Chapter 8 - Dabi's POV

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hey guysssssss


I snuggle further under the covers, feeling warm and content. There's someone next to me too, I think, but I can't even open my eyelids I'm so exhausted. Instead I hug him, thinking it's Hawks. He's really soft too.

If only I could stay like this forever…

I open my eyes, and am greeted by Endeavors face. I'm so shocked I jump backwards and collapse off the bed in a heap.

Kyaaaaaaa! I mean…ugh, shit!”
Did I really just shout “Kya?” At least Hawks didn't hear.
And wait. No. It's not really Endeavor, it's just his stupid face on Hawks's blanket; and his “body” was just a few pillows. Hold on a minute, I'm in Hawks bed? That must be why it smells so nice.

I'm hungry. Hopefully Hawks has ordered another unhealthy breakfast. They're the best.
I grunt as I lazily push myself up off the bed and open the door of the bedroom, scratching my stomach and yawning but then stop in my tracks.
I can hear Hawks talking to someone and he sounds…stressed. Maybe I should go see who it is. It could be Shigaraki. I walk along the hall and before I can stop to think about my impulsive actions I've stuck my head round the wall that leads into the living room and who do I see? Endeavor.

He was talking to Hawks, speaking quietly but with importance in his voice, but as soon as he spots me, he stands up, the flames on his head going up with a crackling poof.



None of us moves except for Hawks whose eyes are darting between the two of us.
Then Endeavor takes one step forward and that's when I dash back into the bedroom, locking the door behind me and panicking for a place to hide since I can't jump out of the window and I don't want to be discovered.

Is there enough space under the bed? There should be. I dive under and bring the blanket over the small gap in between the floor and the bed so that I can't be seen.

I can hear Endeavour slamming doors open one by one and a desperate Hawks telling him to stop. Eventually he comes to Hawks's bedroom and rattles the doorknob.

“Dabi, are you in there?” You could hear his voice from a mile away. Endeavour begins to ram the door and when it finally gives way, I see Hawks is clinging onto Endeavours arm, trying to pull him back. Although Hawks may not be weak, Endeavour is way stronger - from under the bed I watch him roughly yank his arm away from Hawks's hand as easily as if he was swatting a fly.

“Endeavor-san, please stop! I-I can explain! It's not what you think…”

He turns to Hawks and grabs his collar, “Oh really? You've been living with a villan? Is that it?”

Hawks fidgets, “No…”

“Don't lie to me, Hawks. Where. Is. Dabi.”

“I don't know! I'm being honest! He was just...there and now he's gone!” Hawks voice is getting higher by the second.

Endeavour suddenly stops his rage and sighs heavily, letting go of Hawks.

“I thought I could trust you. You were on our side, Hawks.”

“What do you mean? I still am!”

Endeavor only pats Hawks on the shoulder before leaving the room. A few seconds later we hear the front door slam. It should be safe for me to come out now.

“It's alright,” I say from under the bed, “Endeavour may seem to hold a grudge but he does act softer towards you, trust me.”

“DABI??” Asks Hawks in disbelief, eyes widened in fear at the bed.

“Yes, I was under here all along,” I say, crawling out now, “Ouch, I think-”
I stop mid-scentence because I'm unable to move any further.



“I'm fucking stuck.”

“Huh? How so?”

“I don't know. I just can't move anymore.”

I've only managed to get my head and arms out, but the rest of my body is still under. It's very uncomfortable and I panic once again, wriggling around but not getting anywhere.

“Are you…?” Hawks starts but then stops, considering whether he should say it or not,
“Are you claustrophobic, Dabi?”


“No! I just want to get out quick, that's all,” I lie, even though I'm already hyperventilating.

“Oh really?” Hawks stands with his hands on his hips.

“Just shut up help me!”

He mutters an agreement but first fetches something from the next room. When he comes back he has his phone in his hand, and before I can protest, he's already taken a photo.

Of me, Dabi.
The villan.
Stuck under a bed.
Covered with Endeavour blankets.

“I am so never gonna forget this.”


“Well if you really want me to leave you under there…”

“NO! Just please,” I'm suddenly helpless, “Delete that photo.”

“You're soooo vulnerable right now,” says Hawks, sighing.

“No I'm not.”

“You're immobile,” Hawks suddenly pinches my cheeks with his thumb and forefinger like I have done to him so many times before.

Since I can't move my body, this gesture makes a light tint of red spread across my face. I try to hide it by facing downwards but Hawks notices and lifts my face up toward him.

“Heh, never seen you blush before, Dabi.”

“I'm not blushing,” I lie again, averting my eyes from his smug gaze, “Look, just get me out and we can forget all about this.”

Hawks crouches and takes hold of my wrists but the weight of me makes him topple over onto his ass, so he has to get down on his knees to pull me out instead. After a few tries he's already sweating.

“Why are you so heavy?”

“Why are you so weak?”

He grunts and flexes his arms before getting hold of my wrists again. Now I'm scared. He then does a few practice pulls to start off.

“Woah, slow down a bit bud. I don't want to-”

I'm cut off by Hawks doing his last and final giant pull, which brings me flying out from under the bed.

Fuck that hurt.

Ugh, whatever I hit my head on is as hard as rock. I open my eyes and see my face is in Hawks's fucking crotch, but he hasn't noticed yet.
He props himself up on his elbows with his legs spread and murmurs something as he shakes his head.

I wait till he opens his eyes, and that's when I lick the trouser material over his dick.


He shrieks in surprise and scoots backwards, trying to scramble up but falling again, ending up banging his head against the closet door.
This time I tower over him, stamping my boot next to his head - I never take my shoes off inside the house but Hawks doesn't seem to mind, or is just very submissive.

I lean down, smirking.
“Now this is more like it,” I say.

“…Dabi, would you mind moving please?” But I shush him with my finger to his lips.

I'm so gay.

He looks down and then up at me, his innocent eyes questioning my dirty actions.


by the way i don't know if Dabi actually is claustrophobic he probably/obviously isn't but yaknow it's just of ma story ok
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