Chapter 21 - Dabi's POV

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yep back to dabi's pov again.


There you are, I think, as Hawks seems to fall from the ceiling onto me. I bang my head on the tiled floor of the bathrooms but still try to get a hold of his wrists, stopping when he delivers an unmerciful punch to my face.

While I'm clutching my bruised cheek, Hawks plucks out a feather from his back and slices the flesh on my neck. It's like a mental fog has drifted away - my head clears and I finally realize the situation properly.

“Bloody hell, why are you cutting me?!”

“You got carried away,” He answers warily.

I spot the hickeys on his neck.
“Did I do that?”


The world suddenly slows down, and I can hardly bring myself to ask the next question. I can hardly string the words together.

“D-did I…go…inside?” Hawks nods and begins to tremble above me. A tear slides down his cheek.

I stop. Freeze. I push him off me gently and stand up, furrowing my eyebrows and looking grave.

“No, no, no. I didn't…really? I-I couldn't have…”

But Hawks's face removes all doubt.

I raped him.

I really have no self-restraint, do I?

Hawks is left alone in the bathrooms as I walk out.
“Hey, where are you going?”

He follows me back to the dorm room, but I stay unusually quiet.


I pretend not to hear him and don't say another word as I lay down on the floor and pull on Hawks's hoody, because it's colder when you don't have someone next to you.

He doesn't say anything either and after he puts on his trousers he hops into the bed, bringing the covers right up to his neck.
I stay awake much longer than Hawks because there's only one thought on my mind.

What have I done?


“Open up!” Someone knocks loudly and repeatedly at the door, turning into a bang when I don't answer straight away.

“What the…” I begin to say, too tired from lack of sleep to take note of what's going on.

I open the door after unlocking it. Standing there is a burly man in a uniform of some sort.
His eyes widen when he sees me and there's a quick movement where my hands are.
I look down, and I've been handcuffed.

“He's here!” The man peers inside the bedroom and his eyes fall on a sleeping Hawks, “Both of them!” 

This gets my attention.

“What? Who the fuck are you?”

I look out of the room and see who he's shouting to. There's about 30 people outside - some are policemen and members of the HPSC while the rest are young girls. They chatter excitedly amongst themselves at all the commotion. Every door in sight has been opened and then it hits me.

They're doing a search because what happened to U.A's gates. At the most unexpected time too, so that no one has any time to hide.

“Hawks!” I shout, trying to shut the door on the policeman, “Hawks! Wake the hell up! We've been discovered!”

Hawks jerks awake at the volume of my yells and sits bolt upright.

“What?!” Then he sees the policeman and leaps off the bed, immediately grabbing the keys I dropped and slamming the door on him.

“Hey! Open the door this instant! Do not resist or there will be consequences!” He warns from the other side of the door.

“Fuck off!” Hawks shouts at him. Then he turns to me, immediately picking at the handcuffs with a feather but having to stop because after being rammed the door bursts open and I find myself getting Endeavour flashbacks from when I was hiding under the bed.

Someone goes over to tackle Hawks and the burly man grabs my wrists to keep them still while another man puts on those annoying-ass fire resistant gloves.

It's happening all over again.

“NO!” I wrench my hands away from both of them and make for the window, opening it and threatening to jump.

“You don't want to do that,” says the man who put on the gloves, “I've got a taser.”

I glance at Hawks, who's been pinned down with his arms behind his back and his face pressed against the floor. He catches me looking at him and mouths “Don't do it.”

I don't listen to either of them and lift one leg up to the window ledge, testing the guy with the taser.


“SHIT!” A shocking electrical pain takes over me and I limply slump to the floor, paralyzed. It lasts just long enough for them to handcuff my legs together and bring out yet another chain.

“Hey, hey, hey! No need to bring those out,” I try to say, edging further against the wall. They pay no attention and take Hawks and we are both lead down a few flights of stairs, outside.

“Let me GO! Why do you keep putting chains on me anyway?”

“For safety - it's to keep you under control,” says a Commission member.

Keep me under…control.

“No…stop!” I shout, pulling on the handcuffs and chains. I spin around looking for Hawks and see him being taken to a car that's on the other side of the dorms grounds. It looks like he's struggling against the grip a few police have on him.

“Hawks!” I shout louder. He looks around at the sound of my voice.

“Dabi, come on. We don't have time for this.”

“But there's something I need to do!”

“I don't care-”

“HAWKS!” My voice is hoarse.

“Stop this nonsense right now or you'll have to be tasered again.” The HPSC member says this just as Hawks finally sees me too, so I shout again.


I hear him shout something back but can't make out the words.
The man pushes my head down into the back of a car, but I still struggle.

“Wait! Let me see him one last time.”

The man glares at me coldly before answering.



so much can happen in one chapter smh

also i kind if hate this chapter coz its soppy where he's like iM soRrY hAwKs and stuff. like bro.

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