19.An Evening with the Major

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Taehyung's PoV

It's been a week since I left. I guess I made things hard for Jiya. Before I left, I gave her a pretty bracelet. I know that's not enough. I spent that night with her. She prepared some Japchae. It was delicious. Even thought previously we were having little fight about not so important person, we totally forgot about it and we were holding and  enjoying each other's warmth. Just in few weeks I found the most caring and the kindest person who made my days worth living.

I never took a leave for such a long time. Initially I planned it for 3-4 days as Hobi Hyung was being adamant and he wanted me to spend some time with my family and also him. He also wants me to quit my 'Not so easy Job' and help Jin to look after my family business. Who would tell him that I didn't have any part in it?

Few weeks back Jin and I went to visit our parents who moved back to our family house in Daegu. Jin wanted me to sort out all things with Dad. But, I know my dad very well. I was not even allowed inside the house. Even after so many years he didn't change a bit. Mom and Jin was not having it they started to argue with dad and I didn't want to be the reason for breaking the harmony of the house. So, I asked them not to make a big deal out of it and I told them I would stay at Sauna for a day or two.

Now, things are better for me. I don't have any regrets in life for what I did back. I made peace with myself and all thanks to that one person who came in my life as a blessing.

I know I like her and the feelings I have for her is not just some random crush. I wanted to confess everything to her before I left. I did confess it to her when she was in a deep slumber. I bet she can't remember any of it. I'm damn sure about my feelings towards her. I would say that I'll be the luckiest Man on earth if I get to spend my whole life with her. I know it's quite early to catch this strong feeling for someone I knew for just a few weeks. But, this is not just about me. I know how much she adores me and how much I mean to her at the same time. There is a bigger part of me which want her only for myself. I would protect her from every danger that surround her.

We talk every night. I can make out just from her voice how much she misses me. She knows that I'll be too occupied in the morning hence even though it's late night in Korea she'll be up just to talk with me and I couldn't ask for anything more than her in my life.

Currently, its almost evening and I'm on my way to meet our Major. Kim Namjoon aka my joonie hyung. He joined the military force after completion of his mandatory military service. Currently he is a Major. And, I'm on my way to submit our weekly report.

"Dangyeol! Captain.Kim Taehyung reporting".
Namjoon greeted me back and asked for the report. Even though I can send my subordinates to submit the weekly report. I prefer going personally to report it to him. It has been that way since I became captain. In the office he is my superior and outside the office he is my joonie hyung.

After checking the report he gave other duties/tasks that need to be done on the camp site. And, I note down them. After completing our duties. It was time to go back. That means, this was our time. We both cook some Ramen and we catch up with other things going on in our lives
"This time you went MIA for a long time" Says Joonie hyung as he takes some Ramen from his bowl.
"No hyung! Not for long time" I say as I wink at him.
"The famous 'Captain' who never takes his leave was on a leave for almost a month. So, what do you say about this Cap? "
"Hyung, I initially planed it for 3-4 days. But, things happened and I had to extend it" I say as a matter of fact.
"I guess you didn't have any plan of returning soon , if it wasn't for this Mission"
" I think you can say that" I say as I munch on some kimchi.
"Care to explain it? " Namjoon asks by raising his left eyebrow.
"Where to start Hyung? "
"I guess from the scratch"
"Fine. I know you won't let me go back without knowing my reason"
"That is 100% correct" He says.
"Hyung, I met this girl. She is actually Ara's teacher"

Like this I started to explain about the events that happened in the past weeks to my Hyung. I started with that thief because of whom we met, About of little coffee date(for me) in Hobi hyungs cafe, About our outing, encounter with Jimin and everything which I remembered at that moment.

"Taehyungaa, I'm so happy for you. Don't let her go. I think she is the one for you." Says Namjoon with a broad smile.
"I'm so happy that you also think the same Hyung" I say showing my unique smile.
"Of course I have never seen you talk about a girl with so much love in your eyes" He says and continues "Last time you talked like this was before confessing your love to that girl from our school. I still remember that night, You came to us and told about a girl from your class who got selected in some idol audition and we all thought it was just a crush it will pass on soon. After that you didn't tell anything and we thought everything was good"

That was a flash back which Joonie Hyung remembers. He doesn't know anything that happened after I confessed. I am glad that Jimin didn't tell a word about that day to my Hyungs.

"Hyung, about that. She never accepted me. She wanted me just to showoff"

And I thought, it's was better to tell this hyung who was there with me, who supported me in all my endeavours and still has my back even after so many years. So, I made my mind and told him everything. To say he was in shock was understatement. He was devastated after listening to that story. And, that made me realize I kept a big secret from my well wishers and it also made me feel like I was lying to them this whole time. So, just like Joonie Hyung got to know, I'll tell all my Hyungs about what really happened that day.

Hey lovely Armies💜

After a long time I wrote this chapter. I wanted to publish this Chapter on Joonie's Bday. But, I was caught up with other work and now I'm posting this chapter. I haven't proof read it.
So, if there is any mistake. I apologize to you.

Anyway. Tell me your opinion on this chapter.
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