14. Actions have consequences.

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"So, Bunny Boy ha? How he got that name?" I asked Tae.
"Well..he had this cute smile, which resembles a little bunny and hence he got that name" Tae said as he remembered his friend.

I smiled and asked "What is he doing now?"
"He is a renowned photographer. He travels a lot. He is so unique. Not because he sees the world through his lens. But, he sees that life, which no one ever imagined about"
"Well, He seems to be a very interesting person" I said and asked "What did Jimin know about you? "

Tae just stared at me and said "I thought you would be more interested to know about Soo-Yoona"
"Oh! I am. I know you would eventually get there. But, at the same time I'm afraid I'm going to miss out on something very important than that. "
"You know, apart from Jimini and Jin hyung no one knows about it"
"Anyway, you started it. Why not let one more person know about it ?" I said with a smile.

[A/n : Taehyung's POV]

I had everything I ever wanted. My dad was one of the biggest business tycoon of South Korea. He was a loving father and also a strict one. He was the most dignified and honoured person in the society. He would never compromise his prestige and pride for anything.

It was the beginning of the last year of graduation. There was this one party at the club. I was kinda wild child back then. I was not allowed to go to there as I was under age. So, for the very first time I used my father's name and power. Just by telling his name I was allowed inside and I didn't know the consequences.

I was completely wasted. I enjoyed the whole party. But, at what cost? If I knew it, I would have never taken advantage of my father's name. The owner of the club got to know about my presence and he wanted to take advantage of this situation for his own gain. Without my concent he took some photos and videos of me enjoying with my friends and he directly sent it to my dad and demanded for a ransom amount.

My dad knew what would happen if he denied it. So, he paid the money and came to take me back home and in his wildest dreams he would have never imagined seeing me in that state. He took me back home. And, waited for me to come back to my senses.

My head was hurting like hell. I woke up with a small groan. I was greeted by Jin- Hyung. "Hyung? Why my head hurts? " I asked him.
"Tae, you fucked up really bad this time. Why did you use dad's name to go in? "

Then I realized what had happened and asked him " Why? What happened? "
"You know that you are underaged to go to such places. Right? " Jin asked.
"Yeah?" I asked it as a question more than answering him.

I was sure something was not right by the tone Jin was talking. Then he explained everything. How dad had to pay money to destroy all the evidences. I was completely shattered knowing I was the reason for all this mess.

"Tae, he is waiting downstairs. Go and talk to him. I have class now. I'll be going and see you later" With this jin hyung left me all alone to face my dad.

I got up even though I didn't want to. I freshen up and went downstairs to see my Dad. My parents were having their breakfast. I sat across him and entire place was filled with silence. One of our maid gave me my breakfast and I was about to take a bite, suddenly I heard my dad say
"Eat nicely, this would be the last breakfast you will be ever having with us"

My mom and I, we both got startled by what he said and looked at my dad with confusion.

"What are you saying? " I heard my mom ask him with anger.
"Do you think I would allow him to be here after what he did? "
"Are you out of your mind? He is our son. How can you say like that? "

My parents started to quarrel with each other. They never once argued like this. And, it hurts to know that it all started because of me. I didn't want to take it anymore so I interrupted them

"Dad, I'm sorry. I know I should have not used your na--"
"What's the use? You made me to hung my head in shame"
"I'm really sorry for that dad. I never intended any of this to happen. I didn't know they would call you and-" Again I was cut off
"What happened is happened. I was the one who got humiliated for your actions. Now, I don't want any explanation for that" My dad said.

I saw my mom who was at the verge of crying and I know how my dad puts his self esteem 1st and I knew it's of no use once he make up his mind. I didn't loose hope and tried my best. But, he was too stubborn.

"From today onwards all your allowance will be taken back. You will no longer stay with us. At the moment, I can't forgive you for what you have done. You have to prove your self to me. I have done all the arrangements for you. So, have your breakfast and leave this house as soon as possible" He said and left to his study room. He didn't even spare me a glance .

I couldn't believe what he said. I was sobbing and my mom tried her best to not cry. But, to console me. It was a futile try. We both cried our heart out and i didn't even have my breakfast. I went to my room and crashed on my bed as I was a crying mess. One of the maid knocked on the door and informed that my dad was waiting for me. I understood what she meant. I packed my clothes and took my luggage downstairs. A car was waiting to take me to the Dorm.

"I have completely paid your tution and Dorm fees. This will be the last time I ever pay anything for you. From today you are on your own. Don't make my driver wait too long" These were the last words he said to me.

I looked at him with my pleading puffy eyes. But, all I could see was anger and hurt in his eyes. My mom ran towards me and she cried as she hugged me. She told me to take care and call her. I just nodded and left the place.

Jimin saw me getting out of the car with the luggage and he knew something was not right. The driver gave me the key to my dorm and he left. I opened the key and went inside and locked the door. Within few seconds I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it I saw Jimin .

I couldn't control myself anymore and I cried in his arms. Eventually I told him everything .

Hey Armies, 😃

I'm sorry for this sad chapter🙏🏼.
This was necessary for the story to continue. Please don't hate me. 🥺

There will be better chapters. ☺
And, next chapter might be the last of Tae's flashbacks.
(I know I am extending his flashback for too long. But, I think it's better that way than to give a too long chapters)

Anyways, any guesses about next chapter??
Comment your thoughts


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