3.The Two Brothers

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On their way home little Ara asked "Samchon, why did you come so late to pick me up?". Looking at her Tae replied "Hmm it's a surprise . You will get to know when we reach home" ."You know I was so scared and I was alone" Ara started to complain with a pout. "Why? What happened? Where did your friends go? Tae responded to Ara. With a sad face she said "I don't have any friends". Suddenly, Tae stopped walking and bent to Ara's height and told her " Don't worry sweetie ,you will get lots and lots of friends in future. And, No matter what, Samchon is always there for you". Tae's words touched Ara and it made her hug her Samchon. "Now give me one big kiss if you want ice-cream" He asked as he pointed his fingers to his cheeks.

They stopped by the convenience store and Tae bought choco ice cream for both of them and left.

"So,tell me Ara ,What else happened in school today " Tae asked as he took a bite of his ice cream. "I felt safe when Jiya seonsaengnim came to me when I was alone"Ara said .

Tae's face lit up as soon as Ara mentioned about Jiya. And, a warm smile appeared on his face .

"Samchon, why you smiling? " Ara asked with curiosity. Tae pinched Ara's nose and said "it's because I'm having ice cream with my dear Ara after a long time". Ara got a suspicious but, then she didn't ask anything much. " Tell me Ara, Do you like Jiya seonsaengnim? Tae asked her. "I like her. She is very friendly with all my classmates" Ara replied instantly. And, Tae felt happy after listening to Ara.

In Taehyung's house.

(A/n: Taehyung has a elder brother, father of Ara and he looks after his family business. His wife works in a company . Usually ,Ara will be picked up by Tae's brother or by his assistant)

Both of them reached home and a voice from inside shouted. "Ara, go fresh up yourself before putting your hands inside the cookie jar".
" Today I'm not going to eat any cookies Appa". Ara told as she sat on the couch.
The man rushed to see what's going on and suddenly, why his sweet daughter didn't want any of her favourite cookies was something which bothered him at that moment.
Two humans were resting on the couch and smiling at him as he saw them.
"Yaah Taehyunga, when did you come ? " The man asked with a surprise face as he hugged Tae. "Jin Hyung, I came yesterday, I met Hobi we went for a drink and it was quite late so I stayed with him last night".Tae replied.
"Nari would be so glad to see you, wait for her to get home" Jin said and he was so happy to see his beloved brother after a very long time.
He turned towards Ara and asked her very softly "why my little angel doesn't want any cookies, you never miss them".
"Samchon got me choco ice cream while coming back from school " Ara told to her dad. " Yaah! Why did you get her ice cream ? What if she catches cold? "Jin started to whine at Tae. " Relax Hyung, she is a strong girl". Tae said as he went to take something from his bag.
"Ara baby, take this Teddy bear I was buying this for you ,that's why it became late. I even thought your father might have got you home. Still, I came to your school. I'm Glad I came to pick you up". He said as he handed over the Teddy to Ara.
" Why did you get her all these. She already has plenty of toys" Jin said. "Hyung,If not for her Samchon, who else will get her all these things. She is not just yours and Nari's angel. She is my angel too" Tae said as he saw Ara play with it.
Tae was sitting on his bed and was constantly checking at his phone as he was eagerly waiting for something.

Jin came to Tae's room and they both started to talk about their day to day life.
"Taehyunga, how was your last Mission? I know all those things are secret and you are not supposed to discuss about it with others, except your team or group what ever you call them" Said Jin.
"Relax, Hyung ,everything went well and look at me ,I'm in my flesh and blood standing right in front of you" Tae said as he stood up to show him.
Jin pulled him to make him sit and said "It's a dangerous job, why don't you just find other job than that? Even better ,let us both look after our company" Jin suggested. "Hyung, if I wanted to be in our company, I would have been there very long ago itself. I'm happy with my job" Tae said and started to check his phone.
"What is it? Why you checking your phone constantly? " Jin asked as he got little annoyed. "Nothing, hyung "Tae said and continued to do the same.

Jin thought of leaving the room as Tae was busy with his phone. Suddenly, Tae said " Hyung, I wanted to tell you something. I met a girl " .
"Jinja-yo? Who is that? Jin asked.
"The day I came back, I was out with Hobi, we went to buy some drinks and I saw a man holding a knife to this girl's throat. She became unconscious and collapsed. The moment I saw this, I couldn't resist myself from helping her".
" Ooh! Then what happened?"Jin asked eagerly.
"And without harming her ,I Proceeded to hit that man from behind. As the police were chasing him it got easier to hand him over to them. " Tae told about the incident which took place.
"Later, I helped to take her to Emergency Center. I couldn't stop myself from helping her. The moment I saw her there was this strange feeling within me which felt so good. And, I wanted to make sure that if she was alright. So, I stayed there till she gained her consciousness and still I don't understand why, I was so worried about her" Said Tae.
"nae dongsaeng, I think you have fallen for this girl "said Jin as he patted on Tae's shoulder.

Both of them were submerged in the moment and a " Message" popped up on Tae's Phone and he took it to see who it was from.
His eyes got brighten up as he read the text message "Hello, Jiya here".


Hello Armies😃,
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

I have introduced Jin as Tae's brother and J-hope (Hobi) as Tae's friend.
And, again Nari is just a random name.
I'll try to introduce other members as well in future chapters. I may even give an OT7 chapter (not sure about this).

And, this chapter is completely Tae's POV. You will get to see Tae-Jiya moment in coming chapters.


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