10. One Rainy day

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It was weekend and I was getting bored. Like really bored. Tae was out of town with his brother Jin. Ga-Eun was busy with some work. So, I thought of going out for a walk and also thought of buying some things.

I was half way through walk and then spotted the nearby convenient store. I went and bought some vegetables and some other things. After paying the bill I was about to leave the place. At the same time, it started to rain heavily. It was a sudden change in climate and i didn't get my raincoat or umbrella . So, I stayed in the store itself.

I made myself comfortable and took my phone to scrolled over some Instagram posts.

"I don't think this rain will stop now" I heard a familiar voice from behind and so, I turned to confirm who that voice belongs to.

"Yeah. I guess so" I said to Jimin who was in the store.

"Since when you were here?" I asked.
"I came few minutes ago" Jimin said and continued "I came to buy some snacks and cider for tonight". I thought as it was weekend, maybe he had some plans with his friend.

We Both spotted two empty seats and decided to wait there till the rain stops. Then we ended up having some small talks and started to Munch on some snacks which Jimin bought.

"How long do you know Taehyung?" Jimin asked all of a sudden.
I was taken aback. None the less I answered "since few weeks".

"Oh! "

I was not satisfied with his reaction so asked "Why? Is everything alright?"
"Yeah. Totally fine" Jimin said.

To be honest, I got quite relieved by his answer.

"So , anything going on between you two?" Jimin asked curiously.

Jimin and I were just started to get along and I felt he was being too nosey already.

" We both like eachother's. Any problem? "I asked the boy with little bit of Anger.

He understood and he stopped asking about it.

" You see. I don't want him to get hurt" Jimin said with a soft tone.
"I don't get it. Why would I even hurt him?" I asked.
"He is kind of a person who do not get along with other people so easily. He thinks 100times before starting a conversion with someone" Jimin said.

I was listening to all the information provided by Jimin, about Tae without uttering a single word.

Now, I realized, I knew nothing about Tae's past. I knew nothing about his family and also about his Job. Except that he is a Solider, who works in special forces.

At this point, I started to get a weird feeling, slightly different from uncomfortable. I wanted to know more about him.

"So, what are you trying to tell? " I asked Jimin.
"Just don't hurt his feelings. I know how complicated he is. And, trust me you don't want to see that Taehyung" Even though he said it with a calm voice, it felt more like a warning.

"Jimin, I want to knowmorer about Taehyung" I said.
"I don't think I'm the right person to say about him to you" Jimin said right away.
"Why you say so? "
"Look Jiya, I don't know how long it's been since you both started to like eachother's, And, it's not my place to talk about someone's past"

I was bit sad, Jimin could sense it. So, he offered little more snacks to cheer me up. I accepted it with a small smile and started to munch on it.

"Have you ever told him about your past? Why you came to an unknown place far from your family and friends?"

I got slightly panicked thinking he might be knowing About my past.

A simple No was all I could say to him.

"Then how could you expect him to tell about his past?" Jimin asked.
"I never intended to know about him in the first place. It was you who put ideas indirectly into my head"

Jimin got frozen for a moment and I was waiting for him to digest what I just said.

"I didn't put anything into your head. I was just concerned about my friend and I didn't want him to get hurt again and do something reckless" with out thinking Jimin lashed out on me.

Then I understood something really big might have happened to Tae in the past and he did something really bad to himself.

"What exactly happened and what did he do to himself? " I asked with concern.

Jimin was already regretting talking about Tae with me. And, my intrest in the mentioned boy was driving him crazy. All, he wanted was the rain to stop. So, that he can head back home and be free from my questions.

"Okay, all I can spill is just this small piece of information" Jimin said.

And, I was eagerly waiting to know about the past of the boy I like. And, then Jimin started to say

"Something happened to him and that is the reason why he joined the Military. So, that he can isolate himself from everyone"
"You just made it even worse" Jimin laughed at my sentence and said "And you bought this upon yourself".

I sat there in a pout and shot daggers at him.

"Calm down. Give him some time. He will definitely open up about his past. He needs to get complete trust on you" Jimin said.

I agreed with a nod for what he told and said " Fine. I'll wait patiently till that day comes "

And, then we changed the topic and we both talked about my workplace and his dream of open a dance academy and other stuff while waiting for the rain to stop.

Hey Armies 😃,
I almost fell asleep when I wrote this chapter. 😅that's because I was damn sleepy 😬

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