2.The Meeting

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( a/n : I have tried my best to avoid grammatical mistakes. If u find any,I'm sorry about that ..enjoy the story 😊)

I came to school bit earlier than my usual time. I sat on my table and I was peacefully having my breakfast. When a high pitched voice Interrupted me from having it, I stared at the entrance of our staff room to see who was that.

It was none other than my over dramatic best friend and my colleague Ga-Eun.

With a suspicious look she asked "How come you came so early today? You always come in time to school".

I said " I woke up early and didn't have much work to do. So, I came bit early to school today ".

Her eyes fell on my neck and with concern she asked " Why there is a plaster on ur neck? " And, she started to tease me by saying " I think there is something you are trying to hide from me Jiya, tell me what it is? Who gave that to you? I want complete story".

"A thief who was trying to escape from the Police gave it to me" I said while I finished my breakfast.

I saw her facial expression change from excited to bit of confused and shocked at the same time. She asked "What are you saying? What thief? What Police"? . She got all serious and asked "Tell me what exactly happened? "

I told her the whole incident which took place and how I got into the whole mess with Mrs. Park and how a complete stranger helped me.

she said "Your incident looks like, as if it is straight of out some K-drama. Did you ask his contact number? When will you meet him again?she added. At this moment I realized I didn't know anything about the person who saved my life except for his name. I told her this and suddenly she lashed out on me by saying " Yaah!! How could you not ask his contact number?? How will you ever repay him?? That man risked his precious life to save yours and you sent him back just by saying gamsahabnida". She again said "This is not how u thank someone for saving ur life. Find him and at least take him out for a coffee". Bell rang . She said "I'll catch up with you after the class " and went to class. Even I also went to engage my class.
I was thinking about what Ga-Eun told and whole day it kept my mind occupied.
It was after school hours and I was about to go back home , when my eyes fell on this little girl who was sitting alone in front of her class room.
I went to her and asked "gwaenchanh -yo?? what is your name"?she said "Kim Ara" That cute little girl was at the verge of crying when I approached her .And, she held my hand and started to cry as she was alone and scared.

I said " it's okay, I'll be with you till your parents come " And she felt little safe with me .

I saw a similar figure approaching from a distance and to my surprise it was none other than "Kim Taehyung" himself . He saw me and said "Hi" Even I said "Hi". At this very moment hundreds of question started to arise in my head as he came to pick up that little girl.

" Samchon" the little girl said as she ran towards him. I was little relieved. He gave her a peck on her cheeks and turned to talk to me. He asked "How are you? I didn't think that we will be meeting so soon". I gave him a simple smile and said " I'm alright and I'm sorry, coz I couldn't thank you properly ". He said " There is no need to thank me. Anyone who was in my place would have done the same thing". I Smiled again and said "But, still I need to thank you". Then he got little playful and said " Fine! Thank me then. I'll accept it " . I didn't know what to say so I said "okay. Would you like to have coffee with me sometime, are you free tomorrow? "
He said "I'm totally free and yeah sure I'll have coffee with you". My face lit up when he said yes and I said "Okay then we'll catch up tomorrow" And as I was about to leave then he said "gidalyeo, you never told me what's your name is. How will I call you when I see you tomorrow? And you didn't even tell me where we are going to have our coffee". I giggled at my self and said "Sorry, I'm Jiya, nice to meet you. Mr. Kim Taehyung" Without thinking any further I said "I'll send you the location". He said "Yeah. I'll get the telepathic message from Jiya-shii to meet her tomorrow " In a teasing way. I put my hand on my forehead and laughed at my own stupidity. He asked "Give me your phone I'll enter my number , so that you can send me the location" Then I handed him my phone to get his number .

He returned my phone and said " Ara, say bye to your teacher ". And, then he looked up at me and said " I'll be waiting for your message" and gave his iconic Smile . Even I smiled back at him and bid bye for both of them.


In the next part we are going to witness something beautiful between Tae and Jiya😄😃

Hello Armies👋🏼
I hope you all liked this part. ☺

'Ga-Eun' and 'Kim Ara' are some random names. It is not related to anyone.

Plz show some love to this story.. If u like it recommend to your friends and other armies too.. 😇


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