4.The coffee House

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As Tae opened his Phone he read a message which was from Jiya.
Jiya: Hello, Jiya here.

"Hyung, she sent a message" Tae said with excitement."Its been a while since I felt something like this for someone. I thought I would never get feelings like this again" Tae said .
"Time heals everything Tae. You just have to wait for things to fall into place" Jin said as he got up . "I won't be here to bother you for long . I'll get going now" Said Jin and he went back to his room.

Tae waited for a while before replying back to Jiya's text. As he didn't want her to think that he was waiting for her text.

Tae: Hello.

                                       Jiya: Hope, I'm not disturbing you at this time.

Tae: No. Not all. 
                                     Jiya: Fine then. I just texted to tell you the location.

Tae: OK. Where are we going tomorrow?

                                      Jiya: There is this place called as "Mocha cafe". And, people say it's cool and comfy. I always thought of going there.What do you say?

Tae: Sounds good. So, it's fixed. What time you say?
                                     Jiya: How about we go there by evening around 6pm?

Tae: Any time is fine with me.

                                      Jiya: OK then, it's Mocha cafe . Tomorrow evening around 6.

Tae: Yeah.
                                      Jiya: Fine. We shall meet there tomorrow. Good night.

Tae: Good night.

Even though Tae wanted to continue the conversation he resisted it as he didn't want to rush things and he also didn't know how Jiya felt about him.

Next day

I had called Ga-Eun to come over so that, she could help me to get ready for the evening.

"Do u think this is good? No. This looks way too grand" I said as I was trying on some of my outfits . "I know you are excited and, you want to look attractive and beautiful at the same time" said Ga-Eun as she picked up some dress and handed to me. "I wouldn't deny it. But, It's just that I don't want to get overdressed" I said. She gave me a jumpsuit and asked "why don't you wear this jumpsuit with those Stilettos? "I took it to give a try.

After an hour of trying bunch of dresses I gave up on finding the perfect dress for the evening.

"Ga-Eun, I give up my quest on finding the perfect outfit. I'll wear what ever you give me" I said as I was frustrated.
"Try this elevated white top on blue jeans, it's a deadly combination though. I think this will work" Said Ga-Eun

I tried them and felt comfortable. And, I went to her for final approval of my outfit.
"What do you think? " I asked as I was pleased with that dress.
With a proud look "I told you this is a deadly combination. Now, wear some light makeup and keep the natural look " Ga-Eun said.
"So, you met that guy again and you asked him for coffee. Don't you think it's kinda like a coffee date? " Ga-Eun questioned.
"Maybe. But, I think I asked him to express my gratitude" I said.
"What ever I Will consider this as date " Ga-Eun said and I smirked at her.

At Mocha cafe.

Taehyung had already arrived at the venue and he was waiting for me. The whole place was lit. The interior design of the cafe was amazing and it looked really warm and cosy. I came to the cafe and saw Taehyung, who was already inside the cafe. He looked so stunning.

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