned "can I ask you something? "
Tae nodded. But, I was scared to ask him. I was hesitating to ask. Tae saw my state and said as he held my hand "it's okay. Don't hesitate to ask"

I didn't know I was bowing down to him until he spoke. I lifted my head and with great difficult I finally asked him
"Have you ever been in a relationship?"

Tae didn't utter a word and I regretted asking him that question.

"It's okay Tae. You don't have to say it now. Take your time" I said as I got up from my seat and was about to walk away from him.

What he did next froze me for the second time in one evening. He pulled me by my waist and back hugged me.
He put his head on my shoulder and I guess it relaxed him.Then he whispered "I'll tell you. Because,you deserve to know everything" into my ears.


I tried my best to write that romantic make out seen 🙈.. I'm sorry if it was not for your expectation..

Wow!!Tae is so possessive.. You all like Angry Tae👿 Or calm Tae ☺??

So, what do you think. Did he have any relationship?
What are your thoughts.. ??

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